The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 473 Naparns Insurance

Chapter 473 Naparns Insurance

Chapter 473 Naparn“s Insurance

Walking back and forth with calm steps, a proud man in extravagant clothing pondered his new situation. Having created a barrier around the entire camp and a second barrier around his grand tent, he felt at ease to know that even if he couldn’t keep Sterfen out, he would at least know better if the Assassin God had entered the area.

With that worry no too present in his mind, he turned and walked back to the long table at the center of the tent.

"Come in!" shouted the man.

"It’s about time..."

"Don’t give me that look, Oosam. You and the others chose this of your free will."

"Sure, but it doesn’t mean you or the others need to harp on us so badly," Oosam stated.

Two more figures entered the tent behind the Illusion God. They wore matching, multicolored robes and their outfits were mirrored. Their physical features were androgynous, making it hard to tell whether they were male or female. Both had short hair that reached their shoulders on one side and the bottom of their ear on the other, but the slant of their hairstyles was also mirrored by each other.

The three of them sat at the table, making sure to sit opposite their host.

"So, what is it you need us for, Naparn?" Oosam asked.

"I just want to have some insurance, that’s all," admitted the Molten God. "We already know that Trodar has interfered in the Zuran-Reinolt war, so it’s practically guaranteed that they’ll be here as well. Since they took the bait, I want to make sure they don’t wriggle free while they’re in our grasp."

"Hence your orders for Tralbok... That makes sense, but what is it you want from us?" Oosam asked again.

Shaking his head, Naparn looked to the two on either side of Oosam. "I need the Twin Mage Gods more than you, Oosam."

"Oh? Are you afraid that you’ll lose too much credit for using so many gods?"

Smiling, Naparn replied, "I still want your help, Oosam, but you’ll be my insurance and my trump card. You don’t need to show yourself unless necessary. I know that Sterfen and Lunara wouldn’t dare face me alone, so I can only assume that they brought another god to better their odds. With the Twin Mages, however, I can keep them from running while also keeping the advantage. If you were to help out from the beginning, they would just flee."

"True..." Oosam shrugged, agreeing with the Molten God.

"So you need us?"

"Both of us?"

Each of the twin gods spoke up in a voice that wasn’t masculine yet not entirely feminine either.

Looking to the right of Oosam, Naparn smiled and asked, "Sybin, don’t worry, okay? I’ll be there to protect you." josei

"I’m Sybin!" the other shouted with an angry glare.

"I’m not my sister! How could you mix us up so easily!" Pounding his fist on the table, the one on Oosam’s right yelled, "We’ll help you, but don’t try and get in my sister’s pants!"

"My apologies, Sillo. I meant no disrespect," Naparn put up both of his hands in innocence, leaning back in his chair. "Forgive me, I should’ve clarified from the beginning."

"It’s simple, my brother’s hair falls to the right while mine falls to the left. How could you forget that? We already told who knows how many times!" Sybin shouted, not happy about the mix-up or her brother’s comment.

"I meant no offense, nor was I meaning any disrespect to you, Sybin," Naparn stated, looking softly at the androgynous woman. "Please, forgive me. I don’t want us to have any harsh feelings while fighting on the same battlefield."

"Fine... Just don’t forget like you always have..." Sybin rolled her eyes, not happy but not too angry. If anything, she and her brother were used to this happening all the time.

Sillo sighed, "Just don’t treat us badly... If not, don’t expect us to fight with you willingly."

"Thank you." Naparn bowed his head and looked back to Oosam. "Just remain at the side and wait to see if you’re needed."

"How do you plan to attack?" Oosam asked.

With a chuckle, Naparn revealed a cold smile. "Since they haven’t arrived just yet, I think I’ll give them a reason to hurry up. Some of my men will begin the attack at dawn. The same goes for Tyres with their war."

"I just hope you’re confident in this scheme. If not, then we’ll all be in trouble," added the Illusion God.

"Then just follow the plan. We’ll be fine," Naparn remarked. "What? Are you afraid of them? Which of them scares you the most?"

"Hmmm... Sterfen is the most threatening of them all, I would say," Oosam answered honestly.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, isn’t that why you’ve created a barrier within a barrier?" Oosam reasoned, catching Naparn off guard. "Also, we’ve never seen him in a direct fight. That leaves us with no prior knowledge of his abilities in a battle scenario, whether they decline or increase. Knowledge is the greatest weapon and we have little to no knowledge about his true capabilities."

Since Naparn remained silent as Oosam finished, the twin gods blinked and were surprised by Oosam’s high opinion of Sterfen. Sybin asked, "What level is he?"

"I don’t know," Oosam added. "Do you know his level, Naparn?"

"... I don’t..." The Molten God hated to admit it, but he also agreed with Oosam in his heart.

"But if you don’t know his level, doesn’t that mean Halmut doesn’t know his level either?" Sillo asked.

Shaking his head, Naparn explained, "Sterfen has always been the biggest mystery. Even when ordered under contract, Lunara was unable to tell us what level Sterfen was because she didn’t know either, and she’s his wife... The reason Halmut and Skaryn never approached him about joining them was because they didn’t know what level he was or that he was ready to ascend.

"Then, he suddenly ascended out of the blue and eloped with Lunara, disregarding my threats or the threats of other holy gods... As a foe, he’s the most fearless and fearsome person among the neutral gods..."

"And that’s why you want both the Twin Mages to help you with me as insurance... To think that you, the second strongest of the holy gods, is so terrified of him... I never would’ve suspected that," reasoned Oosam, leaving the others speechless. "I’ll make sure to keep my eye on them and act when I see fit."

"... Thank you..." Naparn sighed, unable to admit that Oosam was wrong while they sat inside of the double barrier specifically designed to warn him of Sterfen’s appearance.

"Wow... Then we’ll be extra careful around him too!" Sillo added. "Don’t fight him, Sybin. We’ll fight someone else."

"Okay... Let’s do that..." Sybin agreed, nodding with her brother.

Standing up, Naparn retreated to his bed with one last statement, "Then rest now. At dawn, we strike."

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