The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 135 Moving Out

Chapter 135 Moving Out

"Huh..? You're moving out?" Startled, Esther questioned in shock and perplexity at the sudden words her son just said during breakfast today.

"Yes. We are thinking of moving out and starting our own family at Avarice city, as new people exposed to adulthood." Damien nodded alongside his response.

The table was packed up with food as usual, of all kinds and colors, making the dining table vibrant as always. And even amidst this conversation, the mood was still family friendly.

"Why so suddenly? It's not like you to plan on starting a family so young. And I know you're adults now, but isn't Juliette still too young? She just became fifteen, you know. Wait two years, for her to mature and get used to being an adult, at least." Esther adviced after a careful moment of thoughts, making Juliette blush besides Damien.

"If anything, you know me toobwell because of that second sentence. And if it's anyone wanting a child here, it's definitely not me." He responded, making both parents turn to look at Juliette in surprise.josei


The young maiden blushed even harder in embarrassment, and desperately kept her head low. 'Damien..!! How could you so be cruel!!' She thought to herself.

"That still doesn't explain why you'd be moving out so unexpectedly." David said, moving his focus back to Damien.

"You should be happy I won't he bothering you anymore, old man. But yeah, nonetheless, it doesn't." Damien replied to his father, then added after swallowing his food. "I'll be qhelping Adonis take control over the stronghold."

And revealed his true aim of moving towards Avarice city, which did not shock his parents. "Ah, you mean that young Adonis that you mentioned months ago?" His mother inquired, and he nodded.

"Well that explains it. You can do as you please then." David also added, in which case, Damien nodded once more. "I will. And we will be moving out right after breakfast."

"So fast..?"


"Alright. Do make sure to visit us from time to time, okay?" Esther said, and once more, Damien nodded. "I will. Now can we please eat in silence, like Juliette here..?" He then added, and the table became silent.



By 10am, Damien and Juliette were done with everything, and flew out of his parents house, the latter waving down at Esther. "Bye auntie, bye uncle, we will make sure to visit you all someday."

"Bye bye, enjoy yourselves out there. A honeymoon never ends." Esther happily waved back in return.

"Auntie..!!" And Juliette could not hide away the embarrassment from hearing those words. 'What would the neighbour's think after hearing all of that..?!' She thought to herself, flying away from the capital city.

And once they were a few minutes away from the city, she couldn't help but appreciate the top view of their Stronghold and the beauty of its nature and wild life.

"How pretty..." She thought, marveling at everything below. She also couldn't help but think back to two months ago, when she was still just an ordinary young woman. It was melancholic.

'And now, two months later, I'm looking down on the world I used to admire.' She thought to herself. The sky that was previously unapproachable, was now within range.

The lands that she always dreamt of as a child, were now just a matter of time away. Dreams were being switched to reality, turning from impossible to achieve, to merely just a matter of time for her.

"By the way, Damien, how are you planning on helping Adonis succeed?" She thought out loud, flying besides Damien, who responded to her thoughts, "I'm thinking of creating an institution."

He said, and it made more than sense to her. "Ooh... As someone from the future, you probably know a lot. And if used correctly, you could probably teach us a lot of things in advance!!"

She deduced his thoughts, nodding to herself at his brilliant thinking. But Damien added to her deduction, "True, but I'll mostly teach about the Realms from Apprentice to Sainthood."

"If possible, for those interested, even about gods and their own Realms. I will also teach knowledge about most of the world, it's structure and power systems."

He further explained, and Juliette nodded in understanding. "I see. Then is there anyway you could help? Maybe, I could teach them about magic or... magic." She felt embarrassed that magic was the only thing she knew.

"That were my thoughts." Yet Damien responded as such, and Juliette nodded once more. "So what will you call the institution? And how are you going to manage it by yourself?"

"I'll call it the Silver Association." Damien did not take long to give her a response, and the reply itself did not take much time to shock her. 'Silver as in... my last name?'

"Yes. There's already the House of Gray, so it's about time we created a lineage of your family as well. Unless you don't like it."

"No, I do. I, in fact, love it." She responded with a smile, and with that, they finally arrived at the entrance of Avarice, where they were allowed to go in after showing their identity cards.

"As for management, I'll choose people smart enough to be able to teach others, and give them access to my knowledge. Mostly people with suitable classes." He said, yet he knew that writing down most of his knowledge would take too much time.

"That would take too long, wouldn't it?" Juliette also realized the problem and thought of a solution. "And can we trust everyone with the knowledge?" She inquired.

"It would be basic knowledge everyone within the other nations and races would know. So don't worry yourself too much." Damien replied, and Juliette understood.

From there, the couple made themselves at home, and bought a house at the high district of the city, very much close to the city lord's castle.

The city model was quite unique, as half the city belonged to the low class zone, the central business zone, the industrial zones. And the other half, contained the middle class zone, the high class zone and the castle itself.

The castle being the central point figure of the more influential half of the city. And this was where they chose to settle down, meanwhile, they also bought a large territory outside of the city itself.

And of course, this was while Adonis was busy talking business matters with the current city lord of Avarice. Hence the both of them were not yet aware of such large transactions taking place within the city.

"Is this place okay?" Damien asked, and Juliette scoured through the area. The land was vast and open, and if the city desired, they could have spread out to create more zones here.

The area was around west of Avarice, facing the endless plains in between all cities, and behind it, was Avarice itself. Down south of it, were the mountain ranges, and up north, just another open space.

"It's alright. But why such a large land? It cost us 7,500 gold coins even." Juliette inquired. That much money could feed tens of families for a decade.

She then added, "And why illegally at that? Isn't Adonis on our side? Can't we demand the place ourselves? For free, even."

She didn't understand the way Damien worked so hard, and was really curious what plans he had for doing this, and making things difficult for himself.

"I'm not making things difficult for myself. After all, this way, I've already found one mole for that boy to uproot when he becomes king. As for the land, it's ours still." He responded, and Juliette nodded. "I see..."

"Anyway, if we build the institutes here, wouldn't it be far away from the city?" She asked once more, "No. We will accommodate anyone who enlists for the programme, and they will be released after their studies are over." Damien responded.

"Ah, is that it?" And she realized that she was overthinking matters.

From there, the couple retreated and went to their new house. But mid way, Damien left to hire workers for the building process for the Silver Association project.

'It'll take a few days for Adonis to take control over the city, especially with Fiona, and someone as experienced as Harold. Speaking of them, they could be good teachers for the institute.' He thought, on his way towards the worker's guild.

This place could help someone hire people easier and more fluently. They had connections with workers, and all one had to do, was state his demands and they would be met.

He entered the building, and the one that received him was a chubby young lady. "Welco– Ah..." She greeted him amicably, yet froze in shock, looking at Damien as if she was hallucinating.

"I need help." Damien ignored her and said, which woke her up to reality. "Y–Yes, help, ah, help, right away!! How may I help today, young master?"

She asked with a smile behind the desk. 'This man is definitely royalty to be so beautiful!! My God, he's handsome.' She thought, yet kept her professional business smile.

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