The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter

Chapter 92

Chapter 92: - Joint Practical Evaluation (1)

༺ Joint Practical Evaluation (1) ༻

“You defeated Helga the Two-Headed Dog? Even during that unexpected situation?”

“I mean~, the guild members helped a lot. All I did was throw a few [Ice Spears] when that mutt was stunned.”

“You can’t be judged by the standards of a student anymore! That’s incredible…!”

Eve Rophenheim loved it when people put her on a pedestal.

It was daytime. Eve was listening to Alicia excitedly complimenting her while they sat on the terrace of Hailey’s Bakery, a location on Märchen Academy’s grounds.

Eve acted like it was nothing for her as she smirked and added more to her story.

“It really was nothing much. If you were in the same situation as me, you would’ve done just as well, you know?”

“That’s impossible. It was only possible because it’s Eve.”

That’s exactly right.

Eve looked at Alicia with sharp eyes, as she inwardly agreed.

“By the way, what did you do with the two-headed dog? Aren’t her horns worth a lot of money? You definitely sold it right?”

“That’s… a secret, but just between us, it became my familiar.”

“Ehhhh?! Isn’t that crazy?!”


“Ah, I’m sorry. But, how…?”josei

“She wanted to follow me. I must have left a deep impression on her when we fought.”

Eve shrugged her shoulders as if it were no big deal.

“Oh my god! Could you try summoning it?!”

“That’s a bit difficult. She’s still hard to control. And the amount of mana required is crazy…”

“Since it’s a magic beast, that makes sense. But, for you to have a two-headed dog. That’s so cool…!”

“No, I still have a long way to go. I need to work harder. Later, the guild said that they may even scout me…”

“To even get scouted…That’s crazy!”

Alica had a dumb but innocent smile. She didn’t doubt a single word that Eve said.

“You’re so cool, Eve… I want to be like you someday.”

A look of worship filled her eyes. Alicia’s words gave Eve an ecstasy beyond all materialistic pleasure.


The middle to top-ranked students’ dormitory of the girls’ wing, Elma Hall. The night was pitch-black.

A bright lamp on a desk illuminated the room.

A book opened for studying was shoved into the corner of a desk where Eve sat as she hummed and drew on a piece of parchment.

Helga the Two-Headed Dog. Eve Rophenheim, the silver-blue-haired beauty, who fought with her colleagues to take down this demon.

In combat, she was the greatest driving force.

And in the end, Helga the Two-Headed dog, bowed before her and begged for her permission to follow her.

It was what the picture she drew looked like.

And all of it was nothing more than a fantasy that never came to pass.

Although she told Alicia that the demon ambushed them, in reality, she didn’t even see any demons or demonic creatures. It was just a made-up story.

In the first place, what kind of guild would take a student to dangerous remote areas when their purpose was merely practical experience?

Alicia was a naive girl. She was perfect as a tool meant to boost Eve’s mood and ego while attending the academy.

Besides Alicia, there were plenty of second year students who sucked up to Eve. They admired and complimented her beauty, skill, and experience.

They only knew as much as their eyes could see.

Anything they didn’t see personally was up to Eve’s vivid imagination. It didn’t matter whether it was true or not. Her idealized version of herself in a made-up story would become the truth.

Ever since she entered Märchen Academy, Eve had survived in this strong eat-the-weak environment by lying to make herself look better than she actually was.

As the students’ admiring eyes gave Eve increasing pleasure, the purpose of her lies gradually changed.

It came to the point where even her childhood was filled with lies.

However, it wasn’t like Eve’s true self was unknown by everyone.

–‘Do you actually have a hidden younger brother?’

Eve’s hand stopped while she was drawing.

Younger brother. She did have one once.

Eve moved her hand again as she drew a boy’s face. It was a boy with tousled hair and a cute look on his face.

‘There’s no way he’s here.’

That unskilled younger brother without any talent whatsoever couldn’t have possibly been accepted into Märchen Academy. There was no point in even trying to confirm whether it was true or not.

Well, no matter how much effort he put into getting accepted, it would be like a sheep walking into a lion’s den. This dog-eat-dog academy would eat him alive.

Eve let out a bitter laugh.


‘Why is he here?’

Eve was as pale as a corpse.

Right in front of her eyes, her younger brother stood before her.


“The joint practical evaluation will now begin.”

Märchen Academy used an entire island as its campus, thus the utilization of its terrain was endless.

Like this canyon, for example.

It was a sunny day. The first and second years of the Magic Department stood in an orderly fashion as they looked towards Professor Fernando holding a loudspeaker in front of them. As with any large-scale exam, behind the students were a group of proctors, professors, assistants, and imperial knights.

The place where I stood was the huge canyon, “Machea Ravine”. Just like how it was portrayed in the game, it was a place that boasted a majestic grandeur. The joint practical evaluation was scheduled to be conducted here.

The first and second years were divided into three groups and sent to different starting lines while listening to the professor’s explanation regarding the exam. I couldn’t see Luce and Dorothy, so they seemed to be in a different starting location from me.

I could see Kaya, however, judging by her jade eyes, she hadn’t taken on her dark personality. Oh, there was also Lisetta. Now that I looked closely, there were actually many people that I recognized.

