The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 159 Project Silver IV

Chapter 159 Project Silver IV

Chapter 159 Project Silver IV

"Please do." And Juliette smiled in response.

"That will take time, though. So in the meanwhile, do what you must. If we find nothing within three weeks time, I guess that's that." He added, and the obedient wife-to-be nodded her head with a smile.

"Great. We'll talk then." Damien concluded, removing his hand as he turned around. Juliette felt a bit bitter, but still waved after him, "Okay. Take care, Damien. I'll be waiting."


Damien silently left the underground training room, ascended the stairs back to the mansion, before taking his leave.

He was headed towards the construction site, where by now, he was sure that the seven thousand employees of the workers guild had by far, done the foundation of the project.

Once outside the mansion, he took off to the sky, and quickly flew towards the site. And from his position, he could already see the vast area to be occupied by the institution.

The area the institute covered was large, being about 1,000 squar kilometers in range. Yet compared to the city besides it... it was terrifyingly small in comparison.

Avarice city, that was not truly a city in name, covered about 20,000 square kilometers of land. Yes, that much land, and yet it was designated as just a city.

The other cities more or less covered the same size, as the total land inhibited by humans within the Shade Stronghold was estimated to be 150,000 square kilometers.

While that uninhibited by humans was over 100% larger. In total, the Shade Stronghold, that was designated as a nation, covered a land of over 500,000 square kilometers.

The Silver Institution was small in comparison.

Damien knew, but had no qualms against it. 'Owning a land that is a thousand square kilometers in range while being unranked nobles is a feat.' He thought.

Within the Shade Stronghold, every city was too large to be considered a mere city. No one person could manage it all by themselves.

Take Adison for example, him alone, managing over fifty million people was nigh-impossible. Which was why there were nobles to help manage portions of said city, while sending in reports every so often.

The noble ranks were ranked from Baron, to Viscount, to Earl, to Marquess, and finally, to Duke, from lowest to highest.

And depending on your rank, you could manage a certain number of people, which would be your responsibility.

Barons took charge of a thousand or less people with their territory, while Dukes had a stagaring six million or less. And all these, were under the influence of Avarice.

And since Avarice was a single city, the distance between each territory was not large. But here they were, planning on creating an institution that could house at most two million residents.

'We are blatantly challenging the authority of the nobles.' He sighed, as he chose to deal with such a problem the normal way.

Since he and Juliette were already nobles, by blood, all they had to do was accumulate merit until they could raise their position. "...Over three months, and by now, most people must be around the First League, while the stronger ones are within the Second League." He said to himself.

Thanks to The Primordial Source, ascending will be quite an easy feat for anybody, whether talented or not. But that was, if there were adequate opponents to farm Life Essence from.

"And unfortunately, we lack that." He concluded, as he continued to appraise the construction pace.

Now, with that in mind, Juliette could amass merits by simply creating a mage guild, where she will create spell books to help mages and other spell casters.

After all, even after three months, progress of creating spells, learning about them, or their nature, was still low. Meanwhile, he could create an adventurer's guild, that would reward Professionists for doing activities.

Since both these guild would be helping Avarice progress as a city, they could amass merits, and possibly, legally rank up to Barons, if not Viscounts by chance.

'I should also annex the worker's guild, and give out proficient information pertaining to work-class Professions. That should help not only Avarice, but the whole Shade nation as a whole.' His thoughts continued, as a smile barely formed on his lips.

To legally have a land worthy of over two million people, he needed to be a Marquess. And reaching such a rank, shouldn't be hard for him.

But why would he stop there? He might as well be a Duke, and the most powerful of all of them. That way, no royal family, let alone a noble household, would dare look down upon the house of Silver.

"This aside though... I need to give my laws some attention. Not only them though, my overall strength as well." He said, calling out his Template to take a glance.

