The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 355 Korten Border

Chapter 355 Korten Border

Chapter 355 Korten Border

Turing to Bowzer and Phoro, Jack added, "Sorry, but I’ll have to store you while we leave. Bowzer, I’ll make sure to let you out in Korten so you can walk around and see the elven city. Okay?"

"Okay..."The fox sighed, both unhappy yet understanding. "Phoro better go full speed then."

"No!" shouted Jack, not wanting Phoro to reply. "Half-speed will be plenty good. Since he’ll have three people on his back and will travel for so long, half-speed should be perfect."

"You’re just scared you can’t handle me," Phoro lifted his chin proudly. "To keep you comfortable I’ll only go half-speed. But make sure to tell me the moment you want me to go faster. The sooner we get back to Trodar, the sooner I can rest in my cozy nest."

"Then, let’s go." In a quick motion, Jack stored the two powerful beasts and looked to the two women joining him. "Come on, there’s no time to waste. Don’t you want to know about your people, Daliea?"

Nodding, Daliea followed Jack and Eliza as they jumped with all they’re might toward the top of the waterfall. They had to grab the wall and climb through the where the barrier once was, which was where Jack gave Eliza some extra support.

When Jack noticed that the water pressure was changing and not as stable as before, the hero called out telepathically to the others, especially Lina.

’Lina, stop! Everyone, you need to get out of here before Lina eats the last of the barrier!’

’But Big Bro... It’s so tasty and I’m growing stronger...’ Lina groaned.

’What? Maura, is that true?’ Jack asked as he, Eliza, and Daliea were swimming to the top of the discreet pond.

’She’s right, Jack. I finally hit lv. 40 and I guess it’s thanks to her snacking.’

Surprised by Maura’s reply, Jack smiled and shook his head. ’Everyone, get out of there so Lina can finish eating the barrier, but not another bite until they’re all out, okay Lina?’

"... Okay, I’ll wait..."

While the hydra impatiently waited for the rest of the party to leave the shrine, Jack, Eliza, and Daliea had resurfaced. They noticed the water level dropping in the pond, proving Jack’s theories of the shrine slowly flooding as true.

"Don’t worry about drying off. We’ll air-dry thanks to Phoro." Releasing the Minokawa, Jack hopped on his Phoro’s back and held out a hand for Eliza. "Come on."

That’s when Jack was stumped. Eliza shook her head and nudged Daliea forward. "Let Daliea sit behind you. I’ll sit in the back."

Shyly but happily, Daliea took Jack’s hand and climbed on behind him.

"Hang on tight. Phoro is a lot faster than you think." Jack then pointed his hand and shouted, "Phoro, we’re going directly east. Once we reach the Korten border then I’ll give you more--"

Jack’s directions were cut-off by the buffeting winds. Phoro took off the moment he was given a course, smiling as he forced his passengers to reflexively cling onto him and each other.

While Jack grasped Phoro’s feathers tightly, he blushed as two short arms suddenly wrapped tightly around his chest.

’Daliea... Don’t be scared. Phoro knows exactly what he’s doing,’ Jack stated, trying to talk away his blush. ’This isn’t even his top speed, so know that he’s keeping us in mind.’

’This... isn’t his top speed?’ Daliea stammered, clinging even tighter to Jack as she tried to imagine the best going even faster.

Smiling, Jack nodded. ’But don’t ask him about it or neither of us will make it to Korten. I’m still not strong enough to handle his speed.’

Daliea blinked, keeping her face behind Jack’s back to avoid the buffeting wind. ’Then... I’m just going to hold on tightly for the rest of the way. Is that okay with you, Jack?’

Jack opened his mouth but hesitated to reply. But when he saw the smile on Eliza’s face, he relaxed a bit. ’Sure thing, Daliea. Don’t worry about it.’

’Thanks.’ Though Daliea didn’t admit it, she was very happy to be so close to Jack and to not feel excluded.

The trip continued just like that for nearly a day. Flying through the night, Phoro was unaffected by the long flight, actually appearing to be bored with his flight speed. "You know, at full speed, we would’ve arrived long ago?"

’That doesn’t matter,’ Jack replied telepathically, unable to handle the wind like the Minokawa. Also, he opened his map tab while continuing, ’In five minutes, readjust your course to northeast-east. Then we’ll arrive near Estonya and...’

’Jack, is something wrong?’ Daliea asked, sensing that Jack was thinking deeply about something out of the blue. ’Jack?’

Eliza felt the same way and prodded the hero mentally in search of the reason. ’Jaaack?’

’Sorry, I just... Well, Lyrun isn’t in Estonya anymore.’

’What?! Where did he go?’ asked Eliza.

’He’s still in Korten, but he’s outside the forest where Eedaj has been staying,’ replied Jack. ’I wonder why--’

’HALT!’ a telepathic cry resounded in the party’s heads. ’Stop, or be slain on the spot!’

’Phoro, descend for now.’

The Minokawa sighed but complied. He brought the small party to the ground, slowing himself as he went. Once Jack, Eliza, and Daliea stood on the ground, Phoro looked through the trees and remained vigilant.

’What business do you have in Korten?’ That same voice played out for them all to hear.

Jack shouted, "If you want to talk to us, then let’s talk face to face. Why hide yourselves? Are you that afraid of us?"

"The elves of Korten know on fear!"

Half a dozen voices replied, coming from all directions. One by one, six elves emerged from the thick forest glen to surround the small party.

The elves were shorter than Jack, but they were all fairly taller then Daliea. However, their ears pointed straight up in the same way that Daliea’s did. Their complexion was pale, far fairer than Jack’s or Eliza’s. And with such slender figures, they were naturally beautiful and handsome to all who saw them.

Thanks to Jack’s knowledge of Daliea’s race, he quickly concluded that the elves were far more similar to Daliea than any of the goblins he had ever seen, apart from their complexion and slightly taller stature.

Stepping forward, Jack bowed his head. "I’m Jack, a summoned hero from the Leisure Guild. I’ve come for a few different reasons and I feel it would be best to discuss them after entering Estonya."

The elven guards were cautious but unperturbed by Jack’s order. The elf with the most luxurious armor stepped forward and eyed Jack. "We have no reason to not kill you for trespassing in Korten. As a member of the Leisure Guild, I’m certain that you know of our laws and how strict they are toward trespassers."

"True, but I’m certain you’d rather make peace with us in place of waging war." Finishing his statement, Jack released Bowzer and gave the telepathic command, ’Show off your flames, but don’t grow or attack.’

Bearing his teeth, Bowzer gave off an intimidating aura as flames suddenly encompassed his body.

Entranced by the dancing white flames, the elves stepped back and withdrew their weapons.

"You dare attack Korten?!" the lead guard shouted.

"Who said we were attacking?" Jack questioned. "I’m just proving a point. If you don’t want to speak with me, then I’ll be off to meet Lyrun and Eedaj. Thanks for nothing!" josei

"Wait!" Lowering his bow, the lead guard met Jack in the eye before the hero turned around to mount Phoro. "Who did you just say?"

"Lyrun, the Nature God? You don’t know him?!"

"No, the other one. Repeat that name again."

Showing a slight smile, Jack shrugged. "Who? Eedaj? What, do you not know about the Mind God? I thought at least the elves would remember given their life spans and history. Also, I doubt that Eedaj would stay here if you elves hadn’t welcomed him."

All the guards lowered their weapons, confused by Jack’s statement and the knowledge he assumed to have.

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