The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 150 Domain Fusion V

Chapter 150 Domain Fusion V

[ ...Creator, you called. ]

The newly formed domain will reigned in all its emotions and descended before Damien's own will. Their obedience stemming from both wills, one from standing before its creator, and another because of feeling a greater threat than from Juliette.

"If you're done with everything, begin the bestowal of authorities now. The highest being this girl before me, and the boy within the other region. I know you know who I'm talking about." Damien gave out his decree.

And of course, the domain will knew who he was talking about. It was Fiona, and Adonis. "Being of Tier 3, I'm sure you can also see to what extent their Destiny reaches, don't you? Being on their good side will benefit you greatly." Damien added with a plain tone.

"As for the rest of the authority, do as you see fit. I'll allow you the grace to glimpse at the paths of Destiny according to your decisions made. And if you make any pointless decisions..." He continued, raising his hand to snap his fingers. "I'll gladly snuff you out."

The power of the Void exploded out in fervor and exciting, as if waiting for the go ahead from Damien to devour the domain will.

[ ...Yes, master. As you please ]

The domain will remained silent for a brief moment, before forcing out a response. Having a quarter of its essence made up of the Void gave it slight awareness at the capabilities of the Void, and how powerful it could get.

One being the fact that the Void was powerful enough to corrode at the protective barriers of the Universe. If it weren't for the wills of the Universes fighting back... the Void would be able to swallow said Universe without resistance.

The domain will did not wish to suffer such a fate. Especially so, as it was just recently born. 'I have enough authority regardless, and I'm allowed to do as I please.' It thought, sighing at its unfortunate circumstances.

"Good. Then be a good boy and always think about my opinion before you act." Damien added, his will returning to his body.

[ ... ] josei

The domain will also ascended back to its new mental space, and remained silent while watching. As a divine will, it's thoughts and emotions transcended those of mortals, and understood the thought process of Damien and Juliette, its creators.

At the same time, Damien just so happened to come across Fiona's transformation, when his will returned back to his body.

He saw her entire body being worshipped by ethereal flames that manifested themselves out of thin air, forging and reforming her entire constitution to their favor.

Her beauty increased, and her bearing magnified. Her presence quantified itself, and her will solidified. In essence, she seemed majestic and divine now, compared to before.

"It's finally over." Damien said, and his words comforted King Gregory's heart to rest. His tumultuous emotions calming down. 'Haiy~ The old generation cannot fight back against the young, can we?' He sighed with such thoughts.

Fiona also opened her eyes, blazing brilliance briefly flashing out before subsiding. Then the fiery particles also retreated into her body, giving her skin a glossy layer. 'This is... I feel completely reborn..!!' She thought.

She glanced at her hands, and for a moment, could see fiery lights traversing alongside her blood within her veins. It was a wondrous thing for her. A never before seen concept.

"Wow..." She marveled, clenching her fist and watching the fiery lights glow in brightness. A moment later, their brightness exceeded her skin layer and manifested as red light above her fist. "Wow..!!"

The red light then burst into flames, causing her to exclaim even louder. 'This... This is amazing..!! I didn't use any of my Abilities, but... I can freely manifest fire..!!' She thought.

"It shouldn't be a surprise to you princess." Damien finally interjected towards her shock and self-inspection. His words bringing her back to reality, and forcing her to set her gaze on him. "It shouldn't..?" She queried.

"No. In due time, this will be the norm for most, if not all residents of Romania." Damien responded, stretching out his hand before himself, and forming a ball of flames within. "It's simply calling out to the laws of Fire." He added.

"The laws of what..? And wait, shouldn't controlling laws be something impossible under normal circumstances?" King Gregory asked, a slight frown on his face.

The educational system of the modern humans was still used in some areas, and the second generational humans had more knowledge on them. Topics such as myth and legends of Earth were also spread forth under "History".

King Gregory was a fan of such topics, and a few characters within. Examples being the famous beings like Isaac Newton, Galileo, and the illusory gods of an even older time. Their stories had the introduction of laws within.

And he desperately wanted to believe in Damien's words, but they made no complete sense. Be it the illusory laws one could read from legends and mythology, or the scientific laws of knowledge... controlling them should be theoritically impossible.

"It should." Damien agreed to his words. The ball of flames within his hand twisting and changing form, becoming a book of flames. "Under normal circumstances though. But if I were to do something about it, it should not be an impossibility anymore." And added.

His blood boiled at those words, and the mere idea of creating something possibly illogical to the norm, and making it logical, excited him. At the crazy idea of making something as explicit as controling a law, normal.

"If you... were to do something about it?" King Gregory echoed out those words to himself, taking on a thoughtful stance on the matter. 'As expected, the Grays have much bigger plans than I expected.' He thought.

He also realized that Damien's knowledge far exceeded his by a far margin, considering the new environment and circumstances they were in.

The only question remaining being that... 'What true goals do they have?' He wondered.

"So, lord Damien, you mean that something as simple as controlling fire can be achieved? Even by normal people?" Fiona wondered, her eyes attracted at the flame within Damien's hand, which changed to a fiery head that nodded at her words.

Such control of fire was far beyond her level. No, it was far beyond anyone that she's come across ever since the descent of The Primordial Source.

"Indeed. I can make that possible. All I just need is time." Damien responded, the flames changing once more into a wolf figure. "Unfortunately, I am not sure if we will have that much time." He added, the flames dispersing completely.

As for how he was able to do such little tricks, even without the law of fire?

It was thanks to his experience, the obscenely high Affinity of Fire he received from Juliette, and the high concentration of fire particles within this castle.

Together, they met the requirements for him to influence the law of fire to a certain extent. But he believed that once Juliette attains one, he will automatically have one as well thanks to their Ascendent Human Bloodline.

"The wolves." Fiona frowned, as a heavy topic was mentioned. Even King Gregory had to sigh when the topic of the wolves were mentioned. "About those beasts... How goes your preparations of retaliation? We could offer our help, since we now have close relations together. If, you desire it." He added.

"The matter belongs to the Shade Stronghold and it's residents. They will ask for help, were they to require it. As for me, I will also intervene if they need my interference." Damien responded as such.

'Speaking from a bystander's point of view, I see. As expected of a world class organization.' King Gregory thought with a smile. The Gray House was always like that. "In that case, I shall wait for a report from my lovely daughter anytime from now, isn't that so, Fiona?"

"Mhm. I'll definitely talk it out with Adonis." Fiona strongly nodded her head, her expression stern.

Unlike her father, she knew why Damien chose to sit this one out. 'This is our test of being great Kings.' She thought.

Unfortunately, Damien had his own thoughts on the matter, either than those ones. 'The coming war will be a platform for many great warriors. Many will fall, and many will rise. What we need in the future battles is stronger men, not more men.' He thought.

"In that case, shouldn't I prepare a proper delegation team to go represent me in the Shade nation?" King Gregory thought out loud, asking his daughter for her input.

"I don't think that's necessary... Isn't uncle more than enough? The own brother of the king? And me too, his only daughter. Isn't that more than enough to represent you, father?" She rolled her eyes at him.

"I guess it is..." Gregory sighed at the mention of his younger brother. The fact that he either had to stay broke for a while, or borrow from the kingdom's balance made him stress. 'Harold, oh Harold... what did I do to deserve you?'

"Then that's great. I'll prepare a proper letter to display to Adonis, and proper offers from our side. We will form relations with the city of Avarice, and see how things will unfold from there." Fiona said in high spirits.

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