The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 138 Finding a Tomb No One Knew Existed

Chapter 138 Finding a Tomb No One Knew Existed

Chapter 138 Finding a Tomb No One Knew Existed


"Yeah, that’s what I said," Jack laughed when he saw their surprised faces. "To be specific, I’ll be opening Ponlinne’s hidden tomb that’s somewhere inside this place."

"Ponlinne’s tomb..."

They didn’t know what to think. Though they had guessed that Jack understood the catacomb better than all of them, none of them would have guessed it was related to Ponlinne the Great’s tomb.

"You mean that his tomb is in the catacomb?" Keela asked timidly. She was raised near the catacomb her whole life and this wasn’t her first time entering it. Her father had always talked about the amazing treasures that kept appearing inside the catacomb. They had hoped in their wildest dreams that Ponlinne’s tomb was related to the catacomb, but that was just a hunch.

"Yeah, and it shouldn’t be too hard to find. Keep up, okay Miss Keela." Leading the way, Jack started heading deeper into the catacomb.

"Is it just me, or does he not act much like an old man?" Keela asked the others.

Tarnel nodded. "I was thinking the same thing. If you had the same thought, maybe that’s not his true appearance. If that’s so, then that’s a terrifying mask. Not even our parents had recognized him."

Even more confused, Flint tilted his head and squinted. "You mean, he’s not an old man?"

"Most likely not. Guessing by how he’s treating us, he’s probably around our age, in his twenties," reasoned Tarnel. "Then again, that’s only a guess--"

"Yes!" shouted Flint. "Then that’s perfect! We can be adventure buddies after all!"

Laughter filled the corridor as they all looked to Jack at the lead. "You guys are pretty smart."

"So you are young like me? Show me! I want to see my buddy’s real face!"

"Not necessary," answered Jack as he waved his hand nonchalantly. "The next time we meet, it’ll be with my real face, how about that?"

Flint frowned stubbornly. "And how will I know it’s really you, huh? I’ll never be able to tell if you don’t show me now!"

"I’ll make sure you recognize me, don’t worry," added Jack. "For now, focus on what’s at hand. We’re getting close, so stay on your toes. Keela, you’ll be the party healer. And Flint, this is just in case!"

A ring was thrown to Flint, which he caught out of reflex.

"That’s Tarnel’s ring. Also, I put a few healing potions inside in case he’s needed to fight."

"Seriously?!" Both Flint and Tarnel were shocked. With that, there was a chance that Tarnel would be able to run or escape. Not to mention the possibility that the three of them team up against him.

"It’s just a precaution. Plus, that way I won’t forget to give it back before I take my leave." Retrieving another more feminine ring, Jack smiled. "Keela, this one’s yours. I can trust you, right?"

She flashed a flirty smile. "Of course. Since you’ve been so kind, I might as well. And if you can really take us to Ponlinne’s hidden tomb, I don’t see why we can’t work together."

"I’m sorry to say this, but after I open the tomb, I can’t let any of you inside," stated Jack. "There are some things I need from inside it and I can’t let anybody know that I have such items. Those items are the reason I’m doing all of this. It’s very important to me."

Tarnel shrugged, he had already expected Jack to say such a thing. josei

Flint’s expression didn’t change in the slightest. He was just proud to go on an adventure and was happy he had made a friend. Normally, he’s not let out much and doesn’t do anything other than family responsibilities. This was his first real adventure, and it was far more exciting with Jack in the mix.

Keela frowned, but like Tarnel she expected Jack to say something along those lines. Jack had taken so many precautions to remove the high-level bodyguards. Also, he had already proven capable of handling all of the young masters, so it made sense.

"Can you at least let me take a peak? It can be after you’ve stored everything?" Keela really wanted to see the tomb first hand.

Also, she and the others were well aware that Jack would have to perform a miracle to escape. Though he surprised them all inside the catacomb, they weren’t too confident in Jack’s ability to escape with all of his "found" goods.

"I’ll be nice and let you visit the tomb, but only after I give you all the okay. Alright?" reasoned Jack. "Either way, be ready for anything. You have to realize something. If Ponlinne’s hidden tomb is here, doesn’t that also mean this is where he died?"

