The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 476 All-Out War on the Zuran-Reinolt Border

Chapter 476 All-Out War on the Zuran-Reinolt Border

Chapter 476 All-Out War on the Zuran-Reinolt Border

It was well past midnight as dawn approached. Gilga was still filled with more traffic than most cities at midday but things were quite peaceful.

Moranti comfortably sat in his courtyard. The simple act of sitting and lounging freely was currently a great pastime for Moranti, as it felt so good to be without chains and to have unrestricted movement again. But during his lounging hours, Moranti reopened his eyes and sighed.

The God of Space frowned and grumbled as he teleported out of his chambers. Reappearing in the dark sky over Gilga, Moranti glared at the two men visiting him, annoyed.

"What do you want?" Moranti asked.

"Nothing. We’re just stopping by to check in on you, that’s all."

"As kind as that sounds, you’re no friend of mine. Friends wouldn’t chain each other up for half a millennium."

"But you’re free now, so why not let bygones be bygones?"

"Enough chat, Tralbok. Why did you come? I would think that you’re here to challenge me, but Torian alone won’t be enough help for you."

"Like he said, we didn’t come to cause any trouble," Torian spoke up for himself, standing proudly in his eye-catching yellow robes befitting of a king.

"Then tell me, why else have two trouble makers appeared on my doorstep?" questioned Moranti.

"We’re just here to make sure that you’re here," Tralbok mentioned. "Considering what’s going on elsewhere, we only need to keep you from going to help your friends."

"And what’s stopping me from leaving?" Moranti teleported, appearing behind each of the two gods and throwing his arms around their shoulders. "Can you two keep me from teleporting away?"

"No, but we can slaughter the city after you leave," answered Torian, looking back at Moranti without fear. "Even if you teleport back, I’m fast enough to eliminate your guild while you’re away."

"Hmm... That is troublesome..." Moranti released both gods and bobbed his head from side to side in thought for a few moments.

As Tralbok had implied, Eedaj’s telepathic voice soon resounded in Moranti’s head, ’Moranti, the situation has changed here. Kylon is keeping me from helping and two Flood Dragons are attacking the camp.’

The God of Space sighed in his mind, ’I can’t go myself. I’m busy here.’

’How so?’

’Tralbok and Torian decided to stop by and pay me a visit. But I can open a rift to the same spot I did before and send someone through it,’ Moranti added, thinking on his feet.

’Then do that, but open the rift a few meters from Maynard’s current position. That’s where they need it. Also, can Rikko--’

’Rikko’s also busy but I can send Guuro,’ Moranti stated.

’Why is Rikko busy?’ josei

’Sterfen cooked up a scheme and Rikko couldn’t say no. He’s on standby right now, waiting for his chance to act.’

’Alright...’ Eedaj sighed, accepting all the help he could get. ’Then send Guuro through as well.’

’I’ll send help for the dragons first. Then I’ll convince Guuro to get off his fat butt and through the rift.’

Finished with Eedaj, Moranti turned back to his visitors and smiled. "Would you like for me to let you in for some tea or would that kill you with kindness?"

"I’m fine," answered Tralbok.

But Torian nodded. "I’d like some tea. Can we have some here?"

"Very well... Give me a moment." Moranti waved his arms as spatial energy gathered around them.

At the same time, Moranti contacted Hadurt hastily. ’Hadurt, I’m opening a rift. I need you to kill a dragon.’

’Say no more!’ shouted the former champion.

Doing just that, Moranti said nothing else as a rift opened and sent Hadurt to join the battlefield in Reinolt.

’Guuro, take the rift to Reinolt and I’ll give you some of my scales.’

’I’m on my way!’ Surprisingly, Guuro rushed through his rift even more quickly than Hadurt.

Then, Moranti finished waving his arms as a tea kettle and two cups appeared in the air. They floated as the kettle poured itself two servings of the most expensive tea Moranti could find. One cup floated into Torian’s hands while the other went into Moranti’s.

Annoyed, Tralbok asked, "And mine?"

"You didn’t want any, so there will be none for you," Moranti stated, taking a sip while hiding his crafty smile.


"Where did he come from?" Kylon asked, turning to Eedaj.

"Who? Hadurt? Wasn’t he there the whole time?"

"Eedaj, I saw the rift open with my own eyes," stated Kylon as she took out a contact crystal.

"Wait, what’s the big deal about Hadurt?"

Not answering Eedaj, Kylon spoke clearly, "Tralbok, why is Moranti aiding them here?"


"He just opened a rift and sent Hadurt through. Why did you allow him to use his powers?" Kylon questioned.

"Torian! It’s Torian’s fault!"

"Don’t allow him to intervene!"

While Kylon shouted at Tralbok via the contact crystal, she abruptly darted to the side and narrowly avoided a fireball.

"Since you’re impeding me from helping, then I’ll also impede you. Put the crystal away or we’ll have to get serious. I’ve already killed a dragon god once and I’d rather you not be the second, Kylon," Eedaj stated as fire danced around his palm.

Kylon blinked, taking Eedaj more seriously and putting the crystal away. She was confident that her raw power was greater than Eedaj’s, but Eedaj was crafty and could make up for a level advantage better than most. His experience outweighed hers as well. No matter how she, or Eedaj, thought about it, a battle between them could result in either of them dying should they fully commit to the fight.

"Good, now let’s enjoy the show. I’d rather share thoughts and commentary with you than attacks."

Nodding, Kylon resumed her calm demeanor and spectated the battle alongside Eedaj.

With both dragons occupied, that left Maynard, Trax, and Tridon with only the army to face. King Leodoro was already leading his troops and repositioning them to meet the advancing army as well.

Maynard and Trax turned to Tridon, who had followed them since the moment they left the tent. The samurai asked, "Will ya blame me if ya die?"

"If you’re to blame, then of course!" shouted Tridon.

Taking out Raiton, the samurai-ninja duo climbed on the Thunder Cat’s back. Pulling Tridon on as well, Maynard added, "Then hold on tight!"

With all of its strength, the Thunder Cat took off. It zipped out of the camp and passed all of the Reinolt soldiers. Apart from those that were teleported, they were the first to reach the invaders.

Once they reached the Zuran army, they split up while keeping relatively close. Together they charged the right side of the army that was traveling around the dragon’s grudge match against the battle-crazed berserker. With that fight taking place before their eyes, the Zuran soldiers were further caught off guard by the lightning-quick Thunder Cat and its party stealing the initiative.

Maynard wasted no time as he activated the bloodline skill and became the hybrid of a human and a Thunder Cat. Fur filled with static electricity covered his body while the rest of his body became more flexible and nimble. At the same time, though, Maynard’s fast-twitch muscles grew quicker and more explosive, drastically increasing his fighting strength.

"No fair!" Trax shouted as he took on the incoming soldiers in his normal form.

Laughing as he did it, Maynard cut down half a dozen soldiers in a second. "Then hurry up and choose a companion. Ya can only blame yourself!"

Tridon’s eyes were filled with admiration and longing as he witnessed Maynard’s transformation. As a beast tamer, it was impossible for Tridon to feel any more jealous and envious than he did at that moment watching Maynard fight seamlessly alongside his Thunder Cat. He didn’t know how the samurai had done it, but Tridon committed it to memory and determined in his heart that he would gain that ability also.

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