The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 156 Project Silver I

Chapter 156 Project Silver I

The inscriptions sealed off the Mana of the trespassers. The formation strengthened the capabilities of the silver employees. The array formed a magic barrier over the estate, that nullified magic below Juliette's highest circle.

The runes disrupted the skills and spells of the trespassers below Unique grade, or divine category. And the sigils did the opposite for the silver employees, boosting their capabilities greatly.

With this much, even the apprentice butlers and maids could easily take out an adept assassin. And possibly even an advanced assassin sent out as well.

Plus, there was also Sixth or Ninth, who would take shifts to visiting and guarding the Silver household per week.

With their combat prowess, not even grand masters could barge in. Hell, for Sixth, Damien doubted whether even an epic assassin could escape from him, given time.

"Senior Sixth is strong, and just requires guidance and time. In a couple of weeks, he could become an epic swordsman. If not a sword legend." Damien said, and Juliette nodded in understanding.

Thus, the night went by, and soon, it was the next day.

And by that time, Damien prepared himself.

After all, he had a lot of things to take care of, that were potentially more threatening.

Preparing for the third stage of the Realm. Going against the Destiny Devourer. Having to take care of the growing threat of the wolves. Appointing the third King Candidate. There was a lot to think off.

"Already leaving?" Juliette inquired, when she saw Damien about to take off from the ground. But hearing her voice, he paused and nodded. "Yeah. I have to supervise the starting process."

"I see. In that case, good luck. I'll also work harder than before." She said, moving closer to him and boldly giving him a peck on the cheek.

But as she was shorter, she had to climb up her toes to reach his cheeks, which was adorable to the spectactors. 'But she could just have floated up.' Damien thought to himself.

But the act itself was heart warming, under normal circumstances. Not for him though. "Yeah, I'll also work harder myself." He nodded at her words. Then he turned around to leave, but paused a moment later.


He sighed, turned around, and gave the expectantly waiting Juliette a light peck on her forehead. "I'll be back." And left.

"Okay. Byeeee~" She waved him off in joy, a smile of triumph on her face. 'You can't act tough around me, Damien. Hmph.' She thought, content with herself.

Honestly, she was happy he still had his emotions with him, despite his past life ego still within him. Which was beyond emotion, morals and reason.

And even if she doubted what he had for her was love, she knew it was not far from it.

At most, it wasn't against her, and her own love for him. 'Maybe it will in the future, but for now, it's you and me, Damien. Just us two.' She went back into the mansion, and continued her studies.

She was close to deciphering time magic, and had to enter in seclusion. Perhaps, maybe for a week or two? She wasn't sure.

But it shouldn't take too long.

Meanwhile, Damien arrived at the construction site, and saw the workers still in the process of moving things around, and clearing out the sight for the buildings.

"Hm? Boss man, you're here." A rather familiar face greeted him, attracting most eyes on them. "I was wondering when you'll be arriving. We can start up on the project anytime now." He said.

Damien landed, and nodded his head. "Alright. Let's start up on the foundation first. The institution will be built at the center, with towers on each cardinal direction, then the town sorounding it." He said.

"Huh? Towers? I don't think any of us here know how to do a foundation of a tower." The man said, a thoughtful expression on his face. 'What kind of tower?' He thought.

"It's alright." Damien responded, rolling up his sleeves all the way above his elbows, then putting on a safety helmet on his head. "I'll teach it to you. Pass me the drawing board, and the instruments first." He added.

"Ah? Oh, ah, yes yes. Here it is, sir. Please teach us." The man responded, a bit confused, a bit skeptical. He had never worked with a noble before, and thus was greatly confused.

But Damien did not seem to find anything strange. He was from a time where gods would not mind working with mortals and slaves to build forts against the coming invaders.

Let alone the minor difference between nobles and commoners. Plus, he was not a genuine noble. Okay, maybe he was, but he was never raised as one. lights

The Gray family was a bit special with its position, considering that they originated from the Central Stronghold at the center of humanity. But David's household, raised their child differently.

"We will be building magic towers. They are a bit complicated. They are not just towers, but are also buildings, and a fort at the same time. And since they should be mobile when needed, their foundation is a bit too complicated." Damien began his explanation.

"Which is why, we will have to etch out the ground beneath us, when taking into account their foundation. But don't worry, I'll direct you all, and show you how it's properly done." He added.

"..." josei

The man remained silent and listened, slightly peeking at the drawing at the same time. He had never seen a plan layout like this one.

More and more men also moved closer to listen to what a noble had to say to them.

The fact that he was teaching them their own work, had some of them skeptical and angry. But due to his status, they could not fight back.

And hence were looking forward to him embarrassing himself. And he already was. 'A tower, a building and a fortress in one? What, are you delusional or something?'

'Magic towers? Honestly, I'm fine with magicians, but now magic towers? Oh please, grow the fuck up.'

'I'm fine with magic towers, but a mobile fortress? Are you even hearing yourself, great sir of know-it-all?'

'Ah, I see, I see. I think I'm understanding what you're trying to say, teacher. It makes so much sense to me now. Hm. Hm.'

'Speaking nonsense, but I like the drawing. It's... It's... Yeah, I dont know what it is... but it aren't bad.' They all thought in disdain.

Such an idea was unfeasible. Even more so, than seeing people shoot out fireballs, and call down lightning from the skies.

Or cut down buildings in half with a sword.

"The towers will be in a unique structure, as it would have multiple floors to it. Let's say, something along the lines of a ziggurat building. You do know what a ziggurat building looks like, right?" Damien continued, irregardless of the workers and their thought process.

Yet his words left 90% of the group around him speechless. Well, not only his words, even the building layout and basic diagram he draw left them confused.

"Uhm, I do know whet it is... but it isn't necessarily included within the civil engineering text books that are freely distributed to us." A worker said amongst the crowd.

"Yeah. I, for one, don't know what that is." The familiar face within the group shrugged his shoulders. He was the man that confronted Damien when he first met them.

"I see... Its all right. I'll see to that." Damien said, then backed away from the building layout he drew. "It looks something like this; a cuboid structure, with more similar, yet smaller structures layered atop it, creating a tower of sorts." He further explained.

Meanwhile, the group of workers clustered around his drawn layout, like a group of ducklings scrabbling for bread crumbs.

Only a select few remained behind, and listened carefully to the words that Damien was saying. The familiar face within the listening group.

"In simple terms, think of it as ten cubes placed atop each other, rising towards the skies. But the higher we go, the smaller the cube in size. Approximately, 70% in size to the preceding cube before it... Do you get the picture of it?" He inquired at the end.

"I kinda get the gist of it... I think." The man said. He was known as Bobby, or Bob, for short. He was nothing special compared to the others.

Be it in knowledge, or work experience, he was just average. He was mediocre at best. But thanks to his hard work, and intent to learn, he was quite good at all sorts of jobs related to construction.

Even if it was basic knowledge of each sector, he was still a lot of help regardless. Hence even now, he was curious about these "mage towers", and willing to learn.

Even if it was the basics only.

"Kinda, huh? Well, I'll get the learning materials for everyone. Time is not much, but it isn't of the essence. I'll show you guys more as we go forth." Damien said, his tone still as apathetic as always, yet he never came off as distant.

Let alone arrogant.

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