The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 172 Leaving Federal City

Chapter 172 Leaving Federal City

Chapter 172 Leaving Federal City

Before Jack could dive deeper into his newly acquired skills, a few people approached Jack. Both of his wives, Argyle, and Zariff all walked towards the distracted Jack, curious what was going on.

"Jack, who was that man and why do I get the feeling that you know him better than you know me?" asked Maura.

"Probably because I do know him better," Jack laughed as he exited his system and joined everyone for the fantastic meal.

While Jack had only started to eat, those that were finished had some questions for the young hero. Argyle asked, "So, Jack, are you still mad at me? This should make up for everything if you include the support I’m now giving you."

"I haven’t decided that yet." Not wanting to admit it, but Jack was actually ecstatic about meeting Tralon and even more so about him renewing his pact. Now he’d gain access to all sorts of spells and many different types of magic.

Tralon specialized in space type magic but he could also wield holy and earth type magics as well. This was the first inheritor to give Jack access to spells, and Jack knew what most of them would be without looking. The most exciting part was that Jack was sure that Tralon knew mythic-tier spells and a couple of legend-tier spells. He couldn’t help but get excited while he was forced to wait for a better time to take a look.

But one thing was certain, Jack was already considering forgiving Argyle. Getting his hands on such powerful magic would’ve been impossible without this happening.

"Well, I’ll wait till the day you do. I’m sure it won’t take too long," Argyle joked as he looked at both his daughter and Jack.

"That reminds me, I’m in a hurry and will be leaving Federal City before dark. I’ll need to get some supplies for me and the party that will be traveling with me," stated Jack before stuffing his face with some grilled lizard meat.

"So soon? You’ve just been married to my beautiful daughter and you already want to leave. Why not--"

"I’ve already decided. My original plan was to leave this morning, but someone had to go and change that," staring back at Argyle, Jack spoke forcefully, showing that he wouldn’t change his mind.


Suddenly, a ring was thrown to Jack, which he easily caught. Perplexed, Jack looked back at Argyle, waiting for an explanation.

"There are some things that might be helpful on your journey. You can still go grab as much travel supplies as you want from our archives, but consider that ring a gift to my new son-in-law," Argyle shrugged as he spoke.

"... Thank you, Argyle." Turning to Zariff while taking another bite, Jack threw him a different ring. "Here, you keep that until they heal you."

Zariff quickly inspected the ring and almost choked on the air in his throat. Inside, he found a peak-tier lv. 85 staff and a chest, one which was filled with about twenty thousand gold.

"Consider it a thank you for all the support you’ve given me. Now, I don’t owe you anything." Jack then focused no his food, devouring it as quickly as possible without regard for manners.

By the time he finished, everyone had eaten their fill.

"Eliza, can you take me to the archives? We need to hurry and leave before dark, or we won’t make it to the next town."

"Sure thing, dear," Eliza replied, fluttering her long eyelashes. "Follow me."

Both Jack and Maura left the room behind Eliza, leaving their parents and family inside the banquet hall. Those left behind made sure to chat more openly since the kids had left, letting both sides of the family learn about the other’s actions toward Jack up to that point.

After a few minutes, Eliza led them to a storehouse. Holding up an emblem of the Fat Goose to a stone on the wall, the large front door slowly opened for them.

"This is the archive where you’ll find all kinds of travel equipment. Take whatever you like, only the best for my husband," said Eliza, looking back to her new man.

"Thank you." Not sparing her a glance, Jack immediately started combing through the many items in the warehouse.

After almost half an hour, Jack finished collecting supplies. He grabbed a few large tents, saddles, rope, torches, and everything else he thought might possibly have a use. Returning to the entrance, Jack found Eliza and Maura talking to each other. It was clear to Jack that they were both uncomfortable with the other, making him wonder how that will affect their journey.

"Eliza, I never asked what class you were; mind telling me?" Jack asked her even though he could see it with Eagle Eye. At least he would be kind to his new wife, whether he was forced into it or not.

"I’m an enchanter. With me in the party, everyone will be much stronger while your enemies will be weaker. That I can guarantee." She was still trying to act seductive, doing her best to entice Jack in some way.

Since the moment she learned that Jack and Maura had also gotten married, Eliza made it her goal to take as much of Jack’s heart as possible. She didn’t mind the marriage being so sudden. For her, it was almost a dream come true. Never before had she been in a relationship, but what girl hadn’t dreamed of one day marrying a great hero? As for them not knowing each other, she felt that would happen over time. With arranged marriages being so prominent among major guilds or noble families, Eliza felt lucky that Jack was the one who had become her husband.

"That’s good, you’ll fit right in with the others," replied Jack, giving her a slight smile. "Since we’re ready, let’s go."

Not wasting any time, Jack and his wives returned to the banquet hall to say their goodbyes. Next, they went to the stables and each took a horse for themselves, as well as one extra horse.

After leaving the Fat Goose Guild, the party went to the Adventurers Association headquarters and told them they would be leaving early. That way the association would send the new branch president without them and that they wouldn’t need to worry about sending bodyguards with Jack.

As evening set in, Jack and his wives had already left Federal City. They were hurrying on the road, trying their best to reach the next town before nightfall.

It was later then they had expected, but the party reached the small trade town before the sun disappeared for the night. Since Federal City was one of the few megacities on the continent, there were many settlements surrounding it that saw all kinds of travelers and visitors.

The party found an inn with a stable and decided to stay there for the night. After putting the horses away for the night, they entered the inn and found the front desk.

There at the front desk, was a man leaning against the wall, as if he was waiting for someone.

Maura was surprised to see him, yet Jack wasn’t. Curious why he was there, Maura asked, "Rydel, what are you doing here?"

"I hurried over a while ago. I’ve been here since yesterday, waiting to escort you guys back Reinolt. Without a lv. 30, the journey would be much harder with monsters trying to ambush a weak party," explained Rydel. The hunter then sighed when he looked at the other woman at Jack’s side. "This will be hard to explain when we get back."

"I’m sure Keela will understand, if not, she’ll just have to deal with it," said Jack.

"I wasn’t talking about Keela, I was talking about Daliea."

Remembering what he had said to Daliea, Jack suddenly understood what Rydel was talking about. This really would be hard to explain.

"Anyway, I’ve already paid for your room," stated Rydel, handing Jack a room key.

Jack took the key and handed it to Maura. "You and Eliza will share a room. I’ll stay with Rydel." He tried to escape up the stairs but Jack was stopped by a surprised Eliza.

"Huh?! We just got married and instead of a honeymoon, you’ve decided to hurry back to Reinolt. That’s understandable but you won’t even stay with me, your wife!" Her shout startled some of the customers at the main floor’s bar, but she didn’t care and continued shouting. "And what about her, you think you can just give one wife special treatment and ignore the other, how shameless?!"

"Quiet down!" yelled Jack, trying to calm her. "I haven’t given either of you special treatment. I may talk with her a bit more, but that’s because we’ve known each other longer."


"Eliza, let’s go to our room, I’ll explain everything there," Maura chimed in, grabbing Eliza by the hand.

"Hmph! Fine... Since he wants to act like that, maybe he doesn’t deserve to spend time with us." Willingly following Maura, Eliza went upstairs and found their room. josei

"You’ve got your hands full, but I’m surprised you don’t take advantage of all this. If anyone else was in your shoes, they’d be overjoyed," the hunter joked with Jack, lightening the mood of the main floor.

"Let’s go up already, I’ve got to check a few things and then we’ll discuss the plan." Taking the lead, Jack went up with Rydel to their room without a second thought, anxious to learn about his new spells.

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