The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 20 Wonders Of Mana

Chapter 20 Wonders Of Mana

*** Juliette Silver ***

I closed my eyes as instructed, and focused solely on my breathing.

The act itself was not hard, hence I was able to do it no problem. My heart relaxed. My thoughts clean. My breathing normal.

It was just as I was instructed.

And I could see some progress.


At first, I could see nothing but darkness. It was normal for anyone who closed their eyes. But next, I began to see a blue spark.

It was not far away from my consciousness, yet felt like it was unreachable.

At this point, my mind was blank. And the only thing I could focus on was the blue spark.


I beckoned at it. I know it was a strange action. And I don't know why I called out to it, but I felt the need to. Like a mother affectionately calling upon their child.

I thus called again...



It ignored me. But I was not disappointed, nor disheartened. I could still feel it's warmth bathing my body, and cleaning my mind.

I felt like my dark mind, was becoming a bit clearer to see. I felt like the darkness, was not so dark anymore.

A strange feeling. I know.

Yet that was how I could explain it.

Come, child~

I once again tried to call upon it, and failed. But to my surprise, a second spark appeared from another direction.


I turned around to face it.


I called out to it as well, yet like the first time, I was ignored. I was still not disheartened, and called up to them again.

Come, my babies~

The sparks shook at the beckon of my words, yet still not did not come towards me. But thankfully, another spark lit up not far away from me once again.

There were now three babies.

And I could feel their warmth bathing my very soul, and changing my body inside out. I felt touched, and loved.

So, I wanted to love them back.

Please, come to mommy~

I begged. Yet was ignored. I did not know what it was I was doing wrong, but I felt like I was not being sincere enough.

I felt disheartened for once.

I felt disappointed at myself.

Don't you like me?

I inquired, to no one but the three sparks of blue light floating within the darkness with him.


The fouth spark appeared.

Ah, another cutie~

I responded to its arrival, and showered it with affection like the previous three sparks. And of course, I was ignored, but it still shared its warmth with me.

I was touched.

My despair gone.

It did not matter whether they came towards me or not, I do not mind. What mattered was that there are here with me now.


Oho. Yet another baby~ Hi sweetie.

The same process occurred. And my joy grew even more. Look how cute they are, and how shy they are acting.

Aren't they adorable.


They are so cute I am even hallucinating their father's voice. How adorable.


It's unfortunate daddy can not be here with you. He's a bit grumpy, but will still love you. Just don't blame him okay? Okay my babies?


Hm? Huh?

Am I not hallucinating a bit too much. No. No, wait. It must be an illusion. Yes, an illusion. I, I might just be overthinking things.



"Juliette Silver."



"YES!!" I scream in both fright and fear, as I jumped up like a startled kitten. My voice was a tone higher than usual.

I was frightened of course. Don't ask why. I just was. Girls who are with boys whom they like will understand my feelings.

As for my fear? I was fearful of opening my eyes to an angry Damien. I would never want to see myself making him angry.

Thats not something a good wife would do... a good future wife. A good wife-in-candidate. A good wife-to-be. A good... You, you get it, don't you?



There was silence between us.

Big brother Damien stared down at me with an exasperated expression. And I stared back at him with a tearful expression.

I want to die.

I thought and avoided his gaze. Why did he even call me for?

"Three minutes are up. Our final opponent has arrived." Big brother's words brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him, then the environment.

It was changed.

We were now within a mountain-like region. There were mountains here and there. Some short and narrow, some tall and wide.

But at the end, there were mountains everywhere, at every turning point.

But what caught my attention even more, was not the mountains, but the child-like humanoid being that stood not far away from us.


Another Spirit?

Did we not just kill a Windborne Spirit a few minutes ago? Should it not be a different creature, before a spirit appeared again?

I thought to myself. But at the same time, big brother's words also hit me. 'Final opponent.' Did that mean that I have more trials than Big brother?

Or that big brother also has to fight spirits? After all, while my opponents were purely spirits, he fought a demon and an angel. Whose to say a spirit would not appear next?

"This one might be a bit tricky. A Void-borne Spirit." He carefully whispered to me lightly. I nodded, yet felt like this might not be that hard.

After all... I have Mana now!!

I summoned up my template and immediately checked the new information that appeared. Especially the one on Mana.

[ Name: Juliette Silver ]

[ Mana: 10 units ]

[ Epithet(2: First Blood(Grand), Pioneer of Mana(Grand) ]

[ Class: Lvl 6 Classless ]

[ Sub-Class: None ]

[Alignment: None ]

[ Stats: STR - 18 || AGI - 2,25 || END - 17,2 || WIS - 0,1 || INT - 0,1 || AFF - 10,1 ]

[ Stat Points: 1,0 || Ability Points: 1 ]

[ Abilities : None ]

[ Equipment(2): Bracelet of Norde(Superior), Bracelet of Sarrd(Superior) ]

[ Resources(3): Tier 1 Random Treasure Chest(×2), Spirit Fragment(2/4), Tier 1 Spirit Shard(×2) ]


The current template was a surprise to me. I hurriedly went through it all, and genuinely, I was impressed.

All the way, the opponent had already appeared, and was ready for battle. It was child-like, and humanoid like all the other spirits I met. They were cute.

It's body was made up of transparent gray matter. So transparent, one could barely see through its existence.

It seemed like it was blending in with the world, without even trying to. Such an impressive constitution.

It's expression was also null. No anger, no joy, no serenity, just blank. I could not think of a proper description for it, but it was blank.

Not even a dead person's expression was as blank as this spirit. Nor a completely broken person inside-out could compare.

"Well. Let's just end this." Big brother Damien said from the side. His voice contained a hint of disappointment, but it was barely obvious.

"No, wait." I stopped him.


"Can I..." I took a very deep breathe of air, and determination flashed threw my face. Or that is what I thought was observable through my expression. "Can I fight it?"

I finally suggested.


I know I was not really that strong, but I believe I could at least try. It was better than nothing after all. So, I wanted to hear his opinion on this matter.

"Sure." He nodded. Then he added, "Have you obtained the three other Stats?"

I nodded my head with a, "Yes." And he began explaining to them. More like a brief summary.

"INT or Intelligence there, stands for magical damage. And WIS or Wisdon, represents magic defense. Ignore the AFF or Affinity for now. Anyway, for the current you, it's useless. But always keep that in mind." He added.

I see. So that's what it stands for?

I am guessing STR stands for physical damage, or just my pure physical might. Then AGI was for my speed and response? And END for physical damage defense?

I asked him for verification, and he nodded with a light smile of approval. I get it now. Thank you, but Damien.

I won't disappoint you.


He did not respond to my words. He just stood there, his hands crossed before his chest and watched me walk towards the spirit.


This will be a bit hectic, but hey, it's not like I've never been trained for combat sports or anything. I'm not that stiff. Physically nor mentally.

I checked my soroundings, and asserted that there was enough space for tens of people. And the environment was just an open space, the mountains being tens of meters back.

Everything was perfect.

The only factor I should be careful of, is the spirit's ability. I know nothing of it for now, hence I must be careful at all times.



We both stared at each other for a moment. And as if in synchronization, we both burst towards one another at frightening subsonic speed.

I was able to burst forth with all my might, covering tens of meters with a step. The spirit likewise did the same, but I was still faster.

Yet still cautious.

I was able to reach it first, and hurriedly stretched out my hand to grab onto it. Of course, I was ready for any ability it would unleash.

Hence, my hands were laid with Mana, slightly causing invisible blue waves of hue to twist around my palm.

Not sure how devastating it would be, but surely... it would deal some intended damage. Especially to a spirit.


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