The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 279

Chapter 279

Chapter 279

Staring deep into Maurice’s steely eyes, Silas had a feeling that this man must be thinking of a bad idea.

“Well, okay.”

He silently followed Maurice upstairs, and the pair went inside the boy’s room.

“Go ahead and tell me what you want me to do,” Silas said bluntly while looking up at Maurice.

‘What a smart boy!’

Maurice raised his eyebrows and chuckled to himself. After a few seconds, he bent down and whispered something in Silas’ ear.

The bright young boy was very calm, but then his expression slowly changed. At last, he was so shocked at Maurice’s instructions that he could not close his mouth.

Did Maurice actually want him to do that?

Biting his lip in thought, he paused for a moment to assess the situation as a fierce struggle ensued inside Silas’ mind.

Finally, he came up with his own idea.

“I can help you out, but on one condition.”

“Alright. Tell me.”

“After I’ve done my part in assisting you, I want to go to my friend’s home for a sleepover.”

Silas was a child of principle. If Maurice didn’t agree to his terms, then the little boy would not help him.

“We have a deal,” Maurice gamely agreed.


Resisting the urge to smile in satisfaction, Silas tried hard to suppress the joy in his heart. As long as he completed the task, he could go to Eliana’s house to play with the twins.

It only took a couple of minutes for the uncle and nephew to reach an agreement.

Following Maurice’s plan, Silas went downstairs and walked straight to the kitchen.

At the same time, Harriet emerged from the kitchen with a hot dish in her hands.

“Hold it right there! Who are you? What are you doing inside my home?”

Silas deliberately rushed to Harriet and shouted while pointing a finger at her bewildered face.

‘Who is this kid?’

Harriet lowered her head and stared at Silas in confusion.

“Come with me.” Silas tugged at Harriet’s arm and led her to the hallway.

Harriet had no clue what was going on, so she didn’t dare act rashly. Putting down the steaming dish on the table, the puzzled woman followed Silas.

Each servant they met along the way would lower their head and bow to Silas respectfully, which made Harriet even more confused.

‘Who on earth is this child?’

Silas didn’t stop walking until the two of them entered a small garden filled with colorful flowers.

The pair stood across from each other, and Silas looked at Harriet from head to toe. “I heard you’re the woman my great-grandpa found for my dad, right?”

‘What did he just say? How am I connected to his dad? Who the heck was he talking about?’

“Kid, I have no idea what you’re saying. You must have me mistaken for a different woman,” Harriet exclaimed in surprise.

“Could you stop pretending? My dad is the CEO of the Moran Group. His name is Maurice Moran. Does that ring a bell? I think you want to end up marrying him.” Silas looked up at Harriet with contemptuous eyes.

The boy’s father was Maurice?

“That’s impossible!” Harriet blurted out. “Mr. Moran is not a married man. How could he possibly have a son?”

“What do you call me then? He’s been a father for several years now. It’s just that I have been hidden away from public view for my own protection,” Silas explained in a serious tone.

Although Silas was quite a convincing actor, Harriet still didn’t believe the child, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

“Silas, what are you doing out here? Come back inside, son. Dinner is ready.”

Right on cue, Maurice walked outside and called for the little boy.

“Hello, Dad!”

Silas trotted towards Maurice happily, and the handsome man gently stroked his hair.

Observing the pair who shared a striking resemblance, Harriet began to doubt her initial belief.

If they were not father and son, how could they look so alike? Maybe the kid was telling the truth after all.

Maurice continued to play his part in their elaborate act. Grinning fondly at the boy, he carried Silas in his arms and said to the dazed Harriet, “It’s good that you have met Silas. I guess the two of you would’ve crossed paths sooner or later anyway.”

His sincere words broke through Harriet’s defenses and completely turned her into a believer.

This little boy was really Maurice’s son.

The mind-boggling revelation that Maurice already had a child with another woman dealt Harriet a heavy blow, so she was rendered speechless and absent-minded during the meal. She didn’t even notice Earle speaking to her.

This happened several times. Even Earle began to frown. He didn’t know why the person who had seemed so friendly and personable had suddenly become like this.

Knowing the truth, Silas couldn’t help but snicker. Maurice immediately glared at him.

After dinner, Harriet made up an excuse to leave early. There were so many concerns running through her mind that she needed to be alone. The dazed woman told herself she had to think things over for a bit.

Getting married to Maurice was a dream of hers, but she didn’t want to be the stepmother of another woman’s kid.

Earle became even more dissatisfied. He had always held Harriet in high regard. She was a lady from an eminent family, who supposedly knew the proper manners and rules. But now, he could see her true character. She wasn’t a good match for his grandson.

The absent-minded Harriet didn’t notice the unmistakable disappointment in Earle’s eyes, and Nancy didn’t intend to ask her to stay any longer. She said a few polite words and let Harriet go.

As soon as Harriet left, Nancy immediately pulled Maurice aside and handed him her phone.

“Make a video call to Eliana. I trust you know how to court a girl, right?”

Nancy patted Maurice’s shoulder with a serious face.

“Oh, alright. I’ll call her.”

Maurice took Nancy’s phone and pressed Eliana’s number.


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