Suddenly, a sense of dread washed over the other party members.

Keela’s and Tarnel’s confidence in Jack’s plan started to waver after realizing that fact. Gret was panting heavily, unwilling to continue further upon hearing that. Flint smiled wide and let his adrenaline pump through his blood even quicker.

Unfazed by the fact that Jack had known all along, he continued following Bowzer’s guidance.

They fought two more zombie trolls and claimed two more magic items. It was clear to everyone that the items weer random and varied in level.

One was only lv. 15, which saddened them all except for Jack who knew it was peak-tier equipment.

The second item amazed them all. It was lv. 45! If any of them returned to their families with such an item, it would cement their standing in the family and guarantee that their parents would offer them only the best resources in the future.

"Shhh... we’re almost there." Jack stopped the party in its tracks and pulled out a simple-looking wooden staff. Its appearance wasn’t extraordinary, but Keela instantly recognized it.

"That’s the missing staff!" Keela announced the truth to her fellow hostages without carrying if Jack heard her or not. "You were the one who stole it? Why?"

"Isn’t it obvious? It’s how I’ll find the tomb." The staff was blinking red somehow and the others felt it’s strange light. "See, we’re close!"

Holding the staff ahead of him, the blinking became brighter and brighter. After five minutes of walking, Jack stopped in the middle of a tunnel. The staff was emitting a solid stream of red light without a single flicker.

"Here..." Jack took a deep breath. Though it wasn’t the first tomb he had found, it would be the most influential to his progress. There was no telling what he might find inside the tomb.

"Stay back, if you get too close to the door before I give the okay, I won’t be merciful," stated Jack coldly, stunning the others who had gotten adjusted to the smiling, friendly Jack.

Not wanting to wait any longer, Jack swung the staff harshly against the cavern wall.


No marks were seen on the wall and the sound the attack made wasn’t all that loud. The young family heirs felt left down. They were expecting an amazing entrance and thunderous reveal for a mighty hero’s tomb to open and appear.

However, another second passed and they all looked back at the wall. It was changing! An opening was somehow forming and a marble entryway appeared in the wall exactly where Jack had hit.

Looking up, they all read the name on the tomb’s entrance.


"Wait here for five minutes. If I haven’t come back out by then, you have my permission to enter." Jack gave one last warning before he went down the winding staircase inside the marble entryway.

Those who were hostages now had no captor, but they all remained just outside the marble entryway. They thought Jack would be forced to later surrender his findings, so why piss him off now?

Inside the tomb, Jack struggled to remain calm. He had been in that world for a short time and he had never really learned about any truly powerful people. Now, he finally found an ancient tomb of one.

The inside was lined with dozens of chests and there was also a fountain just beyond Ponlinne’s sepulcher.

"The life spring..."

Jack walked up to it and ran his hands through the water. He knew that the water had healing properties and was quite valuable. However, he wasn’t after the spring’s water, Jack was after the source of the spring’s water.

After filling a handful of bottles with the spring’s water, Jack stepped into the fountain. Nearing its center, Jack reached inside of the fountain’s spout.

It took a moment but Jack found what he was looking for. Gently, Jack pulled his hand back out and it was now in a fist.

Opening his hand, Jack saw the life spring jewel. It was the very rare item used to revive fallen comrades, given that they hadn’t perished too long ago. Being filled with life energy, an unused life spring jewel would over time create a spring’s worth of water which had properties similar to healing potions.

Jack stored it with haste and ran his hand over the sepulcher to gain Ponlinne’s activity log for further study. He really wanted to know how such a powerful adventurer died and what could kill him outside of the Holy War?

With everything stored and a minute to spare, Jack quickly entered his system menu and hurried to claim his tomb achievement.

There was one small detail that struck Jack dumb. He had gained exactly eighty-seven skill points, not eighty-five.

The last two tomb achievements had given Jack skill points equivalent to the tomb owner’s level. If Jack had received eighty-seven skill points, didn’t that mean...

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