The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 125 A Tough Decision

Chapter 125 A Tough Decision

Chapter 125 A Tough Decision

"How can I bring her back?"

Daruun sighed, "Are you sure that’s your final question? You wouldn’t want to ask about Bowzer’s origins as a Hell-flame Fox or how you can strengthen your fox bloodline?"

When Jack remained unfazed, Daruun continued, "Maybe you’d want to know the current state of Trodar and how you can best help it return to glory? Or you’d like to know about the other two champions that Skaryn and Halmut had chosen?"

Jack was motionless. He fixed his gaze on Daruun, who was dodging the question.

"Are you sure this is your final question? Afterward, your tutorial stone will shatter and return to regular pebbles without any inscription or ability to contact me," reasoned Daruun.

"How can I bring her back?" Jack repeated his question, not wavering in the least.

"How stubborn..." sighed Daruun. "There are a total of five ways to bring her back to life. The first and most common way is one you already know of, by resurrection spell. You also know that after twenty-four hours pass, no resurrection spell will work, no matter the caster. Of course, there are other ways to bring her back through spells, but she would become some form of undead and unable to live a normal life. Neither you or Slivia would want that, right?"

Convinced by Daruun, Jack nodded and let the god continue his explanation. "Given that no mage powerful enough with high enough level holy magic is within reach of you in that twenty-four timeframe, you’ll have to use another way."

"The four other means of resurrection are through the use of items. Some would need to be crafted and others would need to be collected. Each of the four items has a time limit that they can work within. The first is within twenty-four hours of death, second within three days of death, third within seven days of death, and fourth within thirty days of death."

Daruun took a deep breath and a meaningful look at the anxious Jack before he continuing, "The first is impossible given its location, and the same goes for the second option. Only the third and fourth options have any chance of you succeeding."

"What are those two options?" asked Jack, happy to hear that there was a chance to bring her back.

"Both are magic items that would need to be found and brought back to her corpse. Each has its own way of use, be it by simple application or by ritual," stated Daruun. "In order to revive her within one week, you would have to find a spring of life. Allowing its water down her throat would rejuvenate her life energy, so long as a week hasn’t passed from her death. By then, it’s too late even for the life spring water."

Jack pondered the life spring water and asked, "Given that you said there was a chance to save her this way, there must be a life spring not too far away, right?"

"Correct, but that doesn’t mean it would be easy to acquire," answered Daruun. "As for the possible way to resurrect her, you would need to find a naturally blessed item." josei

"A naturally blessed item? What’s that?"

"An item that has been blessed by nature itself. They are extremely rare and come to exist once every thousand years," explained Daruun. "However, no one has been able to find one in the past two millennia. That doesn’t mean that there’s two of them available now, it just means that one’s blessing has grown stronger. For that reason, it can restore a body back to life after an entire month has passed and not just a week or two."

"So, I’d either have to retrieve a naturally blessed item or find a nearby life spring? Which is more likely to succeed?" asked Jack.

Daruun answered plainly, "That’s hard to say. In a week’s time, the Adventurers Association should be arriving to take you to the Polt Federation, right?"

Suddenly, Jack remembered the plans he had already set in motion. He had talked with the others before and after the first cetus attack and they all agreed that a visit to the Polt Federation would be a great help to them.

Also, there was a hidden shrine in the Polt Federation that may prove useful if he can convince someone to pledge to it.

"You mean I couldn’t leave for the Polt Federation if I chose to find the naturally blessed item?"

"You could try, but I can guarantee that your chances of success would be zero."

Jack grunted, "So if I try to find the life spring, my chances are best?"

"Given that you travel to the Polt Federation, yes, your chances of success with the life spring are higher. If you refuse to travel and force the Adventurers Association to change its plans that are well underway, then you’ll have higher chances with the naturally blessed item," explained Daruun, putting a frown on Jack’s face.

"You mean..." Jack groaned, unhappy that his hopes for Slivia’s resurrection weren’t in his favor.

This was only the second time Jack had spoken with Daruun, but he was already beginning to understand how Daruun acted. The god of fate never showed favor for one option or the other, but he would always force Jack to make a definite decision, which would render the unchosen option obsolete.

And now that it could affect his relationship with the Adventurers Association, the decision was much harder.

Effectively, Daruun was forcing Jack to choose between which relationship was more important to him. If he chose the association, there was still a chance that Slivia could be brought back to life. If Jack chose Slivia, it could begin to complicate his relationship with the Adventurers Association, but offer the best chance to save her.

"Take your time. I’ve got all the time in the world," stated Daruun, not impatient at all.

Again, it was another test for Jack’s heart.

Thinking about the week-long option, Jack scratched his head. Clearly, Jack would need to rush his trip to find a life spring and return to Reinolt City. Jack had no way that he could guarantee making it back in time or that they wouldn’t meet complications that would stall them.

Storing Slivia’s body in his storage wasn’t an option, because her body would decay with time. He didn’t need Daruun to explain that her body would need some sort of magical preservation while he went after these items.

He pondered the month-long option next. Zariff had made some calls to the association headquarters and made some outrageous requests on Jack’s behalf. If Jack decided to up and leave before the adventurers from headquarters came on his behalf, that could potentially ruin his standing in the association.

Currently, the reason he was confident enough to publically reveal Bowzer’s breed was because he had the association backing him. If he got on the association’s bad side and was unable to follow up on the promises he had begged for, why would they support him in the future? Why wouldn’t they find some special means to remove Bowzer’s seal while Bowzer was still young and weak? That way they could better control it without Jack as a variable. Even if they didn’t take Bowzer away but no longer supported him in the shadows, how could he guarantee his safety against the Chaos Syndicate?

After much mental deliberation, Jack came to a decision. "Daruun, where can I find the nearest life spring?"

Jack came to the conclusion that if he had gotten on the association’s bad side, it would only take a small window of opportunity for the Chaos Syndicate to plot an assassination. Without the association backing, wouldn’t he and Slivia just be waiting to die again?

Daruun nodded and waved his hand. "I’ve placed its location on your map. You must be careful though; it won’t be an easy trip to get in and out of the Zuran Empire within a week."

It felt like a ton of bricks had crashed onto Jack’s head, already forming a headache. "The Zuran Empire? How can I get there, find the life spring, and get back to Reinolt City in a week?!"

"As I said, it will be a difficult journey," continued Daruun, unfazed by Jack’s response. "Also, don’t hesitate and fall back to the other option. If you don’t have the will to follow through with your decisions, you’ll never amount to anything other than average."

Not daring to rebut Daruun, Jack swallowed his doubt and nodded. "Any tips for me while I’m on my journey?"

"Stay true to yourself, no matter what happens. If you let the distractions of the world influence you, you’ll be my greatest disappointment."

Daruun’s words fell heavily onto Jack’s heart.

"If you can stay true to yourself, no matter what happens to you or those around you, then you won’t live with any regrets. Do that, and you’ll surely become the champion this world needs."

With a small nod, Jack sighed. "Thanks, Daruun."

"Don’t mention it. I look forward to the next time, it’ll be best after you find my temple."

As Daruun spoke those last words, lights flared and Jack was brought back to the association building’s conference room.

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