The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 478 Morantis 1-V-3

Chapter 478 Morantis 1-V-3

Chapter 478 Moranti“s 1-V-3

While gods bickered and ascended further into the sky with each second of their conversation, Bowzer tackled the fifty-meter dragon. However, the dragon flapped its wings to boost his agility momentarily and sidestep the charge.

Both towering beasts eyed each other as the rest of the Aazoon army was scrambling away.

At the other end of the fight, both of the other dragons were stopped by the Glacier Wyrms and Argyle.

"A lv. 81 and a lv. 79..." mumbling to himself, Argyle stood firm atop Dradich. "We’ll take the lv 81, have the others take the lv. 79."

"You heard him! Don’t touch our prey!" Dradich roared, commanding the other elven Glacier Wyrms to team up against the Magma Dragon stronger than all of them individually. Both armies were amazed to see those eleven huge wyrms suddenly appear out of nowhere, cover themselves in ice, and throw themselves into the lava-coated Magma Dragons.

Doing the same, Dradich activated his frost body to the fullest and barreled towards the forty-five-meter Magma Dragon.

Argyle tapped into Dradich’s bloodline, transforming and creating his own frost body as well. The duo of the lv. 75 Glacier Wyrm and the lv. 76 swordsman confidently charged the lv.81 dragon. Their stand riled the passion of the soldiers, stirring their hearts with the hope of victory.

"Men!" All Aazoon soldiers instantly turned their attention to their king as hope filled their eyes with each word King Wilheim spoke. "Now is not the time to retreat! Now is the time to stand for our country, to stand for our home, to stand for our families! If we turn back before the sun rises, then Aazoon will be finished before the day’s end! Will you stand with me now!"

"SIR, YES, SIR!!!"

A unanimous, resounding battle cry took over the battlefield. No Aazoon soldier dared turn their backs on the invading army, facing them and pushing to fight with a revived passion to defend their homelands. It was especially encouraging when King Wilheim was the one at the lead, unafraid of getting caught up in the battle.

Beside him were each of Jack’s wives, fully transformed with their companions out and fighting. Lina was also among, not hiding his large hydra form as she tore into the front lines of the Maldor forces. She was getting so wild that Maura had to call her back so that they could all keep close to each other in the event someone needed help.

Both Prince Willim and Princess Erina wanted to tag along but their father forced them both to remain in Frostburn City. There, they would wait for the moment Moranti opened a spatial rift for the citizens.


"Tralbok, why is Moranti aiding them here?"

In a split-second, Tralbok retrieved his contact crystal and shouted, "WHAT?!"

"He just opened a rift and sent Hadurt through. Why did you allow him to use his powers?"

Glaring at Moranti sipping his tea, Tralbok shouted, "Torian! It’s Torian’s fault!"

"Don’t allow him to intervene!"

As Kylon’s shout was abruptly cut off, Tralbok sensed that the connection was canceled. Rather than shout at his new ally, Tralbok turned his attention to Moranti. "What did you do?!"

"What? I was thirsty and had been looking forward to my tea all day."

"What did you do in Reinolt?!" Tralbok rephrased his question.

"Oh, that? All I did was send Hadurt through a rift," Moranti answered, already knowing that the former chaotic champion would get spotted, keeping Guuro unmentioned.

"What else?!" barked Tralbok. "I know you! What else did you--"

"Knowing me, did you expect me to cooperate with only you two present to threaten me?" Moranti laughed. "If you want to try that, you should have Lyrun come out of hiding."

Called out, a long sigh was heard as an elf descended from a nearby cloud.

"It’s been a while, Lyrun. How’ve you been?" Moranti asked with an amiable smile.

Sighing and laughing at the same time, Lyrun replied, "Well... It’s been alright, I guess."

Torian remained silent but his gaze was sharper than ever as he kept his eyes peeled on Moranti, waiting for the moment the God of Space tried to act out again.

As Lyrun’s awkward chuckles came to an end, another voice sounded in Moranti’s mind.

’Moranti! We need to reach our battlefield now, or it’ll be too late. Moranti?’

Still smiling at the three gods there to pressure him, Moranti telepathically replied, ’Give me a moment... Where do I open it?’

’The Desert Tundra, large enough for Glacier Wyrms.’

Keeping Sterfen’s response in mind, Moranti’s smiled softened and faded. He asked, "Does this mean you three are facing me? If you’re gonna fight, then let’s fight. If not, head home before you get hurt."

Showing his teeth, Torian spat, "Does that mean you’ll--"

Before Torian could finish speaking, Moranti’s figure vanished in a blink of purple energy. The Storm Dragon prepared to attack but was alarmed to feel a mass of spatial energy behind him, just as Lyrun and Tralbok were.

They spotted Moranti behind them, already in midswing of his scythe. It’s purple energy sliced through all three of the gods but dealt no damage. Instead, all three of the pressuring gods felt themselves get pulled away with that spatial energy, being sent elsewhere forcibly.

All three of them reappeared in the air over an endless body of water. The remnant spatial energy of the slash attack finished passing through them and faded away. While Lyrun shook his head in disappointment, Torian was sparking with static electricity and Tralbok was fuming mad.

But before the three gods rushed back with Torian’s incredible speed, a second flash of purple light filled the air in front of them. Moranti appeared with a grim frown plastered across his face and spatial energy gathered around his hands, having just opened a spatial rift for Sterfen. Now, with the three threatening gods far from Gilga and Trodar’s borders, Moranti had no reason to play nice.

"Do you recognize this place?" Moranti asked, lifting an eyebrow in wait for a reply.

Lyrun nodded. "Kustram... Or at least what once was Kustram."

"Right..." Moranti continued while the Torian and Tralbok were growing angrier by the second, "The same place where Halmut and Skaryn once battled, sinking the island nation. Since the former civilization was wiped out long ago, we don’t need to hold back at all!"

Each god readied themselves before they could bat an eye. Tralbok retrieved his staff and doused himself in abundant amounts of wind energy. Lighting danced over Lyrun as he prepared his body and mind for the high-speed battle that was about to commence. Both Torian and Moranti reverted to their hybrid forms.

Green-yellow scales covered Torian as a pair of the thinnest dragon wings rushed out of his back. His claws and fangs were short, but Torian’s body became as speedy as a lightning bolt and as nimble as the wind. Lighting and wind energy heavily washed over the Thundering God as he roared and rushed Moranti. josei

With his purple, ethereal scales, Moranti stood firm in the air. His long claws, thinner than a cicada’s wings, protruded from Moranti’s hands. A crown of horns emerged from the God of Space’s forehead while he proudly flapped his purple wings and met Torian head-on.

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