The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 584 Jacks Surprise Arrival in Estonya

Chapter 584 Jacks Surprise Arrival in Estonya

Chapter 584 Jack“s Surprise Arrival in Estonya

Standing above Estonya with a proud grin, Jack laughed to himself. After scanning the area briefly, Jack shouted for the entire megacity to hear.


As the crowds shook within the streets and the elves across the city searched for the origin of that voice, everyone eventually looked up to the sky. They would eventually find a small figure descending from the sky, appearing to be a human male. After a few moments passed for dramatic effect, that voice filled the city again, but not to the extent it shook the buildings and the citizens.

"I, Jack, the Champion God of Trodar, have come to discuss your allegiance with Trodar!"

Shouts and mutterings filled the city as each citizen reacted to Jack’s cry. They were in disbelief that a god had come to cordially discuss something like an alliance.

Gwendon and the elven elders rushed out of Gwendon’s home, staring intently at the sky. The oldest elder was at a loss for words as he spotted Jack looking back at the elders.

"There you are!" Jack waved with a smile. "Since you’ve yet to join Halmut, then I take it your considering things carefully. Would you mind discussing things more closely?"

"I refuse!"

A new voice shook Estonya before Gwendon or the elven elders could respond. Jack casually turned and asked, "And why not? I just want to talk with them."

"Then why not talk with me first?"

The hearts of the elven people skipped a beat as they recognized the figure rushing down from the clouds. He was acting aggressive but firm, and his reputation only added to the suspense.

"Lyrun... How have you been?" Jack asked.

"I’m doing fine at the moment." Lyrun descended and stood not even six meters from Jack, stating, "Jack, there’s no way for Korten to continue holding true to the trade pact with Trodar. It’s time that Korten reestablishes itself as the superpower it’s meant to be, leading the war effort with pride!"

A few cheers sounded out from different parts of the city. Not everyone was excited to hear that but some acted out of pride alone.

"So you want your people to die?"

That question left the crowd silent, letting Jack continue, "I’m not trying to drag the world into oblivion like Halmut. I see Korten as a powerful ally that would be able to remain free under the banner of Trodar. I’m certain our benefits will surpass anything that you can offer."

"Ridiculous!" shouted Lyrun.

"No, Halmut’s ridiculous! How could he treat the elves like army personnel but never offer support of any kind? What about his dragons? What’s the point of ruling over the dragons when they don’t do anything?!"

"Halmut has never--"

"Then why were the elves forced to endure battle after battle during the past Godly War? Why didn’t the dragons see a single fight, apart from the occasional appearance of a single dragon among an army of thousands of soldiers?" argued Jack. "If Halmut respected the elves, he would have supported them with his other armies instead of leaving them to face the fiercest foes alone and outnumbered!"

"Shut up, Jack! There’s no reason to listen to you!" barked Lyrun.

"Then how come they’re thinking about it?" asked Jack, stringing the crowd along toward his cause. "Aren’t you, Gwendon?"

The elven chief was speechless for a moment. He licked his lips and prepared to speak but another man at his side did first.

"Never! We have no reason to betray Halmut!"

"Oh... are you the retired chief?" Jack questioned, noting that the elder appeared to be at the end of his years. "Sorry, but I’m speaking to Gwendon. I appreciate the opinion, but I don’t believe you’re informed well enough to understand the magnitude of this decision."


"Silence, Father! He’s a deity so show some respect!"

The old elf was stunned, stepping back and blinking at the sight of his son’s firm footing and confident steps forward.

"Then can we talk?"

"I still refuse!"

Glancing from the corner of his eye, Jack smiled at Lyrun. "Then how about a deal? They choose for themselves without either of us getting involved. And if you want to question their decision, then I’ll accept your challenge in their shoes."

"And if they choose correctly?" asked Lyrun.

"Then me and you will be fighting. I just said that..."

"And if they choose our side?" rephrased Lyrun, speaking louder as he stepped closer to Jack, not showing any fear. josei

"Oh, if they choose your side then I’ll leave without any trouble."

Lyrun shook his head and glared at Gwendon below. "Choose, now!"

Gwendon felt no pressure or strength exerted onto him but Gwendon was breaking a sweat all the same. Making such a decision on the spot would be difficult for anyone that cared to consider the pros and cons of both sides.


"I said ’Silence, Father’..." Gwendon shut up his father, not letting him interfere anymore.

"I said choose!" ordered Lyrun.

"I can’t choose so suddenly!" stated Gwendon, shouting for all to hear. "Both sides offer protection but it’s unclear which side will truly care for Korten! Tradition is unimportant to me when the lives of my people are at stake!"

Those words touched the hearts of the thousands of elves throughout the city. Many felt similarly to the oldest elder but they couldn’t blame their chief for trying to help the people. Even if someone didn’t want the elder to consider Jack’s offer, they at least felt better knowing that it was out of concern for the people.

"Then choose wisely," added Jack, still smiling confidently. "Say the word and I’m gone. There will be no fight from me today, not unless it’s defending you."

Gwendon felt strange. The last time he saw Jack, Jack had barely been announced as the ancient hero that began the trade between Korten and the Leisure Guild. But now, Jack stood in the air with the dignity and confidence befitting a god. It made Gwendon envious.

"If you want to see more elves become gods, then you should choose wisely."

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