The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 75 Mass Killing

Chapter 75 Mass Killing

"Wolf Hunting." David said. Fiona frowned, and wondered to herself if these two were tired of living. Esther than explained, "We'll be attacking the incoming wolves from both the two other Strongholds."

"What?" Fiona asked back in stupor, but she actually understood and heard them clearly. 'You are not suicidal. My apologies. You are BOTH super CRAZY!! Waaa!! I want to go home, pronto!!'

And her thoughts would have exposed her. Fortunately, David and Esther could not read minds. "Well, you can stay behind little Fiona. It's going to be dangerous after all."

David said, and Esther said from behind. "Yes. You can be as safe as a rabbit if you stay back. Auntie will protect you." She said cheerfully, and almost radiantly.

'Miss... do you have a split personality or something? There is no way you can be a cold blooded killer like that. No way.' Fiona thought to herself in terror. "No. I'll help. I want to help." And responded as such.

'Oh my... did I actually say that? Have I been contaminated by their craziness? And now it's affecting me..? God please save me.' She once again cried to herself.

"That's great." And once again, the couple failed to see through her. "Yeah, that's great indeed. I had always wished I had a daughter instead. They seem tame-able." David added.

"Don't say that hubby. How would little Dammy feel about that?" Esther pouted, and acted cute. David did not care and responded, "Like Hell I care. A son is too bothersome and wild. Especially that one of ours."

Then the couple entered yet another bitter sweet argument of jokes and flirting. Fiona who was in between tried her best to ignore them. 'Little Dammy? Not the first time I hear that name pop up. So it is their son. And Sir David, isn't it a given he would be wild as he is your son?'

'I wonder how he is though, when he is raised by such types of people... ah, but he is probably just like them. Or either he is kept in the dark, and is actually a softie.' She thought to herself.

Then continued, 'But with a man this handsome and physical, and a woman this blessed, he is definitely a prince charming type of a man right? I wonder how he looks like.'

And began wondering off into her imaginations. She had no other choice. There was nothing else she could do, either than to listen to them flirt. And she would rather die.


Minutes later, the trio appeared above a boulder and stared down at the incoming tide of wolves. From where they stood, a sea of myriad colors was rushing over like a flood.

Fortunately, it was still miles away from where they stood. Esther expressionlessly watched them, while David had a smug on his lips. As for Fiona, she was terrified.

'These two are really crazy. That's over a million wolves. A million wolves. And you want to dare and attack them? Sir, Miss, there are better ways to kill yourselves.' She thought in bitterness.

The Gray couple unfortunately still could not read thoughts. They instead conversed a strategy on how to first lay their attack.

The first attack, had to always be the most critical one. They must at least deal the greatest damage with their introduction into the battle. "So, any Abilities devastating enough?"

David asked her, and Esther nodded. "I can use "Chaos Borne". It's capable of discord and disruption within their circle of influence. And with my speed, I should be capable of killing thousands when caught off guard."

David nodded, then added. "I have enough strength. I'll create the perfect opportunity for you. All you have to do is use it to the best of your Abilities. My life would be in your hands."

Esther nodded at his words. Fiona stood behind and just listened. She also called out her Template, trying to see if there was anything she could do to help as well.

Since she was here, and claimed that she wanted to help, then she will do it to the best of her abilities. Or else her pride as a princess would be trampled on.

[ Name: Fiona Vermillion ]

[ Mana: 12 500 000 000 (Limit) ]

[ Epithet(1): Princess of Beauty(Normal) ]


[ Class: Lvl 20 Eternal Phoenix ]

[ Sub-Class: None ]

[ Life Essence: 2,567 ]

[Alignment: Good ]

[ Stats: STR - 43,5 || AGI - 256,0 || END - 40,3 || WIS - 99,9 || INT - 100,5 || AFF - 56,2 ]

[ Stat Points: 120 || Ability Points: 121 ]

[ Ultimate Abilities(0): None ]

[ Unique Abilities(2): Fire Immunity(4), Fire Magic(5) ]

[ Extra Abilities(3): Healing Fire(2), Flame Barrier(1), Spell Casting(6) ]

[ Spells(6/9): Fireball(1st), Fire Blast(1st), Fire Canon(1st), Explosion(1st), Flame Protection(1st), Rain of Fire(2nd) ]

[ Class Abilities(5): "Phoenix Fire", "Absolute Immortal Bird", "Blazing Speed", "Heavenly Fire World", "Halo of Salvation" ]

[ Equipment(2): Fiery Robe(Tier 3), Golden Wand(Tier 2) ]

[ Resources: ??? ]

She nodded at her statistics. She had also reached her limit. People with higher grade classes tend to reach their limits faster, and as mortals, due to its great boost on Mana.

And as it states, her potential was incomparable to that of David's and Esther's. But she was unaware of that. To her, having this much Mana at her level was a blessing.

'As it seems, I only have my Spells that are useful, the "Halo of Salvation" Class Ability, and the fact that I can heal from the sidelines. That's amazing as well, from my perspective. It's better than being of no use at all.' She thought to herself.

At the same time, the wolves were getting closer and closer to them. They were a couple of miles away. And any closer, they would be able to smell them.

"How are we going to start this?" Esther furrowed her brows as she asked. Fiona was amazed at how she was able to switch personalities like this.

It was amazing. David kept his smile of brutality, and a murderous glare as he responded. "Just stay still, and watch. Watch how the big boys cause a... ruckus!!"

His final word was accompanied by a burst of strength from both his legs, denting the mountain floor he was standing on.


And like a canon ball, he flew through the air, easily shaking off the wind resistance on his body. He then held his hammer tightly, ready to smash at any given moment.

The wind brutally struck his face, but that only made him smile even more murderously.

He finally arrived at his maximum altitude, which was hundreds of miles above ground, and tens of miles above the mountain he was standing on.

'It's rumble time.' He thought, as his body exploded out with power from the effects of his numerous Unique Abilities. [Gargantuan], [Muscle Arm], [Raw Power] and [Kinetic Force Manipulation].

And speaking off the last Ability, throughout the time that the wolves held up within their territory, he had been assessing this Ability.

Back then, he felt all his idea impossible due to the Ability's low level, and his limited amount of Mana. But now that that was covered, he was looking forward to what more this Ability could achieve.

Meanwhile, the two ladies watched as David reached his highest altitude, and slowly descended. Then from a slow descent, to a much faster descent.

After all, his body density was increased along his level. While his hammer alone weighed a million tons... And this was still its pre-awakening stage.

Hence the gravity of the world pressed down on him more than average, and including the less wind resistance he recieved, led to increasing his speed of descent.

"Ah... I now see what he's planning." Esther said in shock. She knew her husband was simple minded when it came to battle, but she never knew that even with great power, he was still simple.

'...I thought he was going to throw a mountain or something. I guess I was wrong.' Fiona also thought to herself, watching as David was almost about to reach the ground.

And just as he was about to strike the ground, in the middle of the entire wolf army, he let out a bellow of excitement. "OOOOOHHHHH!!!" And caught the attention of the entire wolf army.

'Is he stupid?!' Fiona gaped at the sight of David's recklessness. And Esther also face palmed herself, "Oh my..." Her husband was...

The alpha wolf of this whole pack heard the cry of murderous intent as well, including all of its pack. They all paused and looked up, but regrettably, they were all too late.

By the time they stopped abd gazed up, David had brought down his hammer and struck the ground with full force and ferocity. Giving out the image of a meteor crashing on the ground.


And the collision with the ground, shattered the very sound barrier itself. Yet miraculously, the ground was not shattered. No tremors spread out everywhere.

No force was exerted on the ground. But instead...

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