“The joint practical evaluation will be taken by first and second-years at the same time. The test is simple. Clear each gate and reach the destination to pass. Also, 30 minutes after the start of the test, it is possible to gather teammates. When the bracelets simultaneously touch each other, you will be recognized as teammates. For reference, each party can be composed of up to four people, but there are no limits to the number of Class D students that can be within a group.”

The joint practical evaluation was designed to be difficult to clear as a solo unless one was at the level of Dark Kaya or Luce. Most students would need to form a party if they intended to pass the exam.

The reason why Class D students weren’t included in the member restriction was that no one would accept them if they were a part of the limit. However, if a Class D student was merely an extra, there was no reason to refuse them.

“There are other restrictions as well. If you summon a magical beast or familiar when you are not clearing a gate, you will be disqualified. Keep that in mind.”

Familiars or magical beasts were convenient means of transportation. Thus, using them took away from the essence of the race, which was meant to be a joint practical evaluation.

“Additionally, there are fake demonic creatures made of puppet magic. Unlike demonic illusions, these are capable of actually harming you. There is no need to worry as there are outstanding healers on standby. However, keep in mind that you will be eliminated if you suffer a fatal injury or it is impossible for you to continue the test. That is all.”

Professor Fernando raised his right arm up and formed a bullet of elemental mana on his index finger.

“Ready, set.”

Utter silence. All the students got in a ready position as they prepared to run. The tension in the air was heavy.

I slung Zhonya’s Staff over my shoulder and got into a comfortable position to run.


Professor Fernando shot the bullet and as it flew into the sky, it exploded with elemental magic.



Ice crystals embroidered the sky.

The sound of fireworks boomed as Professor Fernando’s voice fell on us.

Zooooom–! The students started to furiously run.



“Dude, are you cheating already?!”

“Here we go!”

‘What a mess.’

It was an expected scene. If PVP had been enabled, the chaos would’ve been historical.

The sub-scenario 「Joint Practical Evaluation」.

The difference between the main scenario and a sub-scenario was that no matter what kind of result occurred, it wouldn’t confirm a bad ending. There was no real need to play this for game progression, however, as someone whose reality was the game itself, there was no skip button for me.

Besides, I needed to complete this sub-scenario anyway. It was to prevent the Extra Bad Ending No.8 「Frog」.

In ❰Magic Knight of Märchen❱, the ‘Frog Demon’ appeared during the second semester of the first year. It was a demon based on the fairy tale 「The Frog Prince」.

It was a demon so weak that it couldn’t even be compared to the demons that have appeared so far.

‘It’s just a bit of a hassle to eliminate though.’

In a hard-to-find location within the vast academy grounds, the Frog Demon would suddenly appear. In ❰Magic Knight of Märchen❱, each new playthrough would have a different location. Thus, it was very inefficient to go around looking for him.

The only certainty was that during the joint practical evaluation, the frog demon would appear after clearing the fourth gate in Machea Ravine.

Unlike the demons so far who had appeared five minutes before all hell broke loose, the frog demon was harmless for now.

However, if I don’t eliminate the frog demon before the end of the semester, the conditions of some bullshit magic would trigger, allowing that bastard to turn a person into a frog in exchange for their body.

So what would happen then? That bastard would take Ian Fairytale’s body and turn him into a frog.

As a result, the frog demon would have a grand time in school wearing Ian’s body.

Ian would continue to be a mere frog until the credits roll for the Extra Bad Ending N.8 「Frog」.


「Wind Generation (Wind Element, ★1)」


The energetic laugh of Tristan Humphrey, a vain blonde nobleman, rang out among the students. It was bordered on a shout.

I turned my gaze towards Tristan. The guy was wrapped in wind mana as he levitated above the other students.

“I will be the first to go!!”

Kuhahaha!! He laughed as he quickly flew ahead of everyone, but suddenly started to cough as if he choked on something.

With his example, all students with the wind element wrapped themselves with wind mana and started to fly in the air as well.

‘That isn’t a good idea.’

Due to the immense mana consumption, it wouldn’t take long for them to run out.


“What the?! Uaak!”

Suddenly, a female student with light green pigtails flew with great speed and flew past Tristan. It was a speed comparable to a jet. The gust of wind that followed in her wake pushed Tristan aside.

The Magic Department freshman second seat, Kaya Astrea. A preliminary boost of wind would only be worth it if one was at her level.

Everyone here knew that using wind magic to fly was not an efficient use of mana. In the end, however, people would follow by example.

The students became anxious as they rushed to start.

* * *

‘How are you here…?’

After the joint practical evaluation started, Eve Rophenheim ran among the students as well. She thought to herself while gazing at Isaac from behind.

He’s someone with no skill, talent, or ability. It’s impossible for him to be in a place like this!

However, it was unmistakable. When she saw his face earlier, it really was Isaac.

‘Something about him… changed.’

He was taller than before and his physique had also become more defined. In the past, he was only a small and cute boy, but now, he exuded a manly charm.

And the staff in his hands. It was clearly difficult to wield so the fact that he was holding it meant that…

He can use that staff? That Isaac?

Eve squeezed the staff in her hands. Her mind was scrambled with disbelief.

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