The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 494 Regrouping in Trodar

Chapter 494 Regrouping in Trodar

Chapter 494 Regrouping in Trodar

As the dragon felt its life burning away, it departed only after having clawed into Bowzer’s face and body as the dragon’s lava was ineffective and unable to burn the flaming fox.

Once the Magma Dragon had finally fallen, Bowzer didn’t let up at all.

Howls sounded out as Bowzer charged for the final remaining dragon. However, Bowzer wasn’t given the chance to deliver a single blow.

With Argyle staying the Magma Dragon, Dradich burrowed underground and created a sinkhole. Once the dragon’s weight caused the ground below to give way, Dradich strangled and immobilized the Magma Dragon, taking damage despite his frost body. Then, Argyle charged in to deliver the finishing blows and slay the great beast.

As the duo finished the beast, Bowzer turned next to the battle between the armies. His voice shouted mentally, ’Get away from them! They’re mine now!’

Jack’s wives were startled by the shout but grateful for the assistance. They passed the message on to King Wilheim, who immediately began to withdraw his soldiers while remaining on guard.

The Maldor forces were excited to see the Aazoon army backing up. But that was only for a moment. The next moment, countless cries rang out from endless Maldor soldiers.

A rain of black and white fireballs fell on top of them, expanding aggressively and instantly consuming anyone who came in contact with the flames. The Maldor forces cried in despair as they tried to retreat. However, they were met by a charging Hell-flame Fox.

None managed to escape the flames, regardless of their nation of origin or their political position. Bowzer’s flames showed no preference among its victims.

Watching Bowzer torch the Maldor forces to nonexistence, King Wilheim was taken aback. "So... The legends are true?"

"Sort of... In describing the destructive ability those foxes have, they’re very much true."

A voice was heard overhead, getting the king and everyone standing on the former battlefield to look up. Sterfen smiled as he and the other gods descended. Finally, Dragas released Jin and let him stand on his own two feet, albeit wobbly for a second.

Sterfen continued, "For now, you’ve won. But that doesn’t mean you’ll win every time or in the end."

"Then we must hurry and retreat to Trodar," stated King Wilheim, undeterred about their previous agreement.

"Good, then I think it’s best to take your army now... How about it, Moranti?" Sterfen asked.

Moranti nodded. "Sure, but take it easy on me. I’m not just a delivery boy, you know?" josei

"I know, I know."

The duo of gods laughed together while the King gathered his men together as tightly as possible. When they were bundled up against each other, Moranti asked, "Is there anything else you need from here? We’re not coming back, apart from visiting Frostburn City."

"There’s nothing. All of my men agree to side with you and your strength. Without that, we all would’ve died here today," Wilheim replied. "All they ask is that we bring their families as well."

"Simple enough..."

Having said that, Moranti clapped his hands together. Spatial energy inundated the entire army, turning every soldier a shade of purple. That purple energy then condensed around the army. Everyone present seemed to implode into nonexistence as they were teleported away from the battlefield along with the gods.

Everyone then found themselves appear within a vast open field. A few craters were scattered around the place, along with many patches of scorched earth.

Sterfen spoke up, "Welcome to Trodar!"

The army next spotted the city walls not too far from them. When they spotted the west gate and the large engraving that read, "Gilga", the soldiers were overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions. Many were confused as to what they should feel. Others were elated to be found in a safe city and environment for themselves and eventually their families. Some were still stuck on how they were teleported away so easily.

"For now, the Leisure Guild will provide you all with tents and temporary lodging. Given how we’ll be working together to find you new lands, it’s the least we can do," added Sterfen, motioning for King Wilheim to follow Jacks’ wives toward the guild.

As the soldier gradually started to head for the city wall, a spatial rift opened up in front of Moranti and the others. Through it walked Eedaj and Guuro, followed by those of Rydel’s party. Also, Tridon came through followed by almost all of the men serving under him. Finally, there was a mature woman, wearing an extravagant dress with a sorrowful expression painted on her face.

"So, how’d it go for you, apart from dealing with Jin’s loss?" Sterfen asked.

Eedaj sighed, "Reinolt did well but only with help from Karronteel and Hadurt. Without them or our assistance, there’s no way for them to win."

"Then why did the king reject the offer?" Dragas asked, unsatisfied with the prideful mindsets of most men.

"You already know why, Dragas," replied Eedaj. "Either way, the Beast Corps agree, so long as we visit Reinolt City and get their families to come as well."

Nodding, Moranti asked, "Then, what’s next?"

"Well, first off," Sterfen explained, shaking his head at Jin, "we’ll need to get Jin back into godhood, only we can’t at the moment since we traded Sybin’s corpse to get him back. We also need to get ready for an imminent attack on Trodar. To do that, we should probably be more public and create some temples. I’m sure the holy gods will be doing the same shortly if they haven’t started already."

"And with Jin’s loss of strength, we’ll be one man down for the next attack... I guess we lost that one," Moranti sighed. "At least that keeps things interesting. I wonder if Mr. High-and-Mighty will come down or will he just let me slaughter them all without interference?"

"Either way, we need to hurry up and prepare. You wouldn’t want to let Halmut have his way in the end, right Moranti?"

Chuckling along with Sterfen and the other gods, Moranti slapped Jin on the back, knocking the samurai over. "Right..."

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