The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 26 Uncalculculated Errors

Chapter 26 Uncalculculated Errors

Those were words meant to only pull in more beings to join our side faster. As for the validity of our words, who would verify them? Did they have what it takes?

This would bring hate and discontent towards us, yet did it matter? We thought otherwise. Their feelings were not even second-hand matters to us.

They could cry and cuss for all we care.

For did it matter, when our goal was full-filled? Unfortunately for them, no.

But fortunately for us, our plan succeeded.

[ TING!!! ]

[ One person has been bonded with The Primordial Source ]

[ One person has been bonded with The Primordial Source ]

[ One person has been bonded with The Primordial Source ]

[ One person has been bonded with The Primordial Source ]

[ One... ]josei

[ One... ]


One by one, beings from all over the world agreed to enter their Trials, and as more agreed, the pressure on others increased, and they soon hastily followed.

Some still stayed and decided to watch what would happen next, and I did not mind. We were not in much of a rush... at least, we could wait a few days.

We will just have to see where that would take them.

Of course, a few races with strong foundations did not fall for our schemes.

But I reckoned in a few days, when they realize the might and power of those that agreed, they would soon follow.

And the Seven Great Churches, decided to not participate due to strongly believing one sidedly at the Seven Supremes.

But we were still unperturbed.

To add on... our next actions, would be favorable to those that joined us, and unfavorable to those that do not.

At the end of the day, our focus is make sure they all participate in their Trials, and the simplest way to do that... just so happens to be the most ruthless way.

[ ... ]

And we shall take it!!!

Regardless of which path, we have to take it, and traverse through it regardless of the outcome it has upon the world... As long as it does not negatively affect its Providence.

Everything else shall be second hand matters. We shall not be as naive as we were in the memories, and we shall strive for a path of Greater Creation.

If no true Creator has ever existed, we shall be the first. If this entire Existential Facade is nothing but a lie, we shall convert it to nothing but a truth.

We shall become true... Primordial.

*** Juliette Silver ***

Within a bloody field, corpses strewn everywhere, and rivers of blood flowing here and there, a man stood tall and valiant.

From where I stood, I could see his valiant figure, staring down the tens of humanoid corpses torn and broken around him.

His gaze was apathetic, his gray eyes reflecting nothing but calm anger and silent madness.


I did not know how to feel at such a sight. At the sight of the blue eyed daredevil I looked up to, shifting to a gray eyed godly being.

I forgot how long we have been here for, but maybe ten, thirty or even sixty minutes have long since flashed by. All I remember is spilled blood and endless fighting

I thought as I moved my eyes from the man who stole my heart, to the bloodshed we caused from the moment we defeated the Void borne spirit.

As far as I remember, I fell unconscious and woke up five minutes later. And I woke to a sight of big brother defeating a water spirit.

Before then, he had fought a ghost and won. It was something worth celebrating for, yet he was not happy. Nor was he calm.

When I woke up and unsteadily walked towards him due to my weak condition, I heard him mutter the words, "Uncalculated Errors" to himself.

Upon reaching him, I smiled lightly and tried to lighten the mood. I teasily pinched his waist and asked what him what he was secretly whispering about.

His reply was, "There seems to be an error."

"What error?" I asked back, focused on his calm expression not smiling at my tease.

"From my knowledge, you were supposed to go through only four trials." He bluntly said, his eyes surveying the environment.

But I did not understand. Did he not also think that his trials were over a moment ago? "That's strange. What about your trials?" I asked.

"It's complicated..." He responded, then further explained why he claimed it was such. I nodded my heard to his words, as it now made sense.

"But what makes everything strange now? Since you are now going through your trials, whose to say the water spirit is not your trial?" I inquired once again.

But what answered my words was not him, but a notification that came from The Primordial Source instead.

[ TING!!! ]

[ Your partner has killed the Lvl 4 Water borne Spirit, Narrd. You have obtained 21,96 (22) units of Life Essece ]

[ Bonus effect has been applied. You have individually obtained 43,9 (44) units of Life Essence. Your partner has obtained 57,03 (57) units of Life Essence ]

[ Congratulations. You've obtained the following resources: Spirit Shard(Impure/Tier 1), Bracelet of Narrd(Superior) ]

[ For defeating a trial opponent, you have obtained the following rewards: Extra Ability(×1), Tier 1 Random Treasure Chest(×1), Spirit Fragment(1/4) ]

[ You have collected all the required Spirit Fragments to birth a Spirit. Would you like to fuse them? ]


I was surprised by the last notification, but more importantly, I was now affected by big brother's words. 'Was something strange going on?' I thought to myself.

'No, the act of jumping trough Time should be a problem in and of itself. So maybe a butterfly effect has taken place?' My thoughts continued, and I tried to tell it to him.

"The butterfly effect is true. And I am not afraid it. I will do what I want to do, regardless of what effects it has on the overall timeline." He responded with such words.

Then he added, "I never worried about the timeline to begin with. But this problem has nothing to do with the butterfly effect."

He paused, then sighed and continued with his words, "The butterfly effect cannot affect potential. At least, it should not."

Indeed, it should not be able able do such a thing. I further assured with a nod.



Both of us then paused, and waited. The next trial would be big brother's fifth trial, and the one after...

We paused our thoughts and faced the opponent that appeared a moment later. It was a cyclops that stood at three meters tall, and had a large club in hand.

Big brother was impatient and wanted to verify his thoughts, so did I. So we both laid waste of the poor fellow in less than a minute, big brother obtaining the rewards.

Then we waited.

We waited to verify if the next opponent would be my trial, or his trial, or if no trials would follow.

The first suggested that this timeline was different from the one big brother came from, as I was quite talented compared to when he remembered.

While the second suggested that the limit of talents was not actually five trials, but that no one was monstrous enough to trigger the sixth trials and onwards.

While the last suggested that everything was normal, and only a few, minor errors occurred. In the form of my potential.



Thus we waited with baited breathes. And what appeared after two minutes, made us hold our breathes even more.

It was a spirit.

One seemingly made out of nothing but Mana, as I could feel a powerful connection with it. Like the blue sparks I saw when absorbing Mana.

"I guess this explains it. I appeared within a different timeline altogether?" Big brother thought out loud, as he prepared to fight the opponent.

"Or maybe the me from the future lied about her true potential?" I suggested, and he paused, then frowned, then later clicked his tongue. "I shouldn't have completely believed her."

Did, did he have so much trust in me?

I subconsciously smiled, then thought of another possibility either than the fact that I would lie to him, "Or maybe a chaotic effect took place?"

"A what?" He looked back at me in stupor and asked. Yes, I know. It's a very confusing term, but it exists. "Let's deal with this, and I'll explain what I know."


He nodded and we simply took care of the Mana spirit, and I obtained the rewards. It's was nameless, and it gave me an extra Mana Core.

Anyway, "A chaotic effect is something small, or a small action that ultimately leads to a very magnificent change that affects everything completely."

I said, and big brother nodded at my words. He then affirmed, "It's like saying my appearance back in time, might have affected everything, and not just the timeline?"

"Yes." I affirmed his words.

A butterfly effect is like saying: A butterfly can flap its wings, and that small, insignificant everyday action might result into a storm taking place somewhere around the world.

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