The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

Under the gloomy night sky, a silver sports car streaked through the roads. All the other cars hurried swerved out of the way for fear of bumping into the lunatic who was speeding a luxury car through the city center.

That lunatic was none other than Maurice.

The moment he found out that something had happened to Eliana, he immediately got into his car and raced to the company.

On the way, he kept dialing Eliana’s number, only to be met with the same cold busy tone.

Maurice felt as if his heart was being grilled on a fire.

He silently prayed that Eliana could have the strength to hold on until she was found. She had to stay safe until then.

The moment Maurice arrived at the company, he saw Corbin waiting anxiously for him downstairs at the entrance of the building. Corbin had already gotten a call from Maurice earlier, asking him to get some firefighters to open the door.

Maurice got off the car and began striding towards Corbin in one swift motion. “How’s it going?”

The two of them entered the building together. Inside, the space was shrouded in pitch black darkness.

“Why are the lights off?” Maurice asked anxiously.

“Mr. Moran, the building is under maintenance, so power can’t be restored for the time being. We can only get someone to launch the emergency power. But…”

Corbin paused hesitantly, going pale.

“But what?” Maurice’s eyes narrowed. He could feel his heart leap to his throat.

“If we launch the emergency power, the elevator will either rise or fall rapidly. We have to get Eliana out first, but…”

“Just spit it out. What’s the problem?” Maurice was skirting on the edge of losing his temper.

“Mr. Moran, we still haven’t been able to identify which floor Eliana is on yet.”

Corbin lowered his head, feeling guilty.

“Then let’s search floor by floor.”

Maurice clenched his fists and stood straight like a mountain, without the slightest hint of trembling.

Corbin had been awed by Maurice’s unassailable demeanor countless time, but now, he felt like Maurice was bravely standing his ground on the edge of a cliff even though one wrong step would lead to his fall in an abyss.

Without the slightest fear or hesitation, Maurice followed the rescue team into the elevator shaft and searched floor by floor.

“Eliana! Eliana!”

She was not on this floor, nor was she on the next…

Every single time, Maurice’s hopes rose only to crash back down again.

‘Where on earth is Eliana? Is she hurt?’

Maurice desperately shouted her name again and again, but there was no response. