The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 333 Ambush on the Ice Floor

Chapter 333 Ambush on the Ice Floor

Chapter 333 Ambush on the Ice Floor

The party trekked at a walking pace, struggling to push themselves too hard against the blizzard and the snow they sunk into with every step. When they weren’t careful, they sunk to their waist and were forced to slowly climb back up with each step.

’Jack, what about my beast?’ Argyle asked Jack telepathically. ’How am I supposed to find it?’

’That’s your problem, not mine. With Kims unconscious, I just want to get out of here as soon as possible. Maybe we’ll get lucky and find some jumpier creatures on this floor, so you can capture whatever attacks us,’ joked Jack.

Nodding, Argyle sighed. The weather wasn’t entirely unbearable for the high-leveled men, but having an unconscious member and two cripples complicated things. With that in mind, Argyle kept his eyes peeled for what would eventually attack them.

Only minutes after their mental conversation, the snow beneath the party’s feet began to shift.

Everyone paused. On high alert, the party waited for the ambush to come.

"There!" Argyle shouted as he jumped into the air, watching the snow below burst viciously. A long, icy-blue figure shot out, chasing after Argyle. "This one’s mine!"

Vixus and Tralon remained on standby to aid the swordsman while Phoro, Ssildro, and the cranes kept their distance from the frozen wyrm.

"Someone got lucky!" Jack shouted with a smile.

’Careful, three more are coming!’

As Bowzer’s warning rang in Jack’s mind, the hero got serious and yelled at the top of his lungs. "Watch out! There are three more!"

No longer distracted by Argyle confronting the towering wyrm, the other party members readied themselves to act on a moment’s notice. The aviary beasts all took to the sky. They couldn’t move quickly in the buffeting winds but they could maintain flight at a safe altitude long enough to avoid the wyrms.

"Don’t kill them! Catch them all!" Jack shouted again. "They’ll be perfect to cross the tundra!"

Tralon and Vixus both nodded as they stepped back to avoid the attacks of two more wyrms.

’Cerdot, you and the other cranes carry these two cripples. Then me and Bowzer will take the last wyrm,’ Jack called out to Cerdot as he and Bowzer jumped back to face the final wyrm.

Following orders, Cerdot swooped down to pick up the two broken councilmen as Jack distracted the wyrm with his flame body. Though he wasn’t strong enough to do much damage, at least he made a great diversion with his growing stature and surprising ability.

’My turn.’

Next, the cautious wyrm trembled slightly. It then looked back to the fox only to see an even larger, more intense flame body charging it.

Releasing some glacial breath, the wyrm defended itself and extended more of its massive body out of the ice floor beneath the snow. Now looking down on Bowzer, the Glacier Wyrm showed no fear or hesitation. It created a frosty aura around its body, making it appear to be made of ice. Then, the wyrm charged Bowzer for a head-on clash.

The wyrm’s frost body collided with the fox’s flame body, causing small explosions of steam to rush over the nearby battlefields.

While the others weren’t at a disadvantage against the wyrms, they were still getting a feel for how to fight them. Even during their own battles, they were forced to notice the battle of the titanic figures.

The other three wyrms also hesitated as they felt the tail-end of the resulting shockwaves from each collision of the frost body and the flame body.

Argyle readied himself to attack during the wyrm’s hesitation, but a low unfamiliar voice roared out for the entire party to hear. ’What is it you want? And why are you in our hunting grounds?’

When that wyrm spoke, the other wyrms ceased their attacks. The wyrm facing Bowzer glared at the fox as it backed away and removed the body of frost coating its scales.

"Are you their leader?" Jack maintained his flame body while calmly walking toward the wyrm who spoke.

’Yes, and are you theirs?’

"You guessed it. The name’s Jack. What’s your’s?"

’You may call me Dradich. What brings such unfamiliar creatures to our hunting grounds?’

Squinting and sizing up Dradich, Jack took a moment to reply. "Dradich, do you know what kind of space you’re living in?"

’This space is limited and has barriers at the end of the mountain,’ the giant wyrm answered. ’No matter what we try, there is no escape from it. We’ve been trapped here for centuries. My father’s father was one of the first to be born in this space, never knowing the outside world.

