The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 409 Lunara Learns Where Sterfen Is

Chapter 409 Lunara Learns Where Sterfen Is

Chapter 409 Lunara Learns Where Sterfen Is

As Jack and his wives started to chat about some of the things Jack would possibly bring home, they heard a knock at their door.

Lina was the first to bolt for the guest, wanting to be the person opening the door. Behind her came Jack, who was smiled nervously when he noticed Argyle standing on the other side of the door.

"Jack, is Eliza doing okay?" asked Argyle. "She asked me to hurry over as fast as I can but didn’t tell me why."

"She’s perfectly fine, Argyle, so there’s no need to worry. I’m sure she just wants to talk and catch up with you," replied Jack. josei

Argyle nodded and walked in. "That makes sense. Then I’ll let myself in."

"You’ll find her in the bedroom with the others," added Jack. "I was about to leave anyway, so let them know that I’ll be back soon."


Jack fled the scene, not knowing what Argyle would do to him after learning that Eliza would soon have Jack’s child. He was going to return soon anyway, so Jack decided to come back after the initial shock was gone.

Using Greater Teleportation, Jack vanished in a flash of light.

Lounging and deep in thought, Dragas admired the ring now on her finger with sorrowful eyes. Though the gemstone was insignificant, she admired it more than all of the priceless flowers that she had been cultivating for the past millennium.

But when a bright flash of light suddenly appeared in front of her, her smile lost its sorrow.

"Visiting me twice in one day, you’ll spoil me, Daruun," Dragas giggled as she put the ring away.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Mother," Jack laughed, surprising Dragas as the light faded. "I came by to thank you for the potion, it was quite effective last night."

Smiling, Dragas replied, "I was going to use that on you and I but you refused... Maybe now you’ve--"

"I’m here to form a pact with you, Mother," stated Jack, not letting Dragas offer herself again. "You’ll have access to all of my passive skills and I’ll be able to learn your skills through my subclass. It’s something that Daruun wants us to capitalize on."

"Oh? And does it take anything from me?" asked Dragas.


"What if I want it to take something from me?" Dragas pouted.

Giving Dragas a strange look, Jack added, "There is a version of the pact that gives me half of all EXP you gain--"

"Then that’s the one we’ll use!" Dragas hopped off her seat and stood before Jack. "Now hurry up and get it over with. Unless you want me to get down and beg--"

"Hold still!"

Jack took a deep breath and looked away from Dragas’s enticing eyes to regather himself. He then slit his finger and starting drawing the pact on Dragas’s forehead.

"Hmph! You’re no fun..."

The pact was quickly formed and Jack said a quick goodbye as he flashed away. Jack didn’t want to spend another second there alone with Dragas, not with her still trying to entice him.

A brilliant flash of light appeared elsewhere, on the other side of the continent. It happened within a dark chamber with no lighting, so it startled the great beast that was resting peacefully. The beast’s nine heads all blinked, wondering who had come to visit.

"Hey, Mom!"

A sigh of relief escaped all nine of the hydra heads as the light faded. The great beast then morphed into a beautiful woman, dashing toward the man that had appeared.

"Jack, I’m so glad to see you!" Lunara gave Jack a big hug. "When did you get a teleportation spell?"

"I got it from Tralon," answered Jack. "I came to say high and to check in on you."

"That’s all? You could’ve just used the contact crystal for that. Why are you really here?" Lunara asked with a smile.

"How about we go talk upstairs on the couch. That’d be more comfortable since I just traveled so far to come see you."

The mother and son laughed as the walked up the stairs. Jack was going on about Lina’s inhuman appetite by the time the got upstairs.

"Want anything to drink?" Lunara offered.

Jack waved his hand. "No, thank you. I can’t stay for long, sadly. But since you’ll be coming to Trodar soon, that doesn’t matter all that much."

"What do you mean, Jack?"

"Didn’t Dad tell you..."

It was too late. Jack had already mentioned Sterfen and his involvement in something. And linking that to her freedom, Lunara began to worry.

"Jack, tell me what you were about to say. Do you want to lie to your mom like that?"

"Mom, if he didn’t--"

"Tell me, Jack!" Lunara insisted.

Swallowing some saliva and choosing his words carefully, Jack replied, "Well... Dad is out making sure that you’ll be free soon."

"Jack, tell me the full story," demanded Lunara.

"Of course..." Jack sighed. "Just promise not to freak out or do anything to stop him."

"Jack, tell me or--"

"Promise me, Mom."

Lunara could feel how serious Jack was treating the situation so she begrudgingly agreed, "Fine... I won’t do anything to stop him, but only because I assume you’re involved too."

"Thanks." Jack paused, letting himself get as comfortable as possible. "Dad is in Olympic Chateau and--"

"WHAT?!" Lunara jumped to her feet, about to leave.

"WAIT!" Jack stood and put his hands on her shoulders. "Mom, you promised to not--"

"Jack, you don’t understand! Going there is the same as getting himself killed!" shouted Lunara. "There’s no way that he could--"

"There is a way to sneak in, at least now there is!" yelled Jack. "Now sit down and we can talk about it."

Tense and unwilling, Lunara sat down, eyeing Jack. "Then tell me, how did he sneak in?"

Glad that she stopped fighting back, Jack sat Lunara down and sat himself beside her. "Mom, have they told you anything about what happened in Federal City?"

Lunara nodded, "They said the association was attacked by the syndicate and left a lot of the city in ruins."

"And both champions died, right?"


"Well... what if I told you that neither champion actually died? Would you believe me?"

The stubborn glare on Lunara’s face became a look of awe. "Are you saying..."

"Yes, both champions are alive and well," stated Jack. "Both of them joined the Leisure Guild in secret with the hopes that I can help them ascend in the future, unlike the broken promises that their former factions gave them."

"Does that mean that Lorwynn snuck Sterfen into the Olympic Chateau?" asked Lunara.

"That’s exactly what happened. And I have the confirmation of Daruun that Dad is currently stalking Naparn, waiting for the perfect moment to strike," answered Jack. "Soon, Dad will be back with your contract. And then you’ll be able to break the contract and free yourself, finally."

Two different sides of Lunara were fighting for supremacy at that moment. She was filled with worry about her husband and the risk he was putting himself through for her sake. But Lunara was also elated to know that she could possibly be freed so soon from her contract.

"Mom, is there any reason I should worry about Dad?" Jack asked

"Hmm? Oh, no, there’s no need to worry," answered Lunara. "For him, the hardest part was getting in unnoticed. Since he’s already gotten that far, I’m sure he’ll be fine. He is the Assassin God after all."

"Really? That’s one of Dad’s titles?"

"I guess we didn’t tell you, but Sterfen was the most notorious assassin for the longest time. He killed a few demigods, but it wasn’t what you’re thinking," Lunara chuckled. "I had many suitors and hadn’t yet ascended. Yet, I found myself drawn to Sterfen and his mysterious strength. When they threatened to kill him, I wanted to protect him but Sterfen took matters into his own hands. Throughout the month that followed, almost all of my remaining suitors were assassinated."

Shocked to hear that, Jack smiled hysterically. "You mean, Dad killed all those demigods just so he could have you to himself?"

"Yup." Lunara was all smiles, proud to have such a strong husband.

"But... how can he assassinate someone so strong? Can’t they just heal or get resurrected?" questioned Jack.

"Not if it’s Sterfen," answered Lunara. "Not only does Sterfen have a personal spell for stealth, but he also has a personal skill that makes any wound from his knife incurable, even after resurrection."

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