The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 268

Chapter 268

Chapter 268

Eliana went straight to the hospital after the phone call.

Hodge had already awakened when she arrived, surrounded by doctors and nurses.

Hodge’s eyes widened at the sight of Eliana. His hazy eyes seemed to brighten all of a sudden. He stretched out his trembling hand and opened and closed his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

Eliana rushed over and took his hand in hers. “What do you want to say, Mr. Chadwick?”

Hodge held her hand tightly, obviously agitated.

However, immediately after he opened his mouth and uttered the first sound, the heart rate monitor made a sharp buzz.

Hodge’s body convulsed violently.

“The patient’s vital signs are unstable, and he requires immediate response.”

The doctors and nurses rushed over and pushed Hodge into the operating room.

Eliana was left alone outside of the operating room.

She stood outside in a daze, just like the last time when Hodge was taken to the emergency room with blood all over his body.

Eliana hadn’t been standing there for long when an enraged young man ran over, grabbed her shoulders, and asked loudly, “Eliana, what have you done to my dad?”

Who was this man?

Eliana was so caught off guard that she couldn’t even resist his violent shaking of her shoulders.

The man was overly emotional. The nurses were worried that he would do something extreme, so they intervened immediately.

“Calm down, please, especially the patient’s family. The patient is still being treated in the operating room. Don’t talk about anything until the operation is over.”

The patient’s family?

“You are Ethan Chadwick!” Eliana exclaimed.

Wasn’t he abroad? Why did he come back?

Many years had passed, and Eliana’s memory of Ethan’s face had faded, but she still recognized the crazy young man in front of her based on his features that resembled Hodge’s. Ethan was Hodge’s son.

“Thank you for recalling me, Miss Pierce. Now, tell me! What did you do to my father?”

Ethan refused to let go of Eliana. He must know the truth about what had happened to his father.

Ethan was still abroad not long ago. When he called Hodge, he could hear his father’s panic and fear in his voice, as if something bad was about to happen. But no matter how he tried to ask, Hodge refused to tell him.

A few days later, Ethan couldn’t contact Hodge anymore. novelbin

As a result, Ethan hurried back home, only to discover that his father had already been in a vegetative state.

Sadness and rage drove him to want to know what his father had been through.

Following an investigation, Ethan discovered that Eliana was his father’s emergency contact in the hospital’s record.

She was the daughter of the Pierce family.

She must have something to do with his father’s condition.

The more he considered it, the more enraged he became.

Eliana endured the pain on her shoulders with a groan and explained, “Ethan, you’re blaming the wrong person. I’m not the one who hurt your father.”

But Ethan couldn’t think properly at this point. He was certain that Eliana was the culprit, and no matter how hard Eliana tried to convince him otherwise, it was futile.

The light of the operating room was turned off just as they were arguing. Hodge’s vital signs were temporarily stabilized after he received emergency treatment.

He was then pushed out of the operating room.

Ethan ignored Eliana and hurriedly walked up to his father’s bedside.

Eliana followed him to also check on Hodge.

Unexpectedly, Ethan turned around and pushed her away.

Eliana was caught off guard and fell heavily to the floor.

“You are a murderer. You have harmed my father. How dare you appear in front of him again? I’m going to kill you bitch to avenge him.”

Ethan’s eyes were red, and he was overwhelmed with hatred. He pulled away from the nurses who had stopped him. He then pounced on Eliana, wanting to beat her up.

Everyone screamed and Eliana just closed her eyes helplessly.

However, the anticipated pain did not materialize.

Eliana opened her eyes to see Ethan lying on the floor not far away, covering his stomach and whining. A figure stood in her way. When she lifted her head, she saw a handsome yet murderous face.

It was Maurice!

Everyone turned to look at the handsome man who had appeared unexpectedly, completely dumbfounded.

He kicked Ethan to save Eliana who was still on the floor.

He was so cool.


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