The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 138 "Project I.S" II

Chapter 138 "Project I.S" II

But just as he had his own thoughts, everyone below also had their own in regards to him. 'Is this... a noble? You serious?' 'Isn't he royalty..? Nah, even royalty shouldn't be this beautiful!!' 'What the hell am I looking at exactly?'

'Am I tripping..?' '...This is not our boss. I refuse to accept it. Hell he's too handsome even for my standards!!' 'Life aren't fair, I say, it aren't.'

They all stared at him as he floated above in stupor, his presence doing what it always does, stealing the spotlight and dazzling the eyes of everyone.

And amongst everyone, the one with the greatest shock, was the young lady everyone had convinced that most nobles were fat pigs. 'You all are fakes, you are all scams..!! Oh, lord above, I thank you for this opportunity...' She marveled, tears of relief rolling down her cheeks.

"...I knew you'd all gawk at him." Emily said with a cheeky smile of contempt, not heavily affected since it wasn't the first time she saw Damien.

"Come on, Em. You can't really blame us here. I've seen something like this." The men rolled their eyes at her antics and boastful smug, yet had to admit defeat. '...How do we work a guy like this?'

And also, their dilemmas. They already had working tactics to deal with most nobleman, and also used their free time to verbally attack them behind their backs.

But with Damien... what was even there to say about him, either than compliments? Not only was he handsome, he also had quite the peak male body physique.

"It seems we are all here, and not one bit short of staff." He said, his words ringing out like a melody to their ears. "We can start moving now. There's carriages lining up outside the city, you can all board each and we will meet at the destination."

He concluded, and everyone exchanged gazes. 'So... we are working outside?' 'Are we really building a town or something?' 'Maybe a fort?' 'Well, whatever.' 'There pay's good at least.'

"Ah, big man, quick question." A man called out without much reserve, scratching his head nervously. "Hm." And Damien hummed a response, prompting him to continue.

'He didn't flip over?' They all thought, and the man continued his words, "I was wondering why we are going outside. At least, can we know a thing or two bout our work." He said.

Everyone held their breathes, and looked up at Damien. Who nodded lightly, "Fair, I guess. We will be working on construction for the coming month, if not months."

He responded as such, and the man nodded, not asking any more questions. After all, under normal circumstances, his actions were very much disrespectful, and any normal noble would have felt offended.

"We can be on our way now." He added, waving his hand to cast a minor spell, a zero circle magic spell - levitate, on the luggage and equipment they brought.

But to everyone, when he waved his hand, Mana churned excitedly, and a unique magic circle appeared below every luggage or equipment, and took them up into the skies.



"A magician!! A combat class bearer!!"

Everyone exclaimed in shock and excitement. Even Emily, who was sure that Damien was a combat professionist, was still excited at such a show of supernatural elegance, of magic!!

The group carefully made it towards the city gates before noon, and immediately set off. Before evening, they had arrived at their destination... which was a vast, completely barren land.

"You can all build camp for now, and we will begin the project first thing early in the morning. I'll need volunteers who will supervise the work process, and who will let the others know about what our purpose here will be." Damien said, "And the soroundings are clear of danger, if you're worried." And added.

A few supervisors volunteered within a couple of minutes, amongst them, being the young lady that had temporarily taken the spot light before Damien's entrance.

From there, discussions ensured throughout the night; planning, discussions, designs, designations and many more.

Damien introduced many new topics to the building process; things such as rune-laid walls, magic stones to build with, Mana powered circuits running through the designs, magic towers, magic formations and many more.

He didn't go deep into the matter, and just introduced the topics to them, and letting them know of the possible pros and cons for using such materials.

'This... is unbelievable!!'

'Who is this man..?!'

'Is this even possible?!'

'Jesus Christ, if we really do it like this... then things will... the whole structure... My God!!'

'I've been enlightened..!!'

The various supervisors learned a lot more about their new world, and circumstances in just a single night with Damien, thus showing boundless reverence to his magnanimity, and his insanity.

No sane noble would casually give all these ideas to mere commoners, let alone strangers, hence why they believed Damien was either ignorant, or blatantly insane!!

From there, days went by. Damien would spend the day with Juliette, teaching the batch of future "Scholars of Silver", while during the evening, he would check up on the development stage of the project.

A week went by just like this, and another one. Progress was showing on both sides of Damien's minor projects, and he was content with that much.

Building a large residential zone capable of housing over a hundred thousand people would take years, and obviously, would stand out during the building stage.

But with the help of magic, super-powered humans, Abilities and most importantly, classes, the project would take far less time than anybody would expect.

"Yet at the end of the day, thing never go as planned." He thought, reading the letter personally sent over to him by Ninth. "It seems Adonis has successfully taken over the city, with the help of the Romanians. And now, he has realized the building project on our side."

"But not only that, it seems the nobles are pressurizing him to take matter into his hands, as our actions are considered 'disrespectful' to his authority... And if he stands down, they'll forever look down on him. Poor boy."

He concluded, while burning the letter with fire magic. "I should pay them an official visit, and let them know of my plans. For, it wouldn't benefit anyone, if I were to promise them kinghood, then do as I please within their own territories."

The night went by, and as promised, Damien did pay Adonis a visit the next day. He was with Juliette, and they both wore descent clothes fit for people of their new status.

Damien wore a loose shirt as always, white in color, with its sleeves rolled up to his elbows. And then a navy blue trousers below, all made with top quality material fit for nobles.

While Juliette tried out the dresses the noble ladies would wear, navy blue in color, with neat make up her new servants did on her. She looked even more beautiful than usual.josei

"You look stunning." Damien said, and Juliette chuckled in satisfaction at his praise. "Thank you, you look handsome yourself." She responded back to him.

"I know." And that was his reply, which had her rolling her eyes at him. "Geez, I forgot you can't take a compliment. But I don't mind, either way, you're still handsome."


The couple then arrived at the castle, and went into its interior. And of course, their charm and attire had everyone they met gawking in shock and reverence at their angelic beauty.

'I'm still not used to this level of shock from others, wherever I go.' Juliette thought bitterly, a maid servant leading them straight to the living room at the moment.

"My lord, the guests are here." She said, and obtained permission to lead them in, from inside. "Allow them entry, thank you for the hardwork."

"Pleasure, my lord." She said, bowing and retreating from the room, leaving behind Damien, Juliette, Adonis, Fiona, Harold, Lloyd and Kiara. There was also Sixth and Ninth as well.

"Sir Damien, welcome. It's been a very long time." The young regent king greeted, gesturing at the sofa before him.

"Thanks." Damien said, leading Juliette to sit down for the double-men sofa facing the one Adonis sat on, with Fiona by his side. Adonis wore white shirt, and black pants below. While as usual, Fiona adorned a fiery red dress.

On another sofa, Kiara and Lloyd sat together, and Harold sat on a one-man sofa by himself. Sixth and Ninth, now the personal maid and guard of Adonis, remained standing.

"I wasn't aware you've relocated to Avarice, sir Damien." Adonis said with a smile, sighing at the inadequacy of his social network. "Had I known, I would have welcomed you properly."

'Ha, even if you had powerful social network, it'd still be hard to track a Gray once they are intent on hiding, brat.' Thought Sixth to himself.

"It's alright. I felt it unnecessary to cause you trouble when you had matters to personally deal with yourself. So don't mention it." Damien responded as such.

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