The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 52 Laws, Principles And Rules

Chapter 52 Laws, Principles And Rules

He radiated might and valiance that shocked everyone, as if a god of war was standing right before them.

It took a while longer for the six to snap out of their shock, and the first to speak was the middle-aged man, Fa'ar. "And so, how did you know about all of this?"

He questioned, his gaze becoming that of a predator. But Damien was unphased, and even spoke back. "I know a lot more. Like for starters, most of you here will die soon."

"What was that?" Fa'ar frowned, and clenched his fists. Flames burst from his eyes, but he did not attack, and ended up calming himself down. "Are you cursing our fate?"

He asked, as he could feel the fate of the Falsarians dim greatly at those words. But Damien innocently shook his head and said, "Not at all. I have better things to do, than do that."

His words offended the group before him, but he continued, "I am only just warning you. As demigods, you should all be aware of your power. Especially you, the grown ups."

"And you." He pointed at Fa'ar. "You are this entire race's demigod of fate. You should now be aware of your Fate. As for why you were not aware moments ago... was because you were just incapable of doing so."


Damien's words affected Fa'ar, but he kept quiet and listened. He had no choice but to.

Damien said, "The one planning the downfall of your race is a god. A vampire god, that has also dabbled a bit into fate. And his special abilities greatly affects your influence on fate."

"Do you understand now?" Damien questioned, but Frey responded with a question of her own. "Why should we believe you?" She asked, sternly at that.

"You just have to." Damien responded, then stood up. "Fate is usually predetermined and absolute. It is not common to distort it. But fate-type gods can do that."


He paused, then continued, "A mortal will never truly know their own fate. Let alone that of others." He said, "And you demigods, are but still mortals, with hint of divine blood in your veins."

His last words were supported by his gaze that fell upon Fez, the ancestor of this race. But he did not say anything about him, and just continued with his lesson.

"All beings are bound by fate. Including gods. Let alone half gods. It is a power that goes even beyond gods. Something that even if you transcend mortality, would still be affected by it."

"It's like playing on someone's palm. Or being a puppet in the hands of a puppeteer, yet not knowing that he controls your every movement to his will. It's frightening, I know." He said, watching as they frowned, including Fa'ar.

Damien continued, "Fate is a Universal Principle. And a Principle can only be used and strengthened, yet cannot be changed or eliminated. It is a necessary derivative for creation, for life, for existence, and for progress to take place."

"It's like this; flames can be snuffed, frost can melt, time could be reversed or accelerated, space could be distorted etc. Each of these were universal truths that could be changed, yet not their law counterparts."

"And the lowest level of Fate, was a Principle above Laws. Thus to summarize, you–" He pointed at Fa'ar, and concluded, "–are not controlling Fate, but just dabbling in it. You don't even know what Fate truly means. Am I wrong?"


The group kept quiet and listened to him. They knew pretty much that. It was obvious enough for anyone that was a god, even some powerful mortals.

"But that's not all there is to it. Unique Abilities are another path, as it can also do that. They are, after all, the accumulation of more than a few Universal Rules, and the Rules of Reality are above Principles. Not even gods can easily go against them."

He added after their momentary silence. The others kept quiet and thought up on his words. They joined The Primordial Source as well, snd obtained Divine Classes.

They also knew about Unique Abilities, as they had more than one from their trials. And as demigods, had a few more of their Innate powers classified as Unique.

Hence they could believe that.

As for what Damien was saying; it meant that even a god who ruled over the Universal Principle of Fate for their race, they would lose in terms of fate authority against someone who had a fate-type Unique Ability.

Of course, the higher leveled the god, the stronger their control over universal laws, and the more they can overpower even Unique Abilities.

But for a demigod, who had yet to even obtain the ranks of godhood, and was 50% or less godly, was very weak against Unique Abilities that delt with their laws.

Fa'ar was one such being.

"...So you mean there's vampires after our village now?" He asked, and Damien did not hesitate to reply, "Not necessarily so. Only a single vampire is after you... and not just you, but a certain someone."

His eyes landed on the little girl that had been scowling at him all this while. When his eyes fell upon her, she hurriedly hid behind Fou, and trembled.

Meanwhile Fou also frowned at Damien's words. "Are you saying they are after–"

But before she could say any names, both Damien and Frey spoke at the same time, "No." Denying her words.

Everyone, including the two of them were surprised. Fou was partly indignant though. But when Damien and Frey's eyes met, they smiled. Well Frey did, and nobody could tell what Damien's current expression was.

But one thing was for sure. This man before them, Damien, was clearly not against them. That, they could be sure of for now.

Then finally, after a moment of silence, Fuhr finally asked the question that everybody was yearning to know about. "So young master, who are you exactly? Surely, you can tell us that much, right?"

The others also turned their eyes towards Damien and he nodded. He did not particularly want to hide his status in the first place, he just did it for caution sake... or for fun.

"That I can do." He said, and raised his hand to remove the mask from his face. Everyone was surprised. They did not expect him to easily agree, let alone reveal his face.

They were both expectant and nervous to fond out about his identity. The identity of someone who knows so much. The identity of the one who could defeat their strongest.

The identity of a mysterious person!!

Damien casually removed the mask on his face, and revealed a face that was quite handsome. If anything, he was even more handsome, if not as handsome as Flint.

He had a head full of blonde hair, clear ocean blue eyes, a perfect complexion, and a face hovering between young and mature. He was also quite tall, which added more to his charm.

"I am but a humble mortal. One with a destiny far brighter than all of you here. A human who will be the savior of his race, and those fated to become a part of us. And you guys..." He paused, and everyone held their breathe.

They could already guess what the next sentence would be, but they were still looking forward to whether it would be it or not. And hearing it from him.

"...are one of them." He concluded, a daring smile on his face, one that would later be a trademark of his. "As for my name. You can refer to me as Damien, the future messiah."


Within a completely dark space, devoid of anything. Be it elements, laws, or existence, non of it was there. Not even non-existence was able to claim to be here.

It was a space devoid of everything.

And within this space, one that no mind, be it god or men, could comprehend, a single soul spark flew here and there, seemingly like a drunk man.

It floated with its thoughts taking over its will, 'What is going on? Why am I floating? Where am I? I don't understand.' It thought, floating like a shooting star.

It's speed was anything but comprehensible, and was just purely fast. So fast it could transcend even the concept of speed itself, as not even gods could tell it was here with how fast it was floating.

It floated until it met a bright orange light from away. It could not really tell clearly what that light was, but it could clearly see that there was something there.

Thus it floated with all its might towards that direction. Within the way, it met many illusions that showed crazy scenes to it.

One of the scenes was of a golden haired man, or rather, a golden haired monkey demihuman, who, still within this place it was floating unhindered. Though, as an illusion.

The illusion of the man stood with a single staff in his hands. Before him, was another being whose appearance the soul could not truly perceive.

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