The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 70 A Vampiric God

Chapter 70 A Vampiric God

Back within the Newborn Realm

The Battle had been paused.

Damien suspended himself mid air, the grayish black Wings of Endless Ash flapping behind him. Between his arm, was Flint held like a luggage bag.

Behind him was the Realm Guardian. The badly wounded dragon that stared warily at the duo, and at a new entrant that just appeared.

And this entrant, was a handsome man in black. He has slick black hair, neatly combed backwards. A well-fit tuxedo. A pale complexion, and a pair of red eyes.

He had a few pieces of jewelry on his body. Like a silver ear piece on his left ear, silver bracelets and rings. He floated up without the help of wings, and stared at the Realm Guardian.

His silent gaze was emotionless, but hidden within, was clear disdain. He then moved his head to face Damien and Flint, whom stared back at him.

"What... Who, who is he?" Flint inquired in a whisper. He was not there, when Damien told the others about the Vampiric God of Fate after their race.

He was not there when they discussed about a lot of important things. And nobody bothered to explain everything to him. Including Damien.

"A friend." Damien responded lightly. His voice was low, but they were within the presence of a god, hence he heard every word they said.

"Hm?" And he hummed at interest at Damien's words. 'Friend... he says.' He thought, finding more and more intrigue about these duo.

For once, he found out that he could not glimpse through the Fate of mortals. And not just one. But two of them. Who were together, at the same time.

This was not a coincidence.

Especially so, when he felt that there was someone blurry within his visions. He could not see through this person no matter how he tried, or focused.

And no matter how much Divine power he burned, he was unfortunately still at a loose end. It made him frown back then, more so now.

He was Virgil, a lone Vampire. A powerful one at that. He became a peak Greater Deity in just less than a hundred years of being born, saving himself thousands of years of his life.

Rose up in ranks, and became someone important in hierarchy throughout his Kingdom. Yet even then, he had never met anything like this.

Not even the Queen herself, as well as all her trusted aides could come close to comparing to these two mortals.

He could at least glimpse through her Fate, just that he was afraid of being discovered. But these two. He could not see anything. Like staring at a blank page.

'They are like that child I've seem within my Fate. The one that I must proclaim. And I know these men... have something to do with her disappearance.' He thought.


Damien all the while kept his silence. He took the glare of Virgil without inching back. To the both of them, it was like the Realm Guardian did not exist.

The situation continued on, until Virgil broke the silence. "Who are you?" And laid out the question that was tugging at his strings of curiosity.

Damien was first silent, then responded seconds later. "Like I said, an old friend." And his tone was stern. No hint Tha he was joking.

"I have no recalling of your existence within my memory. Care introduce yourself, sir?" Virgil responded as such without hesitation.

"I am Damien. And that's of no importance, Virgil. I'll keep it straight. Are you looking for the little girl you see within your visions?" Damien nodded as she laid out these words to Virgil.

His tone was plain, and emotionless. Deadbeat serious. Virgil paused, snd slightly frowned. 'He knows my name, hence he's obviously powerful, and influential.'

'He also knows of my purpose. Hence he knew of my arrival as well?' Virgil's thoughts went on an overdrive. But his expressions returned to being null, as if he was not bothered.

He came here because of his Unique Abilities. After he saw blurry visions of a strange man leading his targets away, he immediately found an excuse and set off.

He set off earlier, gor his visions did not let him know of the time this took place. But even then, he realized that he was late.

He arrived to a destroyed village, as if two beings were battling intensively with each other. Everything was left in ruins, but no sign of anyone dying.

He stayed around for a while, and searched for evidence, but could not find a direction they left towards. Damien and Flint had flown. And the village had teleported.

But he was unaware. He ended up using more of his Abilities, abd found a hint if where to go. Which ultimately led him to this precious treasure trove.

But everything aside, nothing was more important than the girl in his visions. And now, these two men who had undefined Fates. Which was why he asked again.

"Who are you, may I repeat?" He inquired, his tone a bit lower than usual. But Damien also did not back down, "Like I said, that is of no importance, Apocryphal God of Fate."


Virgil's eyes twitch in annoyance at that title he was called out with. Only a few people knew of this title. Very few.

And all of them were either special people with authority, or those with high status within the Seven Major Races.

Meaning that these two, either belonged to one of the Seven Major Forces, or... were clearly of the Dark Assembly. A force that single handedly stood against the Seven Major Forces.

"You are treading on fire, without the fear of burning. You are swimming on ice, not knowing the sheer impossibility of your actions. Mortal, choose your next words carefully."

"Who. May. You. Be?" He asked, a bloody Aura spreading out to cover the whole Newborn Realm, like a cloak of darkness.


Damien paused for a moment, then smiled. A murderous glint flashed through his eyes as he spoke back. Murderous intent so pure, and so thick, it shook Virgil slightly.

"And who are you, worthy of knowing who I am? Do you qualify?" He chuckled lightly. His behavior shocked everyone, including Flint. Mostly Flint.

'Wha...What is going on here. I'm getting bad vibes out of this.' Flint felt his heart sink at the rising tension. It also felt cold at the killing intent nit even directed at him.


Virgil also paused, and frowned even more. He could bit truly glimpse where Damien could possible be from. 'Such thick killing intent. Is he a resident of Helias?'

He thought, but obtained no answers. Instead, Damien responded with more cryptic words of pride, and disdain. "You don't. At the end of the day, you are but a low leveled god. What do you amount to, before someone like me?"

Virgil relaxed his facial muscles, abd responded. "Far more than you can fathom. A low leveled god, is still a god compared to a mortal. I would respect myself if I were you."

"Ha. Respect myself? Oh please." Damien chuckled once again, and added, "I don't respect myself, batty. I don't want to. I adore myself. I cherish myself."

He paused, and then frowned once again, his tone taking on a stern tone once again, "And if I were you, I'd do the same."

"How impudent." Virgil responded as such, the bloody Aura thickening. Damien felt that it was his cue, and smiled lightly. A smile of a daredevil ready to die.

"How elegant." He said, then spatial rules circulated around him, and were ready to warp him at any given instant.

His thick killing intent, and the thick bloody Aura cloaking the soroundings, had already pressured the Realm Guardian to madness. It was about to go on a rampage.

Virgil was also about to apprehend them. So he decided to make his move and leave. But before then, he said, "Someone as special as you, deserves more than this. Had you done the same, maybe I would have listened to you."

"Respect myself? Haha, funny coming from someone whose but a loyal dog on a leash." He vanished at those cold words he left behind.


Virgil remained expressionless, and stopped ruling up his Divine power. He could tell where they went. But unfortunately, leaving here now, would be a miracle


The Realm Guardian let loose, and released a powerful roar of anger, growing stronger at the process. Both were already peak Greater Gods.

The battle would not be ending anytime soon. Meanwhile, Damien and Flint appeared outside the cave, suspended in the air.

Damien immediately let go of Flint, and unfurled his wings. He felt his Mana skyrocket towards, and beyond the billions of units right now.

This was the exact time that Juliette went over her first training session, and obtained an Affinity. Hence he felt his Mana explode over the threshold, and enter the tens of billions.

He immediately turned to Flint and instructed, "Go. Full speed ahead." He did not wait, and burst ahead at Light speed, like a grayish black flash of light.

"Huh..?" Flint was first shocked, then moments later, hurriedly burst off as well, leaving behind a trail of fiery flames in the sky. "Wa–Wait!! Sir Damien!! Sir Damien!!"

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