The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 62 Stones Of Evolution II

Chapter 62 Stones Of Evolution II

Experience. It was a topic that people often used Some have it. Some don't. But they would all agree that it was necessary.

To some, it was useless, as they were natural born talents with godly intuitions. Juliette was one such case. She exchanged experience for her intuition.

Her intuition was so great, even experienced monsters like Damien had to admit it. It allowed her to match up her tempo with him, despite her inexperience.

While some were different. They did not have it. Nor did they have terrifying intuitions that could be exchanged for it.

For example: A man with experience could take out an inexperienced demigod. Of course, if they were at the same level of power, such a scenario was possible.

But overall, having experience in something, was a great power point for anyone. Be it god, or mortal. For without it, one could not bring about their potential to its peak.josei

And because of that, they would lag greatly within this world. One such person... was Flint Falsar. The young and inexperienced demigod.

Yet even then, he still could not react in time. For as they were still running, Damien pulled the blade out if it's scabbard, and swung it above Flint's head.


The swift motion of the sword cut through the air, like cutting through butter. Followed by a warm bloody shower that sprayed on the latter's face.

The sudden occurrence caused Flint to subconsciously stop, but Damien had long stopped as well. He knew that no normal person would just let that pass.

"Heads up." He said, and Flint was speechless. He never sensed anything until the very end. Meaning that if not for Damien, he could have... died.

Not really.

"Thank you." He said, but Damien waved his hand a him. "Don't thank me, and just keep your head up, and your fists ready to bash. A god should be more egoistic."

"H-How?" Flint asked. From Damien's character, he guessed that the answer would not optimistic for him. But contrary to his expectation, Damien actually taught him how.

"Relax your breathe." Damien said, and Flint subconsciously followed. He then added, "Extend your senses. To elaborate, imagine what is before you, besides you, and behind you at the same time."

"Picture it in your mind, then focus. Picture and focus. It doesn't have to be exact, but just picture what a dark cave looks like, then focus on telling the difference." He concluded.

Flint nodded, and did as he was told.

He spread out his awareness, and from his mind eye, could see the cave as he imagined. It was dark, rocky and damp... as far as his imagination could run.

But then, as he focused on the vision, everything began to slowly warp. Ever so slowly, the vision he had was replaced by the genuine open space he was in.

It was still a cave, but had more space within. In fact, it was better to call it a tunnel. It's width was over a hundred meters, and its height above a hundred meters.

It then stretched on ahead for miles on end. Flint could see through all that. The feeling was amazing. It was like he got nocturnal sight and far vision!!

"I see..." Flint commented, as he felt like his vision was opened up. From there, he could now see the little critters that hid within the walls, waiting to ambush anybody unlucky enough to walk by.

They were green skinned, and around a meter in height. They were quite ugly. Flint was naturally optimistic, and saw beauty in everything, but this... this was just plain ugly.

Their noses were long, and in some cases, crooked. They had large pimples on their faces, some one, some two or even three in others.

They also had bulging small bellies, and wore only loincloth. They were savage, ugly and easily detestable. Flint frowned as he realized that he was bathed with the blood of this creature.

"Goblins. Lurking Goblins to be precise." Damien said, then slightly pushed Flint forward. "Go. Rush forward and eliminate as you see fit. They are not a threat."

"What?" Flint looked back in shock, and Damien did not sugarcoat his words even then. "I won't repeat myself."


Flint kept quiet and then rushed forward, kicking up a sonic boom once again. Damien followed after him, a few meters back.

Flint being aware of that, sighed in relief and decided to let loose. He kicked off the ground again, and a burst of flames pushed him further ahead at greater speed.


He charged forward, and up ahead, one of the goblins prepared to attack him. They were not as fast as him, but were definitely smart enough to time their movements.

They moved carefully and much earlier, making sure to reach the target when they arrived. And the one goblin ahead, also moved at this very moment.


Flint let out a wild battle cry, as his fist was cloaked in flames. He then threw a left hook punch towards the goblin, shattering its head instantly.

'I did it.' He thought in joy, but Damien's voice cooled all his joy down. "Dont use too much strength. The might of a god transcends that of a mortal. Don't be hasty."

He said, and Flint nodded.

The next goblin they came across, Flint still mistakenly burst its head into a bloody meat paste. Damien frowned and admonished, "Use less strength. Until you kill a goblin using two punches, I am not through with you."

Flint slightly panicked at Damien's tone, but steeled himself to do as told. They then rushed forward, and Flint did all the killing of the goblins they came across.

It took him almost forty goblins till he completely, killed one with two punches. It was a left hook, followed by a powerful right jab, hence ending its life.

Flint was happy, yet not overexcited. He knew that Damien was not satisfied by that. And indeed he was not. "Next time, try killing it with two punches, yet not bursting its head into meat paste."

"Yes." Flint nodded, and this time, it took him only less than twenty goblins till he did as instructed. Yet even then, he knew more was coming.

Damien was training him how to control his strength. Flint believed that. "Next, kill it with one punch, and don't shatter its face, nor body. Do it cleanly."

"Yes!!" Flint responded, a bit excited for the challenge this time. And a challenge, it truly was, for it took him over a hundred goblin kills to achieve that little instruction.

A total of over a hundred, including the sixty or so he previously killed. But at the end, he succeeded. "Huff... Huff...Huff..." The young man paused, breathing heavily.

They had been running at constant sonic speed for an hour or so now. And adding the punches and mental strain, of course he would be tired. Especially as Flint was still an amateur demigod.

"Very good. You did excellent." Damien praised, and patted Flint's shoulders. Flint smiled happily, and took the praise with pride. "Thank you, sir. I did my best."

"Its Damien." Damien said, then added for clarification. "Call me Damien from now on. And to add, I am not a god. Never been one. And you should not mistaken me for one."

"Huh?" Flint looked up in surprise. He was not there when Damien introduced himself to the others, hence was not aware that Damien was just a human.

Well, even the others had no idea what a human was, and thought it was a different breed of gods. Like themselves. Nobody could blame them.

The history of humanity was less than a century old here. And the Falsarians, were probably over a trillion miles away from the human settlement. Damien had to use a bunch of teleportation scrolls to cover the distance.

"Call me Damien." Damien emphasized out of a good heart, and Flint respectfully nodded his head. "Yes, sir Damien."


Damien kept quiet, then a moment later, stood up. "We are moving on." He said, his tone hiding a hint of dissatisfaction within.

Flint looked up in shock, not knowing what he did nor said wrong. But he could only follow the instructions given to him, and the duo rushed forward killing goblin after goblin.

They were only a few First League goblins, and most were on the lower end. It was not that much of a big deal. But their numbers were in the thousands.

Probably almost in the tens of thousands even. Yet the duo laid waste of them in just less than half a day of work.

The duo paused at the end of the tunnel, and Flint took in large breathes of air. He did not relax knowing that Damien could just say, lets move on anytime.

But once again, contrary to his expectation, Damien told him to relax. He then pulled back a few miles, and began knocking on the walls with the hilt of the Null Blade.

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