The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 16 Fighting An Angel

Chapter 16 Fighting An Angel

He stopped in his steps, and threw himself aside. This opened up enough space for the spear to flash past him, tearing through the wind.

But what he did not take into account was the ability of the angel. After all, he never fought it during his trials, hence it was a new experience for him too.

All angels he fought, were full-bred angels, at the Third League, with multiple Abilities and immense Holy power. Not... this.


Just as he dodged, and the spear was about to hit the ground, the angel appeared besides it.


It replaced the spear. It shifted its position with that of the spear, and appeared where the spear previously stood. And it had long folded its fist.


Damien was caught off guard.

And Juliette was beyond shocked.


And the angel ignored all of that. It just punched out. Pure. And simple.

No fancy moves, or fancy words. Just a straight forward, full powered punch. No technique whatsoever, only pure brute force.


*** Juliette Silver ***

I watched as big brother Damien moved away from me. For once, I did not feel abandoned. I actually felt excited, and expectant.

I think I was getting used to this. I was no longer being 'shocked and fearful', but just being 'shocked'. There's a difference between the two.

The former meant that I was shocked, yet also afraid. And the latter meant that I had conquered my fear. Slightly.


Big brother walked forward step by step. Each step was steady and powerful. Like that of a king. A man who knew his worth. A lion fearless of its enemies.

Then seconds later, I found to my amazement that he was hurrying. And soon, he was sprinting towards the angel at full speed.


I... I could actually follow his movements. In fact, I felt like he was not as fast as he used to be. Or maybe he was holding back? I didn't know at that point.

Nor did that matter.

Because even if he was holding back, I would not be able to read his movements even then. But I could now. It means I grew stronger. And more perceptive.

Or so... I thought.

The angel though, did not back off at his mighty charge. Instead, like a predator as well, it prepared itself and retaliated.

It spun its spear within its hand, and aimed it carefully at big brother Damien. It's posture professional, and fearless. Like a lioness ready to pounce on its target.

Thus, without hesitation, it threw it towards him like a bolt of lightning.

It was fast.

But not fast enough.

I could read its movement. My eyes dilated as I watched the spear carefully. If I could do this, then big brother could do even better!!

And indeed, he easily side stepped the incoming spear as easily as dodging a child's attack. But what came next, was what shocked both of us.

And also, what made me reconsider my evaluation of what being fast meant.


I saw to not only my shock, but also big brother's shock, the angel appearing besides him. It appeared like a ghost materializing itself infront of its victim.


And silently.

We were both caught off guard.

And as I continued to carefully appraise, mid my shock, I was able to verify that... I was completely slow. I failed to read through such speed.


As for the angel, it ignored our shock and casually threw a fast punch towards big brother's face.


The impact was quite loud. It was like two carriages colliding into each other at quite the speed. Yet I was not worried. Nor bothered.

Yes. I was shocked.

But not worried. I knew my Damien could do much better than that. I knew he could take such little damage no problem. I knew he was more than that.


And indeed.

He only scoffed at the punch as he smiled. His face did not even move a single inch back. The fist was just implanted on his face, and was stuck there.

It was as if it hit a wall, and not a human.

The angel tilted its head sideways. An action I deemed as an act of showing its confusion.

But big brother did not mind that. He hurriedly folded his fist and sent a punch towards the angel. It was packed with all his strength.

I could even see veins popping out along his arm. Unfortunately for him, the angel vanished again, avoiding a deadly attack that could have ended this sooner.

What replaced it was the spear that it threw before. Floating perfectly where it used to be. It was easily broken in half through his dauntless mighty strength.

Even steel fell to his strength!!!


Wait... I get it now.

I slightly frowned as I finally understood that the angel was not fast. It was like an epiphany of sorts. It was not fast, but was using some sort of Ability to switch positions with objects.


I thought. Such an Ability was even more impressive and deadly than the previous two. According to my perception though.

There was a lot I could think about, pertaining the use of such an Ability. For example-–



Big brother's hum got me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him and saw him pick up the two spear pieces off the ground, then weigh them in his hand.

A moment later, he threw them towards me and said, "Hold on to that. You are the only target that it can switch positions with now. So be on your toes."


My heart suddenly increased its rate.

I felt like a heavy burden was placed onto my shoulders. But I still listened nonetheless, and took hold of the spear pieces with conviction in my heart.

My nerves were also stretched out. I believed I could react to any possible situation that could occurr right now. I was ready for anything.

The angel suddenly gazed down at me.

It was located back at its initial point. And it looking down at me with that mask, gave me chills down my spine. I slightly trembled.

But... but I was not afraid.

I was just unnerved.

"Come on. Shifting?" Big brother Damien looked up and said. He then began laughing out loud.

His voice finally got me to stop trembling. My focus was now on his voice, and not the angel's gaze. "If it was a Unique or Ultimate Ability, it would actually be overpowered."

"But as an Extra Ability? At most, little one, you can shift thrice or five times. Hell five times is if you really maxed out the Ability." He smirked and looked up, then continued.

"And you probably have not maxed it out yet. Hell you never will. Unless, the trials would be unfair to us. Now... you only have one chance left. You ought to use it carefully because..."

He paused, and chuckled. His chuckle was cold and heinous. His predatory gaze was also directed at the angel as he added on, "...If you don't, I'll literally tear you limb to limb, and grind your bones to dust."


The angel did not comment.

It only flapped its wings and looked down towards my direction. This time though, I was ready. So I gave it a fearless glare of a young lady.

One that contained all my emotions in regards to its beauty, and clothing. I gave it all my hate-filled glare, of course, with a hint of jealousy too.


It seems my gaze worked wonders. For the angel turned its eyes back to big brother Damien and spread out it's wings.

He smiled in response, and prepared to sprint again. And to sprint, he did.

He kicked off the cloudy floor and burst off at insane speed. Yet I could still read his movements.

The angel also did a powerful push of its wings, and sent itself propelling towards him. It was also fast. Not as exaggerated as big brother, but fast nonetheless.

Two black blurs rushed towards each other. And I could see it clearly even now. Maybe I'm mentioning that a bit too much, am I?

It's overexcitement.

I can't help it.


My attention was brought back by yet another collusion. The world seems to be against me and my thoughts. How strange.

And like all the other test of strength that big brother Damien had, he easily won this one too.

The angel's arm was forcefully pushed back. It's fist was shattered, and it's arm bones as well. Reduced to flesh and broken bones.

And by force at that.

And I mean that it's arm was broken by force due to its weaker strength. While the momentum sent it tumbling back like a ragged doll.

I was hyped. And on my toes as I watched it roll across the soft cloud. It's appearance unsightly and pitiful.

But big brother Damien did not seem to care. He immediately pounced on it and threw yet another punch at it. His posture was like a tiger pouncing on its prey.

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