The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 321 Councilmen Vs Councilmen

Chapter 321 Councilmen Vs Councilmen

Chapter 321 Councilmen Vs Councilmen


Bikkem shouted at the top of his lungs, activating a number of skills and surrounding himself in different auras.

Quallace lifted his arms and began to hurl fire spells relentlessly toward Argyle, the only target of his that Quallace’s flames could actually damage.

Kims gave a battle cry as he firmly gripped his saber with his remaining arm. He then created a layer of sharp, sword aura around him.

Vixus grunted as another beast emerged from his bestial ring, an Armored Rhinocerous, letting it snarl and prepare to charge.

Argyle, Jack, and Bowzer were unaffected by the show of abilities taking place. They stood proudly, waiting for their enemies with gusto and determination to take everything head-on. No fear was seen in their eyes, only confidence, which surprised Bikkem to an extent.

The mad monk bolted forward with both fists rocketing through the air toward Argyle. He didn’t dare take on an opponent with a flame body, as that would be hard for a man who fought with his fists.

Kims also stepped up, leading his saber toward Argyle as if to create an opening for Bikkem.

When both swords clashed, Argyle smiled and swatted Kims away. Argyle then readied himself as best he could in a moment’s notice to take on the raging fists of the mad monk.

Bikkem’s first punch was blocked by Argyle’s blade, but the second was nigh unblockable after that. It barreled its way toward Argyle’s ribcage, intent on concaving it and forcing the swordsman to his knees.

While Bikkem charged ahead, Quallace’s fireballs neared Argyle as well, ready to burn him alive the moment after Bikkem’s fist would retreat. It was perfect coordination.

But suddenly, Bikkem coughed up blood.

The monk was slowed, which allowed Argyle to evade the second punch. Livid, Bikkem turned to his side. "Kims! What is the meaning of this?!"

And Quallace’s face quickly twisted as well. His fireballs had been stopped midair by the Flame Tiger and the Armored Rhinocerous was charging the sorcerer at full speed.

Kims nor Vixus said a word. All they did was attack.

Vixus leaped off of the rhino and confronted Quallace, not letting the sorcerer easily evade the rhino’s charge. And Kims withdrew his saber from Bikkem’s gullet, jumping back to stand beside Argyle.

Quallace was unable to fight back against Vixus. The Flame Tiger would negate his spells with minimal damage while the rhino and Vixus would beat him, gradually bringing down his HP and his mana. It was only a matter of time for the sorcerer to lose in the mismatched encounter, no matter how well he could dodge. josei

Bikkem truly became a mad monk, attacking in every which way and doing anything to keep up with the two swordsmen that were cornering him and chipping away at him bit by bit.

Jack and Bowzer just sat back and relaxed. Bowzer had dashed toward the other entrance to the trove, closing off the only other escape route that Quallace and Bikkem had.

Also, Tralon appeared to Jack’s side, wearing a smile. "Jack, your plans always amaze me."

"It’s nothing too complicated. We just gave both Kims and Vixus a better offer and revealed that Quallace and Bikkem had shadier motives than they were letting on. And any good politician knows that the worst thing they can do is be publicly affiliated with shady, questionable groups," explained Jack, laughing as the two most deceiving council members were being beaten down.

"Still, though Vixus had already agreed, how did you know that Kims would join in? Especially after Argyle cut off his arm."

"Tralon, Kims is very battle minded and opportunistic. I would argue that he only took the deal because his arm had been cut off," reasoned Jack. "That was like a wake-up call to his instincts, making it easier for Kims to more clearly see that Quallace and Bikkem were up to something."

"And what if he didn’t agree and instead attacked Argyle?"

"Then we would fight him too. There’s still Bowzer and me to help control the fight, not to mention you. We would’ve been fine."

Tralon laughed and shook his head. "I’m just glad we’ve worked this out in the end."

Jack nodded. "Now let’s go and question those two more carefully."

The beating had come to a halt as Quallace was the first to fall. Out of mana and low on health, Quallace could do nothing but beg for his life.

Bikkem, on the other hand, kept throwing punching and forcing the swordsmen to give it their all. But, eventually, the monk’s high defense gave in and he was forced to his knees.

