The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 504 Moranti Crashes the Holy Gods Public Return

Chapter 504 Moranti Crashes the Holy Gods Public Return

Chapter 504 Moranti Crashes the Holy Gods“ Public Return

"True, I’m now with the Legendary Gods of Trodar, but that’s not why I’m here," replied the God of Space.

"Then why have you come?" asked Halmut, letting the crowd notice his apparent disgust.

"How could I not come? You made it really easy for Eedaj to see you, so I thought I’d crash the party," Moranti answered, "As for my question, take it with a grain of salt. I only said that because your ability to twist the truth amazes me every time. Sure, Skaryn’s done some dark things in the past but at least he doesn’t hide his horns, unlike you do. He embraced the image of the devil while you hide your nature and parade around like you’re the single greatest organism to ever exist. Doesn’t your ego get tired after carrying such a fat head for millennia?"

Everyone below was completely shocked.

They understood who Moranti was, the second in command of Skaryn. Ancient legends occasionally mentioned Moranti’s strength as undefined, claiming that no one has ever seen him go all out. But legends and history do claim that Moranti is the third strongest god of all, only behind Halmut and Skaryn.

Moranti making such claims that Halmut was the true devil was news for all Kartonia. It was something that none had said before, apart from Skaryn himself in the ancient past. josei

"Your words hold no weight, Moranti," Halmut stated for all ears around the city. "You’ve abandoned the Chaotic Gods and even killed them during your rebellion. Why should they believe a traitor?"

"Say what you want." Moranti shrugged, not taking the opinions of the masses to heart, unlike Halmut. "I don’t care about that or how the Chaotic Gods betrayed Skaryn. But I’d love to hear you repeat what you said earlier. What did you say about Skaryn at the beginning?"

Eyeing Moranti, Halmut repeated himself confidently, "That Skaryn is no more!"

"Right...But why say that when Skaryn isn’t dead?"

Moranti’s questions stung the hearts of the people, calling them to question everything for only a moment.

"You don’t know what you’re talking about, Moranti. Tralbok, as a former Chaotic God please inform the people of what happened to Skaryn," Halmut stated.

Tralbok shouted for all the city to hear, "Just as Halmut said, Skaryn is no longer a threat to the world, nor will he ever be again. Halmut has rendered him powerless against you!"

"Sure... refute my words and call me a traitor yet you believe Tralbok, the true traitor of the Chaotic Gods?" Moranti asked loudly, not letting the people believe Halmut’s cause so easily. "I’d love to see what you have to say to the world after Skaryn returns..."

"Enough!" shouted Halmut, growing even deeper. "Is there anything else you’ve come to do or will you turn tail and flee like you always have?"

"Oh, you want to fight?" Moranti smiled and raised an eyebrow. "If you’re not scared stiff, then you’re welcome to try me, Halmut."

"There’s no need!" Naparn shouted, rocketing out from his place in the circle.

Naparn wasn’t the only one. Many of the various holy gods darted for Moranti in the center. Torian and Tyres were the fastest, reaching Moranti within the blink of an eye. Naparn and Tralbok were just behind them while Lyrun and Grixor followed to offer their defensive capabilities.

A total of six gods charged at Moranti, all for the world to witness in awe. But while the crowd was impressed by the action of six gods, they also remembered the ancient rumor about Moranti’s strength. Seeing so many gods face against Moranti alone was a near confirmation of that old legend, and Moranti’s casual chuckle gave the people an uneasy feeling.

"Finally..." Moranti laughed, teleporting a meter away to evade both Torian and Tyres. "I can finally shake off some rust!"

Tralbok and Naparn followed suit. They barreled forward hurling wind blades and cyclones, as well as lava plumes and earthen spikes. Torian and Tyres readjusted and attacked also, each embodying lightning and wind to strike with the epitome of speed.

With a smile fresh on his face, Moranti’s eyes went wide in excitement. He stared happily at Tyres as the Sword God lunged downward, evading the attacks of Tralbok and Naparn. But he didn’t forget about Torian, who had shifted to his hybrid form and lunged forward with two swords and his jagged tail.

When Moranti evaded the magic attacks and allowed both the sword-wielding gods to near him, he laughed again. While both attacking gods plunged their blades into him, Moranti laughed harder. Blood was spilled yet Moranti was still laughing. Of course, that’s because it wasn’t Moranti that was injured.

Stepped back, Tyres stared at the torn-up hole in his side. Torian did the same, glancing at the slash across his chest.

Everyone below was in complete shock. Their eagerness to see the holy gods prevail plummeted as they saw both the two holy gods attack each other through Moranti’s body.

"What? Have you already forgotten how I fight? Even when it was only days ago?" Moranti questioned Torian, mocking the Thundering God.

Confused, Torian tried to understand what just happened, along with Tralbok and Lyrun. But Moranti didn’t allow them any more time.

A glowing, purple scythe appeared in Moranti’s hands as the God of Space took in a deep breath. He was still a target for Tralbok’s and Naparn’s magic attacks yet paid them no mind. Two rifts opened before Moranti to consume the attacks. The exits of said rifts then appeared behind Torian and Tyres, lashing them with their allies attacks while they tried to figure out why their attack failed.

"That’s enough!"

The entire battlefield stopped after Halmut’s order, all except for Moranti. The God of Space continued and charged grixor with a mad smile. His scythe arched into the Quake Dragon’s hybrid form before Grixor could put up a better defense.

"I said enough!" Halmut roared, shrinking down into his hybrid form and rushing to intercept Moranti’s onslaught.

But the Sun God was too late. He only managed to separate the two of them after Grixor lost an arm.

Seeing Halmut finally show some true emotion, Moranti chuckled, "Oh, does that mean you want to play?"

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