The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 150 Leaving Reinol

Chapter 150 Leaving Reinol

Chapter 150 Leaving Reinol

The next day, the association building was back to its lively self. Most of the investigation was already done, all that was left was monitoring the situation and making sure that it doesn’t happen again.

In the back of the association building, Zariff and Marisha were both saddling up a horse. Around them were all the strongest members of the Adventurers Association’s Reinolt Branch.

"Chief, how come you’ve emptied out your room? Don’t tell me you’re not coming back!"

"We need you, Chief, don’t go yet. You haven’t even said goodbye."

Zariff laughed loudly, grabbing everyone’s attention. "Shut up, all of you! You’re annoying my wife. Besides, we don’t know what’s happening next. Maybe we’ll see you again, maybe we won’t. Either way, it’s all about making sure the association is our top priority and guaranteeing that only the best people are in charge. If I’m able, then I’ll be back to see you real soon."


Rydel and Maynard stepped forward, separating themselves from the crowd. They both understood that the chief wasn’t planning to return to Reinolt. How could the proud Zariff let his people watch him slowly lose his EXP and levels? And how could he manage the branch when he would eventually no longer be able to do anything for the association?

"Are ya sure you don’t want us to join ya?" asked Maynard.

"Don’t worry, the brat will come back before he takes his leave. All the higher-ups want to meet him and he also wants to request you both as his personal aides and bodyguards. Once he’s back, you both will have permission to travel with him where ever he goes, and no one will be able to give you orders besides him," explained Zariff. "Also, they want all the lv. 30’s to stay here until Jack comes back with the new guy."

Understanding that Jack would return with Zariff’s replacement, they felt alright leaving Jack’s side for a little while. If it meant they would be able to travel with Jack indefinitely without anyone keeping an eye on them, it was worth it.

"Speaking of the brat, where is he?"

Marisha laughed, "Zariff, give him a minute. Maura was making sure he had a good meal before the journey started."

"What? And she didn’t offer me any?!"

"Calm down, I already made you an early breakfast, that is, if you don’t like my cooking, then I guess I won’t be able to make you anything until I practice enough--"

"No, no, I’m just surprised is all," Zariff didn’t let his wife finish.

He had made that mistake before and wasn’t allowed to eat her food for a week. While she and Maura enjoyed her delicious meals, Zariff would have to fend for himself. It was quite sad, and a very effective way for Marisha to manipulate Zariff on special occasions.

Rydel looked around and smiled. "Speak of the devil, here comes the kid now. Jack, you ready?"

Jack came out of the backdoor with both Maura and Keela behind him. Bowzer was on his shoulder and he was looking a lot more like the old Jack, from before Slivia passed.

"Yeah, I’m good to go. Let’s hurry up and get going," answered Jack.

Keela grabbed his arm, not letting him leave without her. "Jack, you said I had to go with you wherever you went I’m not allowed to leave your side. So, where’s my horse?"

"Keela, I have to make a few requests from headquarters first. After that, then you and the others will be following me everywhere. Just wait here, okay?"

"Then how come she gets to go with you?" reasoned Keela, pointing playfully at Maura.

"My family also has to go to headquarters, so Jack’s just coming with us to make things easier for him." Maura only gave her a glance before she mounted her horse that Zariff had prepared. josei

Jack scratched his head and did the same. "Keela, just stay in the city until I get back. In the meantime, get to know Maynard and Rydel. Since we’ll be journeying together, it might help to get to know them."

"Alright, let’s move out!"

That shout came from the front of the association building. Advisor Wain and Chief Liam were both waiting for them to hurry up.

"It’s time, let’s go!" yelled Zariff, leading his horse out of the association building’s back alley.

Marisha followed close behind him while Jack and Maura said a quick goodbye before they did the same.

Seeing Jack leave, Keela frowned. She was in a place she didn’t know, and the one person who was there for her had left with her love rival. Not too happy about it, Keela looked to Rydel and Maynard. "Where’s a good place to level up? I need to reach lv. 30."

Surprised to see her strange enthusiasm, Maynard and Rydel laughed. The best places to grind were in the southern forests of Reinolt.

Rydel answered, "Aren’t you supposed to stay in the city? That would--"

"Please, just help me level up as quickly as possible," Keela begged and bowed before them. "Everyone said Jack has reached lv. 20 in a month, so how long will it take him to reach lv. 30? I’m six levels higher than him, but he’ll pass me if I’m not careful."

Laughing even harder, Maynard shook his head in amusement. "Ya don’t get it. We already know that Jack will pass us, there’s no doubt about it. After he gets back and we start traveling all over, we’ll get left behind. Someday, you’ll understand why."

Confused by how casual the two proud men were, Keela had no idea why they acted like they expected and wanted Jack to pass them. Of course, she didn’t know that Jack was once an ancient hero from before the Holy War. If there was anyone who’s leveling could defy nature itself, it would be Jack.

"Well, I still need to grind and level up! Why don’t you help me?" Keela may have been humble in front of Jack, but she was still used to getting what she wanted most of the time.

"Jack said to keep you in the city till he gets back, so that’s what you should do. I’ll take you to the forest outside the south gate, but that’s as far as we’ll go," explained Rydel. "It’s still not the best for reaching lv. 30, but it’s better than nothing."

"Thank you! I’ll be ready in a few minutes."

Happy that someone threw her a bone, Keela hurried inside. She left Rydel and Maynard outside, not wanting to hear their laughter anymore.


The road to the Polt Federation was long. It would take them over two weeks to reach the Polt-Reinolt border on horseback and to reach the capital city of the Polt Federation, it would take another couple days.

Though the journey would be a long one, it would be quite safe and trouble-free. With Advisor Wain with them, travel on the main road would be easy. Maybe if they tried to take shortcuts through wild areas it would be different, but they had no reason for that.

Curious about the Polt Federation, Jack looked to Maura beside him and asked, "Maura, what can you tell me about the Polt Federation?"

"Well, I was born there and we stayed there till I was almost fourteen. That’s when Papa was moved to Reinolt as the official Branch Chief. It’s been a while, but I like it more then Reinolt if I’m being honest," explained Maura. "It’s a place where you can find anything and every corner has a powerful adventurer with great stories!"

"Sounds like a fun place."

"You’ll have to be careful on the streets, dear, now that you have such a beautiful necklace. Since Jack gifted it to you, make sure he helps you keep it safe, so stay with him and don’t stray far, okay?"

"Okay, Mom," Maura replied with red cheeks.

"Hey, brat, don’t go running off right after we get there. We’re heading straight for headquarters and it’ll take most of the day for you to handle your business and for us to handle ours," added Zariff.

Marisha laughed and looked back at her husband. "How about we visit my favorite restaurant later, it would be the perfect way to unwind after a long day. What do you say, Jack, it’ll be our treat?"

"Sure, I can’t say no to a free meal, especially if it’s your favorite place," joked Jack. "Did you always live in Polt too, Maam."

"Didn’t I say you could call me "Mom" earlier? If not that, then at least call me by my name," Marisha teased him and made Maura’s face even redder in the process. "And yes, I grew up in Polt. My family owns one of the city’s most popular inns. That’s where we’ll be staying and dining tonight."

"Wow, that’s great!"

"You mean I’ll get to see grandpa and grandma again?!" Maura shouted.

"Yeah, you’ll see them. I’m sure they’ll be happy to see you too!" answered Zariff. "It’s been over five years since they’ve seen you, so they’ll spoil you, I’m sure."

"And I’m sure they’d love to meet Jack, too. What do you think Maura?" asked Marisha with a gentle smile.

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