The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 314 Tricked by the Dungeon

Chapter 314 Tricked by the Dungeon

Chapter 314 Tricked by the Dungeon

"I’m not sure if they’ll call it fun, but the thought of them failing to find anything while attracting countless mimics makes me laugh,’ Tralon chuckled.

’So, how long will we wait here?’ asked Argyle.

Jack thought for a moment. ’We can either rest on the next floor or rest here. Depending on what floor we’re sent too, resting may not be easy.’

’Then tell me about the next few floors. We can decide together.’

’Like the first four floors, floors six through nine will randomly cycle and I’m not sure when they’ll reset. There’s a good chance that we’ll have to repeat a floor or two because of that. But I’d rather repeat a couple of floors than attempt to rush through the four floors.

’The next four floors had higher-leveled mobs than the first four when I made the dungeon, so I have no clue what level they are now,’ explained Jack. ’It may take us at least a day to clear each of the next four floors.’

’That long?’

’Yeah, that way we can guarantee we’re not overwhelmed and slaughtered. The next four floors are each designed after a different biome: an active volcano, the frozen tundra, an illusory valley, and a forest of clouds.’

’What? I’ve never heard of such a dungeon.’ Argyle looked to Tralon for validation, who nodded.

Jack continued, ’There shouldn’t be anymore mini-bosses, but there’s no telling how many mobs there are now on each remaining floor. I think we should take one floor a day. And we don’t need to exterminate an entire floor, but don’t we shouldn’t hold back if we’re attacked.’

’Then, are we going to camp here for the night, Jack?’ Tralon asked.

’Let’s finish the rest of the floor and camp out by the circle. Then we can use all of tomorrow to clear the next floor.’

’I call first pick!’ Argyle took the initiative and ran ahead.

’Wrong way, Argyle!’ Tralon shouted. josei

’Too late!’ Jack bolted in the other direction, giving him the lead.

While Argyle and Jack were shouting at each other, Tralon hopped onto Bowzer’s back and enjoyed a chat with the fox.

The small party’s chemistry was different than Jack’s main party, but they were enjoying themselves more than ever as they continued to take everything that Jack had left behind on the fifth floor.

Once they reached the circle, they set up camp. Argyle retrieved a chair from his storage, as did Tralon. Jack laid next to Bowzer, making use of his soft fur as he retrieved the materials to make a fire.


"How interesting..."

"What are you thinking, Vixus?" Bikkem asked.

"The last two floors were completely cleared by Tralon’s party, yet they left so many weak mobs alone here. Are they trying to speed up?"

"I’m not sure why they would suddenly speed up,’ stated Bikkem. "Since they rested so long before, maybe they’ve decided to do just enough to clear a floor and save energy for later floors."

"Perhaps that’s the case. That’s the most logical explanation..." Vixus nodded. "Then they’ve probably cleared at least three floors today at this rate."

"First, let’s leave this floor and reach the fourth. If they did the same thing there, then we’ll move on to the fifth floor."

"Are you two done?" asked Quallace. "Are we moving forward or not?"

"We finish this floor and check the next floor. If there are still some beasts remaining there, then we move on to the fifth floor to scout out Tralon’s team for the night," Bikkem explained. "Alright?"

"Works for me!" shouted Kims. "Can I kill whatever tries to attack us or get near us?"

"Sure, but no chasing after anything. We’re in a hurry," replied Quallace, trying to act as the leader. "Let’s get going then."

The four councilmen were happy to finally get moving and to find the "third" floor so easy. With Tralon and the others paving the way, the councilmen barely had to lift a finger that floor. They easily moved on to the next floor, where they were startled by the change in scenery.

"This is... still in the dungeon?" Vixus was puzzled as he stared at the rocky mountain path they were on. "How strange..."

"Well, it is was created by the Legend during ancient times, so shy does it have to follow normal logic..." Bikkem thought out loud. "I wonder."

Bikkem turned around and faced the base of the mountain. Then, he thrust a fist forward, creating a small shockwave that was aimed away from the mountain. But the shockwave was soon dispersed in mid-air as if it had collided with something invisible.

"Hmm... so it’s an illusion? How intricate..." deduced Bikkem.

"The Legend is very deserving of his title. This place stands as proof of that," stated Vixus. "And if things are like this on just the fourth level, then how will things be on the remaining seven levels?"

"We may as well not assume anything about those levels. It’s a good thing we’re following Tralon, otherwise, I have a feeling that clearing this dungeon would be much more difficult then we anticipated. No wonder they bought all of your potions, Quallace."

"Either way, we’ll keep letting them do all of the heavy-lifting and wait for a chance to finish off Tralon," Quallace replied, making sure that all the councilmen could hear him.

"Of course, just don’t get in the way when the time comes." Vixus looked back at Quallace. "You may have organized this, but you follow our plans. If you don’t, then there’s no telling what may happen."

"Right, right," sighed Quallace. "I’ll make sure to listen."

"Good, now let’s keep moving. It’s a long way to the peak." Bikkem marched ahead, confidently leading the others.

They noticed that the "fourth" floor had been cleared out just enough to pass, like the floor before it. But that started to change more and more as they made their way up the mountain.

"Bikkem, aren’t there too many beasts remaining for Tralon’s party to have cleared it?" Vixus asked.

"Hmm... You may be right, but do we have any other choice?" replied Bikkem. "For all we know, they dashed through here and barely killed enough to squeeze by. Also, no one has touched this place for a millennia, so it makes sense for so many to exist despite someone clearing the floor."

"Perhaps... Then let’s keep going."

"Finally! I’ll clear the way!" Kims happily took the lead, brandishing his swords at anything that stood in their way. "Wow... there are so many of them, and they’re all almost lv. 60."

"You’re right... They’ve definitely gone uncontrolled for the last thousand years. It makes sense why they would come down here," reasoned Bikkem. "The first two floors were probably easier to exterminate all together, but here they simply had to cut some mobs down to handle the overpopulation."

"That’s why they had to use more effort on the first two floors and were forced to rest for a day," Vixus continued Bikkem’s train of thought. "I wonder what’s lying in wait for us on the next floor. Hopefully, we won’t have to do much."

The councilmen continued to push ahead. Kims took charge of their attack but Quallace started to aid him as they faced more and more mobs near the mountain’s peak.

"We’re almost there."

"Quiet, Quallace. Less complaining and more killing!" Kims shouted, eagerly plunging his blades into nagas, giant beetles, and every kind of beast found on the mountainside. "We’ll get there eventually, one kill at a time."

They kept a steady pace and were soon at the mountain top looking down at the teleportation circle they had found.

"Good, now let’s go and scout them out!" Quallace was the first to step on the circle, waiting patiently for the other councilmen.

When they all joined him, they activated the circle and readied themselves to enter the next floor. However, their surroundings were far too familiar to be on the next floor.

"This... What is this?!" shouted Quallace, unhappy to find himself back at the beginning of the same floor.

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