The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 404 Trading Pact with Korten

Chapter 404 Trading Pact with Korten

Chapter 404 Trading Pact with Korten

The three men remained seated in silence for another five minutes. Jack was about to ask the others to return to the room, but Eedaj spoke up.

"Gwendon, I know it goes against everything the elves have done up to this point, but I hope that you’ll side with us in the end. I don’t want to you go through the same thing I did. And though you may not consider me as one of you, I still consider you as my people too," stated Eedaj, startling both Gwendon and Jack. "Please, consider this carefully. I hope that you’ll be willing to join our cause and seek our protection when the time comes."

"I... I’ll consider it carefully," replied Gwendon, shook beyond belief.

Jack added, "How about we at least enter a trading pact to begin the relationship of the Leisure Guild and Korten. That way you’ll understand that we don’t hold any ill will against Korten. As for our future relationship... that will be determined by you. What do you say?"

The elven chief sighed and gave Jack a half-smile. "I think a trading pact would be fine. Are you after exclusivity?"

"Can I even ask for that, given that you could just up and break the pact at any time?" Jack joked.

"Right... then let’s call everyone back in."

While everyone started to file back into their seats, Gwendon felt awkward. It was made very clear by Jack and Eedaj that the Leisure Guild was not only willing to ally with Korte but that they were seeking it out. However, it was also made perfectly clear that Korten was in a situation that Gwendon had never expected. And that situation was far direr than anything that Gwendon had ever handled as the Elven Chief. No matter what he chose, Korten, along with the rest of the world, would get enveloped by the storm to come.

"Right," Jack resumed control of the meeting, "according to what we just discussed, the only thing that we can agree on at the moment is to form a trading pact between the Leisure Guild and Korten. Does anyone here disagree with that proposal?"

The side of the Leisure Guild was quiet while the elven elders were puzzled. They looked to Gwendon but were startled to finding him nodding, agreeing with Jack’s statement.

"Excuse me," one elder spoke up, "wasn’t the Leisure Guild interested in an alliance?"

Jack nodded. "We are, but at the moment Korten is unable to make a commitment of such magnitude, not without possibly breaking said alliance later down the line. So, why should we agree to an alliance that could break before it’s even announced to the world?"

Still baffled, another elder added, "But Jack, we’re more than able to offer our--"

"The reason why I spoke personally with the chief is because he’s the most privy to information from Lyrun. That information keeps you from fully committing to the alliance as a nation and is the reason we cannot agree to an alliance at this time. Should that change, we’ll gladly form an alliance on a moment’s notice," reasoned Jack, getting the elders to all look back at Gwendon’s troubled face.

Jack continued, "That being said, we’d still like to form a trading pact to maintain a good relationship with Korten. There won’t be any terms of exclusivity, but we’ll offer higher prices for your goods and momentarily pay the tariffs and entry fees should your people wish to come sell merchandise in Gilga."

"No exclusivity... That seems more like the Leisure Guild and Korten would be acquaintances and not be on good enough terms to form an alliance, doesn’t it?" stated one elder, trying to repaint the picture and blame the Leisure Guild to an extent.

Before Jack replied, Gwendon answered, "What they are saying is perfectly sensible, given the circumstances between the Leisure Guild and Korten. The one at fault for not forming the alliance is us, not the Leisure Guild. I’m sure they could enter a trading pact with anyone and aren’t desperate for our business, so blame Korten for falling short and not the Leisure Guild for disagreeing."

Taken aback, the elders were all speechless.

Jack and those on the other side of the table were surprised but glad to see that Gwendon was indeed mature enough to be the elven chief.

"Since you agree, Gwendon, Eedaj and I have some important business to handle," Jack stated. "I’ll leave the details of the pact to the men here. Argyle and Hurmot are from our subordinate guilds, the Fat Goose and the Celestial Crane. Should you have any items you’re seeking to sell for a high price, they’re the ones to speak with. To deal directly with the Leisure Guild, you’ll speak with Kaldor and Zariff, our treasurer and assistant treasurer. Should any of your people or merchant long to visit Gilga or sell merchandise here, Tralon and Vixus will be the ones to speak with. They’ll organize any lodging needed and a space to sell goods.

"Now, if you’ll excuse me���" Jack stood up and bowed to Gwendon and the elven elders before heading to the door.

Eedaj stood and followed, nodding to Gwendon before closing the door behind him.

Outside of the conference room, Jack took a deep breath and looked to Eedaj. "I didn’t know you still cared about the other elves."

Nodding, Eedaj walked and talked with Jack, "I would only wish that level of destruction on my enemies. Also, I don’t want them to be sacrificed to push Halmut’s aims further. It’s something that almost happened before, but never took place thanks to the unexpected ending of the Godly War."

"That... Lyrun would sacrifice his own people?" Struggling to understand, Jack asked, "What makes you so sure?"

"The elves were made into a great military power during the godly war. The Holy Gods relied on them heavily for many tasks. That dwindled their numbers greatly, barely leaving them with enough people to run the nation," explained Eedaj. "One wrong move and the entire race could’ve been erased."

"That’s a bit extreme, don’t you think? Without much proof, I’m not sure Lyrun would be--" josei

"Jack, you have to trust me, as your father-in-law." Eedaj remained calm but the serious look in his eyes silenced Jack. "In Lyrun’s case, it’s best to predict a crueler outcome. He’s not so kind-hearted as everyone has always believed.

"At least keep that in mind, Jack. And should there ever be a time where Lyrun tries to make a deal with you, refuse it. Okay, Jack?"

"... I’ll definitely keep that in mind," replied Jack. "I should probably get going now. I need to go deal with those slimy councilmen and use them to make a public announcement."

"Alright, then I won’t take up any more of your time. Thanks for listening, Jack."

The god and the hero went their separate ways, one heading toward his home and the other heading toward the guild’s underground prison.

Along the way, Jack couldn’t help but wonder what was really going on with Lyrun. With two Neutral Gods differing in opinion and Daruun warning Jack to not look into it, Jack’s curiosity about Lyrun was growing by the second.

To get his mind off Lyrun, Jack took a detour on the way to the guild prison. A long detour.

Jack still went underground but in a completely different part of the guild property. After making sure he was alone, Jack entered the treasury and opened the vault. It was filled to the brim with items that were both basic and nearly priceless in Modern Kartonia.

Jack grabbed a few guild storage rings, one for every level up to lv. 70. That way his bestial storage might eventually fit Dragov and he could do many things. He fiddled with the lv. 50 ring for a second before he stored that as well. Then, Jack began opening every chest that had come from the storehouse.

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