’I’ve met many different creatures here but none like you or your comrades. Are you the humans of legend?’

Jack chuckled, "I’m not sure about your legends but we are humans. And this space is something we call a dungeon. The beasts flying above us are from another space in this dungeon, but we’re going to take them with us to the outside world."

’Then you must take myself and us wyrms with you!’ Dradich snarled.

’Whoa, calm down," Jack lifted his hands nonchalantly. "That’s something that will have to be discussed, not something you can just order, Dradich."

’You will comply or we’ll slay you,’ retorted the wyrm, unafraid. ’Even if you can kill us, I’ll warn my fellow wyrms and they’ll overwhelm you and drag you to the frosty pits of hell.’

"Just stay calm, Dradich. I’m not saying we can’t take you out. What I’m saying is that we need to talk it over first," Jack stated, somewhat calming the wyrms icy gaze. "First off, how many wyrms are there? Given your lifespans and your low fertility rates, I’d guess maybe a dozen?"

Dradich’s glare grew colder. ’Yes... There are fifteen of us wyrms. Now, you will lead us out.’

"Second, what terms will you agree to in order to join us?"

’Terms? Either you lead us out or we drag you to hell. Take your pick, Jack!’

"I’m not unreasonable unless I have to be, Dradich. I think we can benefit each other," Jack chuckled, thinking of what his best bargain could be. "Do you still remember who your greatest ancestor is?"

’The mighty Nine-headed Glacial Hydra who can devour the heavens!’ Dradich roared, letting the other wyrms do the same.

"Good, then would you like to meet one?" josei

’Impossible! How could such a puny creature like a human be acquainted with the mightiest of beasts?!’ argued Dradich, baring his fangs.

"Simple, I was adopted by one," Jack laughed, piquing Dradich’s attention. "We can take you out of here and can even reunite you with Lunara, the world’s strongest hydra. Does that seem beneficial to you?"

’If what you say is true, human, then that would be exactly what we wish.’ Half-convinced, Dradich leaned in closer to Jack’s flaming body.

"Great, but before that happens, allow me to present my conditions." Dropping his flame body, Jack reverted to his true form and reached out to feel Dradich’s scaly body. "May I?"

The great wyrm eyed Jack carefully but extended his body into Jack’s hand.

Jack felt the ice-cold scales lining the beast’s massive frame. The frosty scales felt impervious and indestructible. Then, Jack looked at the wyrm who had fought against Bowzer’s flames. Stunningly, there were no signs of battle. Though Bowzer was lower-leveled by a ways, his raging flames were enough to scare the giant mimic on the earlier floor. That wyrm was the first beast that managed to counter Bowzer’s evolved flames without any major consequence.

"Dradich, we’ll take you out of here and reunite you with your greatest ancestor. But you’ll have to become allies with us. When we need your support, you’ll have to help us. However, the same goes for you. Should anything happen to you and the wyrms, we’ll be there to help," explained Jack.

"There are two last conditions. One, you will have to stay with Argyle, the human you’ve been fighting, as a mutual companion, fighting each others battles."

’So long as I meet the great ancestor and you prove your words to be true, I’m willing to become an equal to a warrior such as him.’ Dradich bowed to Argyle, acknowledging the man’s superior level and uncommon strength, which Jack’s pact had boosted.

"Second, I’ll be sending your fellow wyrms to the Icicle Mountains outside of Frostburn City. You’ll become guardians of the city as the royals there are great friends of mine. Also, your great ancestor resides in the Icicle Mountains. You’ll be able to serve her and receive her protection there."

’That’s wonderful, but you must first prove such a thing possible, Jack. If you’re unable, then I’ll eat you where you stand for such devious lies," barked Dradich, bringing his head ever so close to Jack.

"That’s fine, I’ll even sit in your mouth so long as you give me some time to contact some people and arrange it all."

Sensing Jack’s confidence, Dradich opened his mouth wide without a word.

Jack laughed and stepped inside. "Guys, don’t worry about me. This guy won’t dare swallow me, so just wait."

As Jack finished speaking, Draditch shut his mouth and laid his head patiently on the ground. There was no malice nor excitement in his gaze as he waited for the outcome of his dealings with Jack.

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