The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 422 The Battlefield Outside the Walls

Chapter 422 The Battlefield Outside the Walls

Chapter 422 The Battlefield Outside the Walls

Ollan was speechless. Though he was extremely interested in learning about Hadurt’s reasoning and logic, Ollan didn’t see that battlefield as a fitting place for such a discussion.

Vlad was furious. He was a former, low-level ancient hero that got picked up and trained by the syndicate. Everything he had was thanks to the syndicate and his half-century of service was almost up. Soon, he along with his comrades would ascend, yet the leader he had admired now abandoned them.

"Any more questions?" Hadurt asked, casually readying his weapon. "Going once... Going twice..."

"Those behind me, split up! Half of you face the fox while the other half form a new hole and breach the guild!" Ollan shouted into a guild contact crystal, making sure his forces weren’t unorganized. "According to record, that fox shouldn’t be anywhere near your level. Avoid his flames and play it safe!" josei

As Ollan stored the contact crystal, Hadurt nodded. "Anything else?"

Determining his mindset, Ollan steadied his gaze on Hadurt. "No. It’s time we speak with our blades. I still consider it an honor, and though I would’ve preferred to surpass you on my own I’ll accept your defeat with Vlad’s help. It’s better than you dying against the holy champion."

"Well said... Now, are you coming to me or would you rather I shatter your formation first?" Hadurt confidently asked, as if he couldn’t be bothered to go all out from the get-go.

"Alright, then here we come."

Both Ollan and Vlad charged toward the former chaotic champion, fully decided on slaying him. Ollan kept the lead, swinging his greatsword with dark demonic energy bursting out of the blade.

As the attack slammed down on Hadurt, the former champion took it head-on. Hadurt was a bit surprised to find the ground beneath him break apart on the impact. He chuckled and asked, "Is that Pestro’s blessing? I guess they didn’t mourn for me after all."

Swatting Ollan’s halted attack away, Hadurt swung back to find Vlad intercepting and shielding Ollan. The paladin would then attack while Ollan came from above with a second attack.

Smiling wide, Hadurt sidestepped Vlad’s attack and parried Ollan’s. It was a one-two combo that proved quite efficient, even against the lv. 88 former champion.

"See, the only combos you know are the ones I taught you,’ mocked Hadurt. "If you can’t come up with anything else, you’ll never do me in without help from Jeara. Oh wait, she’s too busy being swatted away by Dragov to help you create any openings."

Both Ollan and Vlad remained silent, one becoming more serious and the other growing too livid to express in words. They channeled those feelings into the fight, keeping themselves fully alert and prepared to risk it all against their strongest opponent to date.

Like Hadurt had joked, Jeara was far off trying to confront and control the colossal centipede. But no matter what she tried, the beast’s size and strength were too much for her to remain rooted to the ground. Jeara’s level was high enough to keep the damage minimal, many thanks to her knight class, but it didn’t mean she could control the centipede’s movements all on her own.

Many members of the army following her were getting launched back with many of the weaker members of the army dying instantly. It proved that the centipede was not only massive but that its hidden level could rival even Jeara.

Only a few people were managing to sneak around Dragov and enter the guild grounds while the others were awaiting a possible massacre.

The third portion of the battlefield was enacting Ollan’s orders, splitting up in two. One half charged toward an unguarded portion of the wall while the other contended with the Hell-flame Fox.

Bowzer was fighting in an unusual fashion compared to his past self. He remained fierce but more controlled. The fox made sure to avoid more attacks and almost act like a decoy rather than attack like an enraged bull. With the level difference, Bowzer was more focused on a battle of attrition and picking off people slowly than trying to take on the collective all at once. It showed his ability to mature in battle and showed that his seriousness for growing stronger was at a new level.

A great thing to happen was that Bowzer and Jack had already reached lv. 50 because of Dragov slaughtering the three syndicate regents that blew apart the wall at the beginning. And the more fodder that was thrown at Dragov and the longer the battle, the higher their level would grow.

Further to the north of that same western field, two gods were staring each other down. Pestro remained seated on his giant fiend while Eedaj floated in the air over a dozen meters away. Neither seemed willing to fight but both were ready to act on a moment’s notice.

’Eedaj!’ Jack called out telepathically. ’Rikko’s here and he said he’ll help you but wasn’t specific as to how.’

Grateful to hear that, Eedaj replied, ’Good, that makes things much safer for us.’

’Also, Pestro doesn’t have his halberd anymore.’

’What?’ Eedaj asked, startled.

Jack confirmed his prior statement. ’Rikko stole it and I’m not sure that Pestro even knows that yet.’

’Oh... That makes things a bit easier...’

Curious, Jack asked, ’Eedaj, why are you so cautious around Pestro?’

’His level is much better than mine, that’s why,’ answered Eedaj. ’I’m only lv. 93 while Pestro is lv. 95. And though Rikko’s help is appreciated, he’s only lv. 91. Together, we should be able to keep Pestro from going crazy. The question is, what is Rikko up to...’

’Either way, I’ve told you all I know and have to get back to the battle at hand. Good luck!’ Jack added, not wanting to distract Eedaj too much.

Eedaj kept staring at Pestro, meditating over what Rikko may be up to and how Eedaj should try to play along. Finally, Eedaj asked the Demon God, "So, why has the ugliest being of Kartonia decided to scare the world again and show his face?"

"Very funny... Are you so sure you want to piss me off?" questioned Pestro. "I’m sure to be more than you can handle."

"That so? Then why aren’t getting off your fat butt? Are you afraid to become retarded?"

"Eedaj, you and I both know that I’m stronger, so why are you trying to play these mind games."

"If that’s so, then prove it. How about we exchange a single blow. I’m sure we can act accordingly after that."

Staring back at Eedaj, Pestro’s lips curled up into a cruel smile. At the same time, the giant fiend began to slowly descend with Eedaj following. Once they were grounded, Pestro finally got up and jumped to the ground. "Let me guess, Konbel is hiding inside the guild?"

"She’ll only remain in hiding if your fiend doesn’t try anything in the city. Otherwise, she’ll leave you with no way to return or escape," answered Eedaj.

"Very well." Pestro softly slapped the side of the giant fiend.

With some soft wails and screeches, the fiend flapped its wings and flew to the western edge of that field. It made sure to stay as far from the battle as possible while keeping close enough to dash in and help if called.

"Now, shall we get on with it?" Eedaj asked as he took out a staff made of pitch-black wood with the reddest of all rubies embedded at the staff’s head.

Pestro scoffed, "You asked for this..."

Suddenly, the proud, confident glare of Pestro’s rescinded. The Demon God snarled angrily out of reflex, struggling to hide his anger from the Mind God.

"What’s wrong? Did you change your mind?"

Pestro didn’t answer. Instead, he thought back to the last moment he used the Halberd.


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