[ Name: Damien Gray ]

[ Mana: – (Nigh-Infinite) ]

[ Epithet(5): First Blood(Grand), Dragon Slayer(Myth-1), King Maker(Myth-1), Ascandent Human Progenitor(Myth-3), Lord Damien(Grand) ]

[ Laws(3): <Void: 3%> <Death: 1%> <Concealment: 1%> ]

[ Class: Lvl 95 Absolute (0/67,000) ]

[ Sub-Class: None ]

[ Excess Life Essence: 15,990,089 ]

[Alignment: Chaotic Neutral ]

[ Stats: STR - 243,477.1 || AGI - 34,250.2 || END - 323 989.9 || INT - 98,890.1 || WIS - 109,879.2 || AFF - 81,031.3 (–) ]

[ Stat Points: 1,600 || Ability Points: 1,201 ]

[ ??? Abilities(1): False Enigma(1) ]

[ Ultimate Abilities(1): Deus Ex Machina(1) ]

[ Unique Abilities(7): Wisdom Eye(1), Plot Armor(1), Dragon Heart(1), Runic Encryption(1), Runic Dragonborne(1), Ascendent Foundation(1), Prohpet of Humanity(1) ]

[ Extra Abilities(0): None ]

[ Techniques(3): Mana Incorporation(Godly), Infernal Energy Circulation(Unique), Kismetic Mana-Kinesis(Godly) ]

[ Kismetic Essence: 13,875 units (1/hr) ]

[ Natural Resistance(3): <Fire: 75%> <Water: 75%> <Wind: 75%> <Earth: 75%> ]

Damien glimpsed through his template, then sighed at the slow progress he was taking. "My Mana still refuses to become infinite. Even for someone at my level, having the power to disregard planets... my infinity should be vast." He thought to himself.

But even then, a decillion would be somehow infinite to beings like that. Hell, perhaps to even weaker gods, such a number was beyond their normal scale.

Yet his and Juliette's Mana, which exceeded such a number by millions, if not billions, was still not considered infinite.

"...That aside, my laws are still quite low ranked." His thoughts continued.

His Void law had increased by a bit, thanks to already being the Void Embodiment. Even without doing anything, his Void law would continously climb up.

'With my unlocked potential, and this included, I should reach the maximum control over a law a mortal can wield soon enough.' He sighed once more.

10% was the maximum law comprehension a mortal can access. And 20% was the maximum a lesser god could access.

Without breaking through, it would be nigh-impossible to go up ahead. Greater gods maxed out at 30% comprehension, which would make their law reach 50% at that point.

And high gods maxed at 50%, thus perfectly gaining control over said law.

To add, greater gods had to have two laws at 50% before they can try to become high gods. And high gods had to have three laws at 100%, to try and break through.

This was the whole process of the Third League... at least gaining maxed out control over the abilities of the law a deific being controls.

"I gained 1% comprehension after a week, then 2% after two weeks. With this, it'll take around 13 months without much effort. And with my potential included, it'll take a third of that time." He deduced, his gaze still watching over the employees working below him.

But this deduction of his was based on the fact that he was not focusing on cultivating the Void law day in, day out.

If he were to, the time would significantly decrease once more. josei

"But that's not where I want to stop. I need to have at most all access to all my law to go against the Destiny Eater." He frowned, as he concluded that the Destiny Eater was at most, a noble god at the least.

And the major requirement to become one, was to have at least three laws mastered at 100%.

With the Destiny Eater's age and devoured destiny, it should probably have over five maxed out laws at the very least. And that, was terrifying in and of itself.

That aside, he also had plenty Kismet Essence that he could use to oh-so-easily manipulate the reality sorounding the humans.

He sighed one last time, as his gaze finally went upwards. "Alright then. In a months time, I should set out with Juliette to the east. There, I'm sure we can find something that will allow us, despite still being mortals, to access at most 50% of all our laws."

"With the connection between Avarice and Romania, Juliette can easily obtain the law of fire. With her Affinity and potential, it is possible. And since the law of fire was used to make the base of our Bloodline, I'll also have access to it."

He paused, then thought about the other laws he had. "The destiny of the Fool that damned her nation is... far too corrupted. If I go there, I will mostly likely ascend with my law of death. I can also recruit yet another king candidate to help Adonis and Fiona."

"Plus, with the addition of a new domain fused into this one, it might quickly evolve into a Tier 4 domain." He concluded, his gaze set towards the direction where the last Stronghold of their cardinal direction lay.

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