The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 152 Domain Fusion VII

Chapter 152 Domain Fusion VII

At the same time, when Lanzelet had his sudden epiphany and rise in power, other people also had their own breakthroughs and ascension respective to their specialties.

Some of them, were the people that Damien had bought as slaves days back, whom now, had the status of scholars in practice, apprentice scholars to be precise.

Whilst reciting the magic mantras, and knowledge that Damien and Juliette bestowed upon them, they began having epiphanies one after another.

And considering the value of Juliette's teachings, that stem from the powerful pixie race, and Damien's teaching that come from his vast experience, their epiphanies were the greatest out of everyone.

So much so that, even Fiona's epiphany would not compare. For they saw the world, for what it was, and at the same time, saw it as something vastly beyond their mere understanding.

Some saw the world as golden strings of light, as the immutable flow of fate. Some saw it as seas of multicolored light, as the ever changing rivers of destiny.

Some saw it as nothing but endless darkness on one side, and endless light on the other side. As the distinction between two types of powers, chaos, and order.

And some... just saw it at something beyond anything they have ever seen, as beauty itself. They each saw the world, the way they understood the teachings of their masters.

But none could properly comprehend what they were looking at. None, but one young man around his early twenties.

"Is this... the truth..?" He thought, as his platinum blonde hair danced along the air, his sapphire blue eyes carrying a unique glow of beauty, of elegance within.

As right now, at this very instance, he found himself standing within a space of nothingness, where endless darkness contaminated every other concept there was.

Yet under his eyes, he saw multiple converges of colors making out the world. There were blues, reds, oranges, and other colors that made up his fellow apprentice scholars around him.

The world was in various colors.

They were the particles making up their being, and each color, represented the element and emotion associated with that person. Their personality, if you will.

And the convergence of colors, was the fast moving particles making up each individual. A reaction that they had, which made each person different.

Some people might have the same colors making up their beings, identical twins for example, but the rate at which the particles converge, result in a major difference, thus creating individual personalities.

'Is this really how the world's looks like, from a different perspective..?' The young man thought to himself, constantly marveling at everything else around him.

There were walls, chairs, tables, for example. There were also made up of colors as well, most being a single color, or two to three at most. josei

But unlike the people, the particles remained static, and frozen in place. There would only move, when the object itself moves. Which piqued the young man's thoughts, 'Is that only because the person moving it, has collected kinetic energy that is transfered to the object upon contact?' He deduced.

The particles moving within the person, gather collective kinetic energy, that is equivalent to one's strength. And once the person makes contact with something, the collective kinetic energy is transfered to the particles of the object.

If the collective energy encompasses all the particles of that object, then it will trigger it to move, thus allowing the person the ability to freely move the object.

But the more the object is moved, the less the collective kinetic energy is left within, and thus leading to the person's lowered rate of particle movement, 'Then the person gets tired? Is that it?' The young man marveled in realization.

He also realized that this had to do with one's strength. If the object has denser particles, the collective energy will not be able to be completely transfered, hence why some people fail to lift heavier objects.

But the more powerful a person, the faster the collision speed between their particles, hence a higher rate of breaking through denser particles. Thus allowing them to be able to lift heavier objects easily.

"This... is too marvelous..!!" The young man thought, a thrilling sensation traveling through his spine. Goosebumps, or chills if you will. "What's marvelous, Evans?" A young maid besides him inquired.

She was one of the staff responsible of catering to the apprentice scholar's demands. Their pay was quite high, as they were errand boys and girls of the apprentice scholars, the previously acknowledged slaves.

"Hm? Ah, no. It's nothing, Sasha. I just had a thrilling experience right now." Evans turned to the young maid called Sasha, and responded to her inquiry with a smile of excitement.

The experience he was in a moment ago, shattering into mirror fragments.

The world was back to what it used to be, but now, he had a unique ability that could allow him access to that type of vision anytime he wishes.

