The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 254

Chapter 254

Chapter 254

Eliana stood downstairs in a daze. She silently digested the outrageous information she had just found out.

The sound of her phone ringing in her pocket brought her back to her senses.

The call was from Preston.

Preston…the ring…


Eliana smacked her forehead. She had completely forgotten about finally getting the ring back.

This was her chance to tell him the good news.

Eliana answered the phone, filled with excitement.

“Preston, I have something to tell you…”

“Where are you now?” Maurice interrupted her in a low voice. novelbin

“What? I’m at home.”

“I want to come see you.”

Preston wanted to see her? Did he already know that she had gotten the ring back? That would be impossible.

Eliana felt uncertain. Preston had never wanted to come to her home before. Something must have happened.

The twins were here. She couldn’t let him see them.

“No, I don’t want you to come. Why can’t we talk on the phone?” Eliana tried to discourage him.

Maurice thought for a moment. Then he said, “Eliana, do you have two children?”

Eliana was frozen instantly.

“And… am I their father?”

There was a long silence. Maurice could hear Eliana’s breathing getting faster.

Was Gerald right?

Maurice’s chest tightened. “Eliana, tell me the truth. If you don’t tell the truth, I will come to your home and find out myself.”

“No!” Eliana blurted out in panic.

If Preston came to her house, everything would be exposed.

“How do you know where my house is? Preston, you followed me!”

Eliana tried to change the subject, but Maurice didn’t take the bait.

“I have ways of finding out where people live. I never thought that you would hide something so huge from me!”

Maurice’s voice was like a smoldering fire about to burst into flames.

If his guess about the children was true, he didn’t even know what he would do.

The matter couldn’t be delayed any longer. To prevent Preston from seeing the children, Eliana had to compromise.

“Don’t come here. I’ll come to you and we can talk in person.”

Eliana forced herself to speak calmly.

“Okay. I’ll wait for you at the Imperial Golden Club. You’d better be there soon.”

Eliana hung up. Her whole body was shaking and her mind was scattered.

Should she tell Preston the truth? Should she allow the kids to know that a gigolo was their father? Would Preston take the children away from her?

She couldn’t know the answers.

No, for now, she couldn’t let Preston see the children.

Eliana ran upstairs and started throwing things into a suitcase.

Nana walked over. “Eliana, what are you doing?”

“Nana, we need to hurry! You need to take the kids out to hide them,” Eliana said anxiously as she held Nana’s hand.

“Hide them? Why?”

“Preston might have found out about the children. I’m afraid he’ll take them away from me.”

“Oh my God!” Nana realized how serious the situation was. “What should we do?”

“I will go see Preston and hold him back. You take the children and hide. You can come back after the storm is over.”

This was the only plan that Eliana’s panicked brain could think of.

“Eliana, don’t panic. I’ll help you pack.”

Nana patted Eliana’s shoulder and began to help her.

The loud noises attracted the attention of the twins.

Adrian sensed that something had happened. “Mommy, what’s wrong?”

Eliana squatted down in front of him. “Adrian, nothing’s wrong. I’m going to play hide and seek with you and Aileen. You have to hide somewhere where I can’t find you.”

“Really? I want to play.” Aileen was quick to agree.

Adrian was lost in thought, with a strange expression on his face.

Soon, Eliana and Nana had packed everything they needed. They were ready to send the children away. Eliana asked Kimora to take care of them.

Eliana hesitated as she stared at the large and small suitcases. She didn’t know if she was doing the right thing or making a terrible mistake.

“Don’t worry,” Nana said firmly. “If something goes wrong, you can tell Preston that it was all my idea. I will take the blame.”

Eliana felt a little relief enter her heart.

Her expression became firm.

She had to protect Aileen and Adrian. No one would take them away from her.

Eliana walked out of the house. It was time for her to face Preston.


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