The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 586 Jack vs Lyrun

Chapter 586 Jack vs Lyrun

Chapter 586 Jack vs Lyrun

A few seconds passed but the attack didn’t die down.

"I’m not done!" shouted Lyrun. "If you want Korten, then take everything I have!"

The beam of light suddenly doubled in size and the sheer amount of electricity become strong enough to be its own attack. Bolts of lightning swam through the holy light like lightning serpents searching for prey within the light.

Another few seconds passed while the spectators were stunned by the power of Lyrun’s attack. Finally, it started to die down.

As the attack cleared, Jack started to become more visible again. He stood proudly with his chest puffed out and his arms by his side. There were a few minor burn marks on his body and his hair stood on end due to static electricity but Jack remained unmoved by the attack.

"That was good... much better than I was expecting!" Jack shouted in praise.

"Coming from you, I guess that means something..." sighed Lyrun, forced to admit the potency of Jack’s defense.

Jack’s smile was proudly shown for all as he shouted, "Thank you, Lyrun! Thanks for not complaining too much about losing Korten. You can be sure that I’ll take care of your people!"

Squinting, Lyrun scoffed and pulled out a holy amulet. Within the next second, Lyrun was swallowed up by a descending ray of holy light and carried away. Jack was left alone in the sky for the city to either admire or question. Either way, no one would be able to argue about Jack’s ability to defend the nation.

After taking a few deep breaths and using a few healing spells, Jack returned to the ground. "So, Gwendon, do you regret it?"

"... No..." The elven chief sighed, "No... I don’t think I do." josei

"Good, then we’re glad to have you in Trodar. Remember, Trodar is only a banner so you’ll remain as the independent nation of Korten. All we ask is for you to create a council that will meet with the other national councils of Trodar to help us all rule, govern, and protect our separate states," explained Jack. "And I made sure to bring someone to help clear any questions about your integration into Trodar."

Jack waved his arm to the side, creating a spatial rift for the first time since he was in-game. "Allow me to introduce Grangor, the chief of the greis elves and someone I would hope is selected to Korten’s new council."

As the aging, grey-skinned elf stepped through the rift, Gwendon and the elders were floored at the sight. Gwendon asked, "Is he... really a greis elf? We assumed that nearly all had passed... We knew that you had found a few survivors, but you found a tribe of them?"

Grangor chuckled and introduced himself with a bow of the head, "I may only be lv. 71, but I can assure you that I have plenty of experience leading my people."

"Our people."

"Hmm?" Grangor was caught off guard by Gwendon’s sudden statement.

"Our people... You and your tribe are our people as well. That’s something that Eedaj taught me," stated Gwendon, surprising Jack along with the others. "Should you all wish, we would gladly accept you into Estonya or another part of Korten should you not want to remain in the city with us."

"I’ve heard all about what happened but I find no fault on you," replied Grangor. "Verbal disputes happen among siblings, so how could they not emerge among a long-surviving people? If Estonya will have us, the greis elves will gladly relocate and join you to bolster our strengths and reconnect as a people."

Jack added, "Grangor will answer any questions you have regarding the rules of Trodar but I’m sure you’ll be fine. I’ll be taking my leave for now but I’ll bring the rest of greis elves in a couple of hours."

"We’ll make sure some dwellings are prepared for them," Gwendon stated with a reply.

"I look forward to seeing Korten grow... But this does mean Korten will now be accepting visitors from the other nations of Trodar. You’re alright with--"

"As you said, Trodar will offer protection and economic growth. To receive that growth will help us return to our previous status as a global superpower," reasoned Gwendon. "Isn’t that what you would want, elders?"

The elven elders were speechless for a moment, but one spoke up with a bow, "We’ll gladly accept guests, but not for free."

"Thank you, Father."

Jack stated, "There will be no travel or entry fees between the nations of Trodar but of course you can charge for hotels, inns, merchandise, and any other commercial goods or resources. We only seek to have the nations on an equal playing ground. And due to you taking the risk of stepping away from Halmut’s cause, allow the Leisure Guild to throw the entire city a banquet after we build our new guild branch in Estonya, along with its own teleportation circle for guild and Korten business alike."

Hearing that, Gwendon bowed to Jack, followed by his father and then the other elders present.

"No need to bow. Take some time and get to know Grangor. You don’t have much time to announce these changes to your people," laughed Jack, teleporting away in a flash of purple light.

"So, Grangor, are you ready to meet our people?" Gwendon asked with a chuckle.

Grangor laughed as well, "So long as they don’t laugh at me for too long then I’m looking forward to it."

As Gwendon and Grangor walked away, hurrying toward the city center to make some announcements, the elders turned to their leader. One elder asked, "Chief, are you sure we should--"

"I’m no chief..." stated the aging elf, chuckling under his breath. "Not anymore... Gwendon will do fine and I’m sure everyone will be able to adjust."

"But... this is beyond what should--"

"Times change, I guess..." The old man took in a deep breath and whispered to the heavens, "I guess you finally found a way out... Good luck, Lyrun..."

The old man then broke out in hysterical laughter and shouted, "Let’s join Gwendon for the announcements! With us supporting his decisions, the people will integrate faster and will be glad to know that anyone strong enough and able to grow stronger will be allowed to become gods!"

"WHAT?!" The elders were flabbergasted, left behind as the old elf ran to catch up with his son. "Wait! We’re coming too!"

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