The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 164 Towards Norland IV

Chapter 164 Towards Norland IV


'How hateful..!!' She thought about the occurrences that took place in the past months.

The most annoying being the fact that she... could still not fix the problem she has caused for her beloved. 'I hate this..!!' She suppressed the urge to shatter the window with a punch.

She was not the aggressive type, nor the impulsive type, but this situation, boiled her anger to limits she never knew were available.

'What's even going on around here, exactly?!' She wondered. Her expression still intact, excluding the furrowed brows.

To others, she still seemed as delicate and as pretty as always.

Her black hair, cascaded down her shoulders like a pool of darkness. Her clear blue eyes, like two celestial moons suspended within a white void, shone with countless thoughts. Her small lips pursed as her thoughts continued.



Meanwhile, the young lady that was her personal maid, as well as another young lady that was her best friend of sorts, felt bothered by her silence.

Hyro, her personal maid, was a young lady who by far, was not the prettiest. She had average charm, and possibly, an average body, with a large chest and prominent curves.

Her only saving grace, perhaps.

She stared at her mistress, a frown on her face. Meanwhile on her side, was a beautiful young lady, in her mid twenties.

She had pure brilliant blonde hair, neatly tied into a bun, as well as clear blue eyes. A feature that most citizens of Asgards had. Their counterparts having white or black hair instead.

She had an amazing body, as well as descent charm. She also stared at Loptr with concern, "Princess, I know you don't like it, but what's done, is done. Get over it." She said.

She had to say something, otherwise Loptr would depress herself. And as expected, those words helped her. "...Those wretched bastards!!"

Loptr blew off her top.

"How can they disappear for two weeks, and suddenly return, claiming that they saw no signs of Shade?! That's two weeks!! Even taking into account the fact that they went back and forth, they spent an entire week travelling!!"

"With the black hounds, they should be able to cover an area of 500 miles a day. That's a lot of distance in a week, yet they came across nothing?! Argh..!! Why didn't they push on forward then?! Useless bastards!!" Cussed the young pretty princess, destroying her image.

"Oh boy..." Yet the two ladies with her, did not seem to mind whatsoever. It was as if they knew that nothing would get to her, once she was ruffled up to this extent.

Unless you use her weakness.

"A princess who is so foul mouthed, and speaks down on her subjects. I am sure he would not like that." The blonde lady said, matter-of-factly.

"Ah..." And Loptr immediately shut her mouth, not refuting her words. Indeed, her beloved wouldn't like such a woman.

But she couldn't help it.

Just learning that the plan she made, after going through so much, was all for naught, infuriated her. As far as she remembers, the Shade Stronghold was supposed to be thousands of miles away from the Norland Stronghold.

At least, that was as such, twelve years ago, when her mother brought her towards the Shade Stronghold.

The rare occurrence when people travel between Strongholds. Usually, each Stronghold is its own world, as trade between such behemoths occurred once every decade, when the kings met at the Central Stronghold.

Otherwise, rarely, did people travel between Strongholds. And there were multiple reasons to that.

Firstly, due to the vast distance. Secondly, due to the dangers lurking outside the Strongholds. Third, each Stronghold was its own world, being able to trade within themselves.

Each city within was like a nation, so a Stronghold was akin to a congregation of nations that could sustain each other.

There were other reasons, but the situation was as such. So Loptr only traveled outside of Norland twice, twelve years ago when she went to the Shade Stronghold.

And nine years ago, when her father took her to the Central Stronghold for the STF event, the Stronghold Trade Fair.

Next year would be the third time.

Unfortunately, throughout the years, the distance between each Stronghold would increase. And though minimal, the increase was there. At most, by the tens of miles every year.

And when the world become a Realm, the distance increased again. By insane magnitudes at that. Same when it evolved into a Stage 2 Realm.

Loptr, or rather 99% of humanity, did not know that the distance between each Stronghold within a cardinal direction... exceeded a billion miles in terms of land.

Let alone those separated by cardinals.