"Oh, okay then. Call me when you need me." Sasha said, turning around to leave. Her golden blonde wavy curls dancing in the air as she left.

Evans briefly glanced at her departing figure, and took out his notes to note down his discovery. At the same time, a whisper left his mouth the moment she was out of the room. "Enjoy yourself too, dear."


Meanwhile, back at the city lord's estate, within the training ground, Adonis also had his own fortuitous encounter thanks to the domain fusion process.

With the ever increasing fire particles within the air, a lot of people began having higher concentrations of fire reactive particles within them, or so, Evans would deduce.

Their Affinity with fire was slowly increasing, while to others, who already a small Affinity to fire, they experienced great boons with their affinities. And one of them, was perhaps Adonis.

"Oh..? What's this?" The young man thought, as in his eyes, he could see waves of orange red aura drifting within the air. And a small portion of it would be attracted to his being, delving into his skin ever so subtly.

"It's fire natural particles. There are ever present within the atmosphere, as they make up the world. Like puzzle pieces. They can increase one's Affinity to fire." Juliette responded, as she saw what he also saw, yet at a greater frequency than him.

For right above them, she could see oceanic waves of orange red aura in the skies, one so dense, it seemed infinitely close to manifesting as a sea of flames.

"Affinity..?" Adonis asked back in confusion. "It simply means that you will have a greater Affinity with Fire, your highness. Anything related to fire, will feel inexplicably close to you. And also more powerful, if exerted out by you."

Juliette explained, casually summoning a ball of flames within her hands, and flickering it towards the center of the training ground.


The fire ball struck the ground, and set off into a powerful, ground shaking, explosion. The sudden great force catching everyone off guard, and leaving them shocked.



"As you can see, that is clearly just a first circle spell, fireball. But with a higher Affinity, it can deal far greater damage than one intends." She added, waving her hand and creating a small breeze that swept away the small cloud of dust.

Her subtly action then revealed a big crater, that was ten meters wide, and almost three meters deep.

And this only brought out more shock to the spectators, especially those from Romania, as they were also mage-types.

With great fire Affinity as well, and yet, they felt like they were not even close to achieving this level of power with just a fireball spell alone.

After all, Juliette did not rely on her Sage level prowess, that was the greatest attainment of magic below godhood.

'What the..? What's with that damage output?! How high is her intelligence?' Harold thought in stupor, and Kiara followed. 'First circle spell? There's ranks to spells? And what of the second circle or third circle spells?!' She exclaimed.

'Well... this is interesting.' Lloyd thought to himself, too tired to think anything else. Haven't they had enough of surprising him today?

"But don't worry, it's a good thing, your highness." Juliette added, snapping her finger, and refilling the created crater with earth magic. "It just means that you've gotten stronger!!" And gave a thumbs up to Adonis.

"I–It does..? Th–Thank you." Adonis responded with a stutter, still shocked at the given information, and the level of control that Juliette had over the natural elements. 'She's too amazing..!!' He thought.

"Honestly, it's just a slight Affinity to fire, but you can probably work on that. Fiona will help you." Juliette added, then looking at the process of Fusion that was about to come to an end, she added, "It's coming to an end. The fusion is almost over."

"Yeah. So what now?" Sixth asked, leaning back on the pillar with his arms folded before his chest. "Can I leave if we are done?" He added a question after attracting everyone's attention.

"Ah, I'm not sure. Maybe we should wait for Damien." Juliette responded, and Adonis strongly nodded to those words.

After all, he had no authority to suggest anything to this unrestrained senior.

"...Fine." Sixth clicked his tongue in annoyance as he relented to Juliette's words.

Not that he feared Damien, but he feared the authority Damien had, on the seniors of the Gray House. It was terrifying.

In essence, he was scared of the "Damien Die Hards" within the team, an example being the current second ranked Anna. 'That woman is a devil in a human skin.' He thought with a slight shiver up his spine.

Plus, as an older sister to him too, due to being older, made it all the more difficult for him to retaliate against her.

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