"So, are you more willing to talk now, or do we need to convince you further?" Jack questioned.


"We have nothing to say to you!" Bikkem shouted, not letting Quallace speak for himself.

"Hmm... Okay, then it seems you’d rather be questioned in public," snickered Jack. "Argyle, cripple them. We don’t want them trying anything while we drag them along like living corpses."

"You--" Before Bikkem could try and counter Jack’s statement, a sword was thrust into his chest. Then, that sword was twisted around, acting like a meat grinder against Bikkem’s ribcage and internal organs.

Tralon then cast Lesser Healing. This stopped the bleeding and healed the monk enough so that he could survive, but also making it impossible to fully heal wounds that have already scarred over and become too weak to do anything beyond simple functioning.

With a chuckle, Jack verified that Bikkem’s level had officially been crippled. The monk’s lv. 68 strength was forever gone.

"Please, PLEASE!!" Quallace dropped to his knees and began to kowtow. "I’ll talk! I’ll cooperate!"

Yet Argyle was still unconvinced, plunging his sword into the sorcerer’s chest. He ground away at the man’s strength, forever crippling his internal organs and body thanks to the lesser healing that left everything scarred and brittle.

"Now break their arms and legs so they can’t try anything like killing themselves. Then we’ll gag them," ordered Jack. "Since they remained so adamant to conceal the truth, I can only imagine just how incriminating it is. With that kind of information, we of course will let the world know after we’ve finished up our time in the dungeon."

"Allow me." Kims stepped forward and slammed the blunt side of his saber into Bikkem’s limbs. "If you hadn’t bribed me, I would’ve kept my arm!"

Once Kims had taken out his aggression on the two cripples, they could only lie on the ground and barely move their heads with immense pain.

Vixus was the one who gagged them and drugged them unconscious. He wanted to make sure that the party wouldn’t hear the complaints of the two cripples along the trip.

With that taken care of, Kims faced Argyle and Tralon with a bow. "Please forgive my foolishness. I’m easily blinded by greed and lust for EXP, as well as trying to increase my influence within the council."

"That’s understandable, plus you’ve already been punished in my book," Jack replied instead, pointing at Kims’s missing limb. "Now, let me explain a few things more clearly now that we don’t have to worry about those two rats.

"My offer to Vixus is the same that I offer to you, Kims. We’ll take you through the remainder of the dungeon and even let you take up to three treasures of your choice with my permission. But there’s one condition," Jack explained and looked to Vixus with a smile.

Vixus, in turn, sighed and bowed. "I, Vixus Hurdlon, agree to publicly join the Leisure Guild and stand by it for the rest of my life as the Vice Guild Master."

"Good... I’m glad that Vixus’s descendant will be able to take up his former responsibilities. We’re glad to have you." Jack and Tralon both bowed to the man, all smiles.

"That’s it?" Kims asked, disrupting the mood. "All I have to do is join the guild?"

��That’s it. But you’ll have to take on a leading role fit for your strengths," replied Jack. "I was thinking you’d be perfect as our Security Advisor."

"Security Advisor? What would that entail?"

"It’s a position that’s been vacant for a couple of centuries, Kims," Tralon explained. "You would be in charge of maintaining security throughout the guild, both within Trodar and outside of Trodar."

"Oh... So I would be allowed to travel?" Kims asked with a hint of a smile.

"Not only would you be allowed to travel, but we’ll pay for your travel expenses, so long as they’re within reason," added Jack. "I would want you to hurry up and reach lv. 70 or even lv. 80 if you can. We’ll pay for potions and all other leveling supplies you would need, which we can afford thanks to the vault. By becoming one of the strongest in the continent, you can best guarantee the safety and security of the guild."

"I, Kims Grantel, pledge to take up the position of Security Advisor and offer my life to the Leisure Guild!" Kims dropped to one knee and immediately accepted the position that he seemed to be crafted just for him. "Even if it means losing my council seat, I’m willing to uphold my responsibilities of becoming the strongest swordsman in Kartonia and protecting the guild, despite my lack of a left arm."

"We’re excited to have such a passionate addition to the guild." This time, Jack, Tralon, and Vixus all bowed together, marking a moment of immense growth for the guild.

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