"The world is mutating, your highness. Nobody knows for a fact, what kind of mystical events the soldiers came across, for them not to arrive at their destination even after traveling 3,500+ miles." She explained, hoping to calm down Loptr.

And Loptr, now calm, did not respond to her words.

"So how about we calm down, and–"



An explosion occurred outside the coach. One so mighty, it shook the balance of the coach, throwing the three ladies around, like balls within a lottery machine. lights


"Holy moll–!!"


The tumbling and tossing around occurred for two to three seconds, before the coach regained its balance, coming to halt a few seconds after.

"Ah... my head..." Loptr complained, an uncomfortable sensation striking the back of her head. But that aside, she felt no pain.


She opened her eyes, only to see a valley between two mountains before her. Then the sweet aroma of her loyal servant, Hyro, assaulted her nose. Followed by her caramel-like rough skin.

"My... my lady, forgive, my rudeness... but, are you... are you okay?" She softly inquired, her body softly wrapping around Loptr's body protectively.

There were bruises on her left cheek, her chin, and below her right eye, but she did not mind them. The concern drifting within her gaze as she stared at Loptr stuck between her chest, was all too real.

lightsΝοvel "...Let go of me, Hyro. I am perfectly fine. Thank you." She responded, tacticly escaping the embrace of Hyro, who obediently nodded her head.

"I'm glad you two are okay." Frieda, the best friend and instructor of princess Loptr, said in relief. Her words attracting the other two's attention.

And to say they were shocked, would be an understatement. "You..." Loptr desired to say something, but quited down instead.

She ignored the perfect condition that Frieda was in, and instead carefully brushed aside the curtains of her coach. She wanted to take a peak to what's was going on outside.

"Ah..." And to be shocked, she was.

More so than seeing Frieda in perfect condition after all that tumbling. In fact, this was the greatest shock she has had so far. Because...

They were hundreds of miles above ground.


She closed back the curtain, and sat herself down at her previous location. Silent. She sat back down in absolute silence, yet without a hint of panic.

"...Your highness?" Hyro called out in concern.

"...You seem rather shaken up." Frieda also said something, sitting herself down as well. Calm beyond belief.

"Mhm. The situation is beyond my power, so why should I stress it?" Loptr shrugged her shoulders in response. Not a shred of care in her tone.

"If only you had that mentality concerning that little crush of yours." Frieda sighed in defeat, shaking her head in disappointment.

"...Says the same woman who is obsessed with a child, worshipping him as a god." Retorted Loptr, ruffling up Frieda's feathers. "I'll let you know, He is, indeed a god. A god, I say."

"He's just a brat the same age as me. Why don't you worship me as a goddess then, huh?" Loptr retorted once more.

"...yes, you're right. I should truly know my place before the great, and mighty exalted goddess of misfortune herself." Frieda fired back.


And Loptr found herself speechless.

Third generational humans. Quite a few of such beings, were special cases. They were the reason why some humans considered them closer to godhood.

The successor of David being one of them, as he had inhuman comprehensive talents, inhuman fighting capabilities, inhuman strength, inhuman speed, inhuman durability, and great foresight.

Even compared to his peers, he was merely a monster. A special born child. And Loptr, was one of them.

Unlike the successor of David, she had this effect she'd like to call a "curse", that brought misfortune to places she'd often visit. Or people she often interacts with.

Even before this accursed Class chose her, Loptr knew she was unique. Hell she was already being worshipped as a goddess of misfortune by a cult within Jotunheim before she learned to speak, let alone walk.

So Frieda's words, struck a real nerve.

Thus she did not respond, leaving the interior of the luxurious coach in silence. A nerve-wrecking, yet strangely, peaceful silence.

"If you are all done interacting, we'd like to have a conversation with you. Please come outside." And at that moment, an ethereal soft voice broke their moment of silence, as the hearts of all three ladies sank.




Loptr did not say anything, and took yet another peak outside through the corner of her window. And to more of her shock, she found that they were at the edge of the cliff.

There were no more flying, but on ground.

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