The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 147 Domain Fusion III

Chapter 147 Domain Fusion III

Chapter 147 Domain Fusion III

At the same time, he waved his hand and transported the domain will back to physical realm, back to Romania. "Retreat. From now on, do everything in accordance to my goals, and appoint Fiona as the master of this domain."

Change of plans. He thought, as he hadn't thought that subduing the domain will was possible two weeks ago, even as a Saint equivalent warrior. But now... it was proven possible, and Fiona, will get to start on her ascendency of kingship earlier than planned.

< ...Yes, my creator >

The domain retained back it's focus and thoughts, and responded after a moment of thought. It was still marveling at the new power it obtained, and the experience of being thrown into the Void itself.

"Now... all that is left, is to wait for Juliette to finish controlling her part of the matter, and then proceeding with the Fusion of domains." He added, his gaze directed towards the direction of the Shade Stronghold.

< Fusion, my creator? There are more such as myself? Siblings? >

"Yeah. You can think of it as such." He idly replied, ignoring it from there. The Domain will also did not say anything. Meanwhile Fiona and king Gregory stared at Damien in confusion.

They were not privy to everything that took place a moment ago. All they saw was Damien disappearing, and reappearing after a few minutes passed by. And then he turned to look towards the east while talking by himself.

"Father... should we..?"

"No. I think he is talking to that thing that had appeared not too long ago, my dear." King Gregory responded, a bit unsure of his words. 'Or perhaps a greater entity than that?' He thought with a sigh.

Meanwhile, back at the Shade Stronghold, Juliette also went through her own unique means of subduing the newly born domain will.

But unlike Damien, her actions were a bit too tyrannical. No, that was a light term. She was too dominant with her bearing. "See? It did not hurt as much as you expected." She said, her entire body circulating with terrifying elemental storms that forcefully ripped apart the space sorounding her.

Terrifying tornados, world shaking tsunamis, ground breaking firestorms, and terrifyingly large boulders. All these natural features circulated around her body like the rings of saturn.

And as if that was all, the entire region that was supposed to be the mental space of the domain will, was forcefully converted into seas of pure and undulated Mana Essence through "Flawless Mana Conversion", her only Class Ability.

< ...!!! >

The domain will did not respond to her heart stinging words, and only stared at her with fear and shock. 'Impossible..!!' Was what it thought at the moment.

"Hmm..? 'Impossible', is that it? Is that what you're currently thinking right now, oh divine will." She said, her face being painted by a beautiful smile. A smile that came out as sadistic to the domain will. "Well, it's understandable. 'How could a mortal, be capable of such feats', is it your follow up thoughts?" She added.

And her words were said while she flew towards the sphere capable of outshining a literal sun in presence and power. "But you should know... I am not just a mortal. I am a woman in desire of making the man that will later stand above all else, fall in love with her. A woman in desire of becoming the very derivation of Mana itself."

She extended her hand towards its body, causing it to slightly tremble in fear. "I am... that kind of woman. That kind of mortal. So... engrave this in your mind from here on forth, that... there is nothing the Silvers cannot do." She added, gathering all her elemental disasters into her palm.

Then using "Flawless Mana Conversion"?She used her Mana to intricately combine the elements and the golden sphere, fusing them together and making it... a part of her own power. A daring feat!!


And an explosion echoed out, shaking the mental space they were in, and almost shattering it. Yet Juliette was unphased, as she continued with her duty, and ultimately succeeded. 'So, it was possible.'

She sighed in relief, as her daring actions were proven correct. 'But... it was fine, had it not worked, I would have controlled my power to at least not kill the poor thing. It doesn't deserve it, after all.'

Her thoughts were tainted with sympathy as she looked at the golden sphere sorounded by natural disasters, which at times, fused into itself, and were spat out more powerful.

[ TING!!! ]

[ An amazing achievement. You've broken through the limits of common sense no mortal has ever broken, by imbueding your own power onto a divine entity, and allowing it be a part of your power ]

[ TING!!! ]

[ You've achieved greatness, by becoming one of the few mortals who have dared to bring upon absolute fear and pure dread to the core of a divine entity ]

[ TING!!! ]

[ Congratulations!! The divine will assimilated with your high Affinity of Elements has broken through its shackles, and has progressed through its path of breakthrough ]

[ You've obtained a hefty load of Life Essence for your various achievements. Half is sent towards your partner ]

"Whew. Finally, I've done it." Juliette sighed in relief, deactivating her Abilities, and reappearing back within the training ground where Damien left them a moment.

< ... >

Meanwhile, the domain will remained behind in shock, and still haunted by the power Juliette had manifested a moment ago. '...Who, was that entity?' It thought, glad that it was still alive.

"Lady Juliette, was it a success?" Adonis inquired, seeing as Juliette reappeared after her own sudden disappearance like Damien. 'And of course I'd be worried.' He thought.

"Hm? Ah, yes. I'm done and dusted with my part of the work. All we have to do is wait for Damien to finish his own part as well." She responded with a smile and a thumbs up as a bonus.

"Well if you're done, I bet that junior brother of mine is as well." Sixth said, and Ninth nodded her head in agreement. "I also think so too." Even Juliette herself had to agree.

'They've got some trust in him, alright.' 'Well, should I be surprised? He's the only son of those two monsters.' '...Why should I care about any of this?' The last thought was from Kiara as usual.

"Anyway, the process shoild be starting anytime from now." Juliette thought out loud, as she gazed at the natural elements of the now domain of Shade.

And unlike thr domain of Romania, there were many elements dancing within the air at this moment. Though fire, water, air and earth were the highest because of her, the others were not far off either. josei


Suddenly, as she was gazing at the elements of the domain, she suddenly felt an explosion that shook the whole nation at its core. "Ah, us it beginning already?" She inquired with a smile.

"What... What is beginning? The Fusion process? Lady Juliette, it is definitely the Fusion process right?!" Adonis inquired as he struggled to keep himself on the ground. "Quiet your yapping, kid. What else, if not that?" Sixth was the one responded with a scorn.

He managed to keep himself on the ground with stability, his hands folded before his chest. Meanwhile, Ninth also stood respectfully aside, keeping her body steady as well. While the Romanian seniors were already swimming within the dirt.

"Don't be harsh on him, senior. He's just curious about his people." Juliette chuckled, then responded. "Yes, your highness. This is the Fusion process. Watch as it takes place. Watch, as the domains collide." She added.

And those words, did nothing to calm the young king's heart. 'Collide? Nothing good ever comes out of collisions, lady Juliette!! This will be a disaster for me, and my empty wallet.' He thought in panic.

Meanwhile, to Juliette's eyes, she could see the domain appearing within a sea of endless darkness. The true location of the domain, despite also being anchored on the physical plane to the eyes of the other mortals.

Within the place, the nation, and the other region covered by the domain was encapsulated within a multicolored membrane that separated them from the seas of darkness.

And right now, a portion of the membrane extended itself outwards towards the seas of darkness, the Void, like a giant tube in search for something within the ocean.

And from outside, she could see another tube also extending itself towards the one that was pushed out of this membrane. 'Are these the passage ways of the two domains? Then that bubble there, is Romania?' She thought.

The tubes also connected with their targets, the one from Shade connecting with Romania's membrane, and the one from Romania connecting with Shade's membrane, fusing to become one with the other.

This created two passages connecting the two domains. One from Shade to Romania, and the other from Romania to Shade. 'Is this to allow fluid transportation between the two?' Juliette assessed, as she continued to watch.

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