The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: The Ring Of Shadow Merchant - Part 2

He took a look at what monsters he was facing first and found a large horde of goblins rushing towards him.

"Tsk, goblins...?", he rushed towards them while using lightning strike.

The goblins were being roasted by the attack and were being completely annihilated. None of them stood a chance against him since all of them were mere C rank monsters.

But their huge number was a problem. No matter how easy they were to defeat, it would consume him an enormous amount of MP to kill so many of them.

He figured out that the system too wanted this. If he ran out of MP, then he won't be able to use other skills while facing off other beasts.

But since he understood that, he tried to use the least amount of Mp. He relied on the glove that he was wearing whose skills could be used even if one had zero MP.

He had successfully killed a lot of goblins when suddenly he saw some ogres mixed with them.

"[Flash]", he used the skill flash with the help of the glove due to which all the monsters in his vicinity had become blind for a few seconds.

He picked up some stone swords and other weapons from the dead goblins and started attacking them which made his work easier.

He was slashing them brutally sndnkept on slaying each and every monster in his sight. While he did that the system notification kept popping while giving the message as - 'You have slain goblin/ogre' - with each and every mister he killed.

Then the wolves appeared too. He started aiming at them and attacked them with all his might while simultaneously dealing with all 3 different kinds of monsters.

He kept on wishing just one thing, "The wyverns shouldn't appear now!"

The wyverns were not some weak monsters, they were just below a Drake!

Their power, speed and defence was quite high when compared to normal monsters.

Their skin was too hard due to which any normal weapon couldn't pierce it. So now that Jay was busy with other monsters and was in a troublesome situation, he didn't want the wyverns to appear since that would have made things even more harder for him.



The monsters were being chopped as if they were some poultry that had been prepared to be chopped off.

While he was killing them he didn't have any emotions, neither was he getting any fun nor was his making some sad expression.

That was because he was thinking something all this while. He didn't know if his theory was correct but for some reason his gut feeling said that someone was indeed watching over him.

"Tsk, lets the wrap things up.", suddenly he used ran towards the horde and started slaying all the monsters two times faster than before.

Even before he realised, he had already finished off all the monsters that had come to attack him.

"Huff huff... so all the monsters are done right?", he asked while looking at the time in his clock only to find that there were 20 more minutes left for the whole given 3 hours to end.

He looked here and there only to find nothing. The monsters had been completely killed and had already disappeared so the ground was same as before. But there were indeed some destruction marks left.

"Now don't tell me you will give another useless mission...", he asked the system but instead of replying to that, a message popped up which shocked Jay.



[Wyverns have appeared]




"Fuck!!! I completely forgot about wyverns.", he immediately looked towards the sky only to find wyverns being summoned as if they were ants.

They were coming in haste and Jay thought that it was wise to first think of his safety and evade it.

He had already got potions to heal himself and have kept them with him but right now the problem at hand was bigger due to which he didn't remember about it.

"Wyverns have tough skin... it's like they have an armour! I need something that can pierce them!", he was escaping from them while they were breathing fire.josei

"Damn! The heck man! Even a single wyverns will be ten times tougher to kill than a 3 headed serpent and you literally sent 100 of them!!?", he was completely kissed at the situation and could only curse the system.

While he was running, he tried to stop them using different skills such as 'Lighting Strike' and 'Koriantan Comabats' But unfortunately none of them were able to deal any huge damages.

On top of that his others skills were not that good either because they couldn't aid him in his attack.

"If only I had a weapon that could pierce their thick armour!!!", he said this to himself immediately after which he heard a voice.




-> The Shadow Merchant is willing to trade 'Bahamut Slayer' in return if which he asks - '87 bodies of shadow elves, 299 bodies of goblins, 399 bodies of ogres and 499 bodies of wolves'.

-> Will you proceed the trade?

- - - > Yes

- - - > No


"The heck? Trade? And shadow merchant? Who the fuck is that?", Jay was shocked by reading the texts.

He could hardly understand what was written so he wanted to neglect it but the Bahamut Slayer was attracting his attention.

"A weapon that is able to slay a Bahamut?", Jay was shocked when he read that.

There was a tale about Bahamut which was quite famous. The news was so hot that it spread far wide and even young kids were aware of that.

Bahamut was a monster which was a Supreme being which had enough power to challenge the 'True Dragons'.

Bahamut was not exactly a dragon but it's figure, shape and size looked similar to that of the dragons.

So a Huge was war broke out between the great Bahamut and its army, and the great Red dragon and its army.

Ultimately it led to the red dragons victory only because of a weapon which was gifted to the red dragon.

It was crafted by holy beings and the demonic species at the same time which was the only that could slay a Bahamut!

If the red dragon didn't have that weapon, then the result of the war would have been unpredictable.

But after the war, red dragon himself hid the weapon because it was too dangerous. If it could kill a bahamut, then it would have enough power to even slay the true dragons.

This was a war that took place 1,000 years ago but the same weapon was discovered just recently but there was no one who could wield it and that news had become viral.

But another news which had started to spread and stopped immediately and that was about the missing weapon!

The weapon had automatically disappeared and no news about it was ever heard but little did anyone know that the same weapon would resurface after 6 whole years!

"I don't know how I will trade because I don't have the bodies...", he said because even though he killed them, all the bodies had literally disappeared.

Also he was in a dire situation where he was dodging all the attacks while the fire was spreading everywhere.

"Tsk... I don't care. If it's possible then just TRADE!!!", he shouted this simultaneously while using Lightning Strike in order to dodge from the fire of the wyverns.



[Trading complete!]

-> You have gained the Bahamut Slayer <Bow>

-> The weapon has been transferred to the 'Ring Of The Shadow Merchant'


"Huh? Ring of Shadow Merchant?", Jay was staring at the text as he was running.

"Are you fucking with me? How the hell will I have his ring!!? That ain't fare!!!", little did he know that the ring which he had been wearing since earlier belonged to Shadow Merchant!

All the corpse that had been vanishing was not the work of the system in fact they were being absorbed by the ring.

None of the things had gone to waste. It was the same for the Shadow elves who had been sucked inside the ring!

"Uhhh!!!", however Jay was frustrated because if he had gotten that weapon he would have been able to slay all of them.

But for some reason his gut feeling was saying him to try and summon the weapon and he subconsciously while jumping down of a rock shouted, "Bahamut Slayer!!!"

Suddenly he was engulfed with a black shadow and the aura completely surrounded him.

His eyes were shining with red light amidst the shadow sphere that had formed.

He extended his left arm forward when suddenly a 'Bow' appeared which was completely black while having a red crimson gem on it.

Jay wasn't aware of what he was doing when his right hand moved on its own and pulled the bow's string immediately after which red coloured energy arrows were formed!



He released the string the moment after which an arrow was shot which divides itself and spread out while aiming all the wyverns.

In an instant all the wyverns that were chasing him were dead as the arrow hit their vitals that included their head.

The arrows were so strong that they caused explosion mid air whose sound was more than enough to wake Jay who was acting based in his instincts.

"Huh...? What...?", in front of him it was as if fire works were bursting.

Many parts were falling down and when he looked closely he said, "These are... Wyverns?"


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