The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 160 Throwing Money At Your Problems

Chapter 160 Throwing Money At Your Problems

Chapter 160 Throwing Money At Your Problems

"Seven thousand gold!"

"Eight thousand--"

"Ten thousand gold!"

Those on the third floor finally started taking action. Without pause, the price rose past fifteen thousand gold.

"Eighteen thousand gold!"

"Twenty thousand gold!"

No matter who bid it up, there was someone in room 2 on the third floor who would instantly raise the price. His approach was aggressive and overbearing. Clearly, this was the item that the man had come for.


"Twenty-two thousand gold!" That same man wouldn’t let Jack get a word in. However, this time, since the man knew Jack had money to spend, he added a few words. "Sir, please allow us, the Adventurers Association to purchase this item. We need it urgently and will pay anything to get it, we will even owe the kind sir a favor."

Surprised that the man was from the association, Jack was hesitant about what to do next. A part of him wanted to raise the price and see how much they wanted the life tree dew, or more accurately, how much they wanted Ponlinnes.

But Jack decided to not bother them and allowed them to take it. It would reach Zariff either way and Jack wasn’t sure if he would have to bid against the association later in the auction.

"Very well, but if you and I go after the same item again, I hope you’re willing to give it up like I am with this precious life tree dew," stated Jack.

"Of course, then you very much, kind sir!"

The room went quiet again, going from heightened bids to a calm chat. Others all respected the Adventurers Association a little more after seeing them spend so much coin like it was nothing as well as successfully throw their weight around. Who would dare oppose them?

"Twenty-two thousand going once! Going twice! Sold to the Adventurers Association!"


Finishing the countdown, Eliza winked at the crowd while the next item was brought out for all to see. "This one is a lv. 30 halberd, peak-tier of course. The bids will start at five thousand gold."

While the first floor filled with excitement, some people on the second floor starting to join in on the fun as well.

Still, the only item to rile up those on the third floor was the life tree dew. No one was disappointed though because they all knew that a bidding war could break out at any minute. It was only a matter of time until the best treasures would be brought out.

The halberd sold for almost twelve thousand gold to an old man in a booth on the first floor. He was ecstatic to win the bid, looking years younger from his enthusiasm alone.

More lv. 30 items followed and Jack started to understand the pattern.

They would gradually sell items of higher levels. Whenever the energy of the crowd would start to die, Eliza would bring out a major treasure to boost morale again. The system was quite clever and helped keep people in the mood to spend plenty of money.

"Jack, shouldn’t we get some of these?" asked Maura.

"Nah, let them fight over them. We’ve got much better gear since I traded a few things with the association, remember?"

Taking another sip of her wine, Maura giggled, "Oh yeah... I forgot."

Jack was surprised to see that Maura was looser and more relaxed than he had ever seen her. "Maura, are you drunk?"

"No... Of course not," replied Maura who only drank more so that she wouldn’t be able to answer.

Seeing her acting silly and enjoying her drink, Jack also laughed and started to relax a bit. Unlike Maura, his drink was usually found on the side table and not in his hands. He didn’t dare lose focus on the auction because there were too many things that would be useful to him at the moment.

After some time, the curtains closed behind Eliza. As some special items were being prepared, Eliza spoke up and made sure to keep the crowd’s attention.

"Everyone, it’s time for us to bring out some more special items to liven things up. While they prepare them, allow me to explain what these rare items are. Behind that curtain, we have three lv. 30 bestial rings for sale!"

Jumping to his feet, Jack was glad to find exactly what they were looking for. He, along with the rest of the room, listened carefully to the beautiful hostess of the auction to learn more.

"For those that don’t know, bestial storages contain a special pocket of space. Inside, you can store beasts for up to one week without worrying about them being able to breathe. Right now, we’ll be selling three in a row and there are still more to come later, so don’t worry too much if you can’t grab one of the first three today," explained Eliza. "Now, who’s ready to make the first bid, starting at ten thousand gold?"

"Fifteen thousand gold!"

Jack’s shout stunned everyone for a moment. Many looked at his room, some with anger and some with jealousy. From the last bet Jack made, they had all learned that he still had plenty of money and only backed down for the favor from the association. But could everyone do something like that and could it happen again?

No one wanted to chance it so they decided to let time pass.

Eliza saw this and shook her head while smiling. She knew that they just wanted Jack to hurry up and run out of money but they didn’t want to offend him either. If they would let Jack have this one, then maybe he wouldn’t fight for the others.

"Fifteen thousand gold going once! Going twice! Sold!"


Glad that no one contested him, Jack had practically stolen the ring in his own opinion. And to him, it only made him more anxious to purchase the other two rings.

"Alright, we’ll start the bid for the second ring at the same price, ten thousand gold. Who’s first?"

"Fifteen thousand gold!"

Again, amazement filled the room as everyone looked back to Jack’s private room. He still wanted more?

"Sixteen thousand--"

"Twenty thousand gold!"

Jack wasted no breath and immediately raised the price by five thousand the moment someone tried to outbid him. It was frightening because he didn’t let his competitor finish speaking.

"Twenty thousand gold gong once! Going twice--" josei

"Twenty-one thousand--"

"Twenty-five thousand gold!"

Using the same strategy on his next competitor, Jack silenced the room and had practically taken over the auction for a moment.

Wide-eyed and smiling, Eliza was extremely happy inside. She had chosen to be that young master’s attendant and now she knew how much it could impact her stance in the Fat Goose Auction House.

For those that wanted to climb higher in the ranks within the Fat Goose, it was always best for them to make connections with the highest spenders. That way, they would become regular attendants for the same people and be able to build a relationship over time. And since she was Jack’s first attendant and Jack proved to be wealthy beyond their imagination, she could practically guarantee that she’d be his attendant time and time again. That could possibly boost her standing in the Fat Goose dramatically.

"Twenty-five thousand going once! Going twice... Sold!"


Since Jack was throwing out gold left and right like it was a child’s plaything, no one wanted to contend with him. And, from the look of it, someone would have to pay way too much to even compete for it.

The other wealthy people interested in the ring decided to try their luck with a later ring. Since the auction house admitted that this was only the first batch of rings to be sold, they all guessed that there was plenty more to try and get.

"Now for the third and final one of this batch. I’ll tell you now, there are still another two batches coming later and one very special batch as well. The bidding will start now for ten thousand gold!’

"Fifteen thousand gold!"

A strange mixture of shock and silence filled the room. No one could keep themselves from thinking that Jack was insane and that he had far too much money to spend. What group would be willing to part with so much gold at once when they’ve already bought two of the same ring?


"Twenty thousand gold!"

The person who wanted to compete with Jack was wearing an irritated expression on his face. He was on the second level, but only because he was a lower prince from a country on the continent’s edge and not it’s center.

"Prince Tyrel, perhaps it’s best to wait for the next batch of rings," whispered an old man behind the prince. "I know you want a ring, but there’s more to come and surely that man won’t have an infinite supply of gold. Surely, he has a limit and he should reach it very soon if he hasn’t already."

"Fine..." grumbled Tyrel. He stayed silent and let Jack take the item.

"Twenty thousand going once! Going twice... Sold!"


"Now give us a minute to prepare the next few items, so please excuse me." Eliza bowed to the crowd and disappeared behind the closing curtain.

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