The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 560 Jacks Loss?!

Chapter 560 Jacks Loss?!

Chapter 560 Jack“s Loss?!

That stream of fire wasn’t even half a meter in width yet the energy it contained was deceivingly potent. It crashed into Halmut’s body without mercy. Upon contact, the small plume of flames created a black and purple explosion more than a dozen meters wide.

All spectators were in awe along with Jack, who was startled by the viciousness of the attack. Though it was a system-created skill, Jack didn’t expect it to expand so aggressively.

"Ha... Ha..." Soft chuckles emerged from the flaming explosion, sending chills down the spines of the mortals below. "HA, HA, HA! Congratulations, Jack!"

As the flames dwindled, Halmut was left standing in the air with a large burn on his proud chest. The Sun Dragon smiled wide and shouted, "You can actually hurt me! That’s quite rare, especially for a low-leveled god. What are you, lv. 91, lv. 92? You couldn’t have reached lv. 93 so soon, right?"

Since Jack didn’t answer back, Halmut continued chuckling. "You’re only low-level deity to ever damage me! And it was through raw power, not tricks like Jin’s techniques. You’re something special... Join me, Jack! Together, we can definitely--"

"No more spam!" Jack shouted, catching Halmut off guard. "I’ll turn you down every time. Even if a representative from Jewel personally offered me something, I’d turn them away without even listening to an offer."

"I wouldn’t say that until they give you an offer. In fact, I can make you an offer on behalf of Gem. I can personally guarantee--"

"Blah, blah, blah! I told you, quit spamming me with offers! You’re worse than online scammers in my email!"

Unsure how to take that, Halmut replied, "My offer is genuine and can easily be verified. So long as you can commit, I can eventually get you--"

"Stop it already! You really are worse than scammers!"

To shut Halmut up, Jack spat another Spectral Flare his way. It made contact yet again, exploding and amazing the mortals who couldn’t imagine facing such a terrifying attack.

"Jack..." Halmut sighed, now showing a second burn on his side. "If you won’t listen willingly, maybe you will forcibly!"

With a roar, Halmut spewed his own multicolored breath toward Jack. It was countered by another Spectral Flare but the explosion had doubled in size as the flames intermingled and lingered in the air. But the explosion suddenly parted down the middle.

Rocketing through the center of the explosion, Halmut darted toward Jack with horns leading the way. His speed was on another level now as Halmut’s largest, central horn appeared to be white-hot and dotted with other energy types as well. A crazed look was obvious in Halmut’s gaze, threatening Jack and daring the hero to attempt some form of counter.

But Jack didn’t take the bait. He had no intention of tanking such an attack from a god with an eight-level advantage.

Jack vanished from where he stood and watched as Halmut whizzed by.

"Oh... Was that too much for you?" mocked Halmut. "I’ll admit, the wounds you’ve caused me weren’t too impactful but they’re slow to heal. That’s enough reason to take you more seriously. Sadly, you’re just not ready for this level of fights!"

Bright, blinding light flashed out of Halmut’s body, not giving Jack any warning and stealing his sight momentarily.

"If you think I’ll die so easily, then it’s only natural you would be so easy to kill!"

Jack suddenly coughed. He began gasping for breath. As the light faded, the rest of the world was able to see what had occurred.

Blood dripped out of Jack’s mouth. Blood spilled from Jack’s chest, flowing down Halmut’s horn and onto the Dragon’s face.

"That’s all you’ve got?!" Halmut roared in question. Throwing his head back, Halmut tossed aside Jack’s panting body. As it fell downward, Halmut stated, "No one helps him! If you do, you’ll be acting against the rules of our duel and I’ll treat you as his replacement!"

The other gods were in shock. Moranti was the first to squint his eyes and prepare to act. But then he froze. Unwillingly, Moranti clenched his fists and stood up straight while glaring furiously at Halmut.

"Good... So you’ll finally listen to reason," Halmut laughed at Moranti and the others, taking his sweet time to descend and stand over the crash-landed Jack.

"You... What interfered... in our duel?" Jack painfully asked, not conceding with his passionate stare.

"What do you mean? There was no--"

"Something interfered... against Cerebral Collapse... What was it?" Jack insisted, not budging at all.

"There was no--"

Mid-sentence and mid-laugh, an invisible and untraceable hand landed on Halmut’s head for the third time. Halmut was unprepared and completely unguarded, unable to reach around before Cerebral Collapse was cast yet again. josei

Jack felt his mana enter Halmut’s body, making it further than either of the last two attempts. He even felt the sharpened mana make an ethereal incision for the first time. But, even then, Jack felt his mana suddenly disperse. Only, this time Halmut didn’t reach around to grab his attacker.

Halmut remained still as the false Jack lying on the ground faded away. Jack’s true body backed away and became visible to the spectators, leaving them breathless.

"Did you succeed?" Eedaj asked, noting that Halmut was now motionless while Jack backed away in caution.

"I... I don’t know..."

Jack was baffled. Halmut was acting strange and said nothing yet Jack was certain his spell was destroyed for the third time. The notification was there as well, proving that Jack had technically failed to cast Cerebrally Collapse. Yet Halmut said and did nothing in retaliation the third time around.

Suddenly, an enormous flash of light burst from Halmut’s body, when everyone was least expecting it.

Jack took to the sky while remaining on guard, as he didn’t want those on the ground to be targeted or feel the aftershocks of their attacks. He wasn’t the most confident anymore but Jack knew that he could at least survive given how he fared thus far.

But no attack came his way.

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