The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 116 A Domain..?

Chapter 116 A Domain..?

'But... I never knew that the Vermillion household were members of the Gray House. Or at most, relatively close to them.' He thought.

'I had thought that all powers ruling over each Stronghold agreed to not entertain the Gray House... But, here I am, being one of them. Let me not judge. Hm? Perhaps she's like me?'

His eyes widened in realization, as he sat his eyes on her once more. A hint of pity hidden within. 'Stay strong comrade... hang in there.'

"Alright then, since you're calm, how about we start up on our matters? First, my reason as to why I've had my seniors tail you around." Damien continued.

Both Fiona and Adonis held their breathes, each carrying individual thoughts pertaining those words. But Damien didn't seem to care much.

"Adonis Adams, Fiona Vermillion... royal children of two of humanity's twelve Strongholds. How would you both feel about participating within a small project of mine?"

"Project?" Both Fiona and Adonis blurted out in surprise at his words.

Even Sixth and Ninth were curious about this. Their missions details never specified what their target was for, and were bent on knowing.

"Yes, a small project. None related to the Gray House, nor the Council of Elders. Just a game of mine." Damien said, and the two royalties briefly exchanged gazes.

"I'm sorry for my rudeness, sir Damien, but is it possible to know the details of this project, we might be participating in?" Fiona inquired.

"Mhm, I don't mind." Damien said, and all four beings in the room held their breathes. Then he added, "For starters, we'll term it, the "King's Project" for now."

"This is a project I'm supporting, where I'll be choosing a candidate within each Stronghold, and nurse them through the process of king hood."

"Resources, strength, influence and even information can be freely obtained, as long as your progress is noteworthy and satisfying."

"...As for what you have to do? It's simple, really. All I need from you, is management, leadership and devotion." He said, and added sternly. "Absolute devotion to the success and proliferation of humanity."



Everyone within the room was shocked speechless. Each one had different comprehension of the given information, thus explaining their varied levels of shock.

Sixth and Ninth were briefly shocked, as they knew of the flames of ambition running within the Gray House, let alone the more arrogant Gray family.

Meanwhile, Fiona was also shocked at how the son of two devils would actually think so far ahead... all for the sake of humanity? Not even her father was that compassionate.

And as for Adonis? The young man was almost having a mental breakdown. 'I... I went through so much depression, bottling up all my frustrations just for this..?! No, wait. Shouldn't I be happy?'

'At least I'm not going to be... Ah, no. I'm still going to be a pawn. And most importantly, why? Why would someone who has so much power want to do this? What's his aim?' He thought.

And his thoughts perfectly illustrated his current mental state. Quite heavily chaotic.

"My aims are simple. No need to overthink them." Damien said, catching everyone's attention, as if it was also what they wanted to know.

"I'm not helping humanity just because I want to. Or because I want praise. No. I'm doing this for myself, my woman, my family, basically, for my entire generation."

"This includes, and not limited to, the Gray House... Having twelve kings under me, would make living more peaceful for us. Especially in this age, where we of the Gray House, are no longer considered 'superhumans' no more."

"I'll have to adapt, to give us back the authority we once had over humanity, so that nobody ever messes with us... In simple terms, yes, you're pawns. But pawns that work under a few, while ruling over billions of others."

He said, leaving the room completely speechless. He then added, "But I know how pride can be. So this is a chance to be made by you, and only you."

"If you decide to pull out, and want to have authority over everyone, including us... give it a try. We won't kill you. At least, not here, not now."

"The decision is ultimately yours, and I can give you however much time you want to think it over... So, what would it be? You need more time?" He concluded with an inquiry.



Yet the two targeted audience were still speechless. They were speechless by the brutal honesty that Damien just blurted out. He didn't even try to hide it at all.

He was using them!!

Meanwhile, Sixth and Ninth sighed bitterly. 'He's still as selfish as ever when it comes to outsiders.' Thought the former.

'Still as inconsiderate as master.' Were the latter's thoughts.

While both Adonis and Fiona kept quiet and thought about his words. Did they need time to rethink this? Was their first thoughts.

"Uhm, if possible, I'd like more time to rethink this please." Fiona said, and Damien nodded at her. Then awaited Adonis' response.josei


And the young man first took a deep breathe to calm himself. Sixth and Ninth also awaited his response as well.

"...I agree." He said, decisively, afraid if he stalled any longer, he would disagree. Both Sixth and Ninth were promptly surprised by his response.

They both knew that Adonis disliked his new circumstances, and could mostly guess his thoughts as well. Yet his response said otherwise.

On the other side, Damien understood very well why the young man readily agreed. "Alright then, let's hear why you agreed to my selfish reasons."

"Its simple. I want power. I want authority. I want a support. And I can obtain all of them from just becoming your pawn." He took a deep breathe of air, and added, "I don't mind being the pawn of someone who cares about his loved ones, and has a blazing ambition like myself."

"And to finalize it, I see nothing wrong with your selfish desires. I, for one, am also selfish as well. I can't judge you for that." He said, holding his breathe, nervous in anticipation.

"...And because you believe that a man who can do so much for his loved ones, would cherish his pawns, am I wrong?" Damien added, making Adonis blush in embarrassment.

"You're not wrong though. The Gray House is an example." He added, and Sixth immediately retorted. "Junior brother, we are not your pawns."

"Nobody said that." Damiem replied.

"No, you just did."

"Alright then, I apologize."

"I don't want your empty apologies."

"Anyway, let's get down to business, young lord." Damien gave Sixth no attention, and Sixth sighed to himself. '...Those types of manipulative behaviors won't work on me anymore.' He added in his thoughts.

"Y–Yeah. Please..." Adonis said, seeing a new side of Sixth. Or rather, of the relationship within the Gray House. 'They are more like... siblings.'

"First, let's test the waters." Damien said, waving his hand and transferring everyone within a new environment, where there was nothing but emptiness everywhere.


He then used Mana to coat their bodies, and protecting them from the sorounding Void.

The amount of Mana protecting each person was something not even Demigods would imagine, as it was a trillion units at base.

'This... What's this place?' Adonis thought, as everyone floated in shock, looking everywhere around them with curiosity.

"Don't mind the environment. This place hasn't been given a foundation, but if I'm satisfied with your responses... this entire domain might be yours." Damien added.


"Mhm. It's a different space irrelevant of the space-time continuum of our Reality. Reality... being the total collection of all universes, multiverses, dimensions and planes."

"But that is a topic for another day. Today, what's important is the definition of a Realm." Damirn said, catching everyone's attention.

"You can take it as a weapon of sorts though, where it can be forged by its master. The intricacies inside can also be made to your liking and your preferences."

"For example..." He waved his hand, and the sorounding emptiness warped itself, becoming as incomprehensible as a blurred out watermark painting.

Yet it was still beautiful.

So beautiful that, they could only marvel as the sorounding continued to change, the sorounding void being replaced by serene mountains, verdant trees and pristine waterfalls.


They continued to marvel as the new soroundings warped into a more technological settlement like the modern age. Tall buildings, motor cars, airplanes and many more.

Then it changed into the void again, yet full of tall dragon-like warships, strange disk-like UFOs, and giant mechs.


And ultimately, it shifted back to the area of nothingness. "See? A domain master can easily change a domain to their liking, and rule supreme within its influence."

"And... it can all belong to you." Damien concluded, and both the young royalties held their breathes in shock and bewilderment.

Fiona questioned her judgement, but was still afraid of making wrong decisions that might negatively affect her father and his lineage.

While Adonis hurriedly lowered his head as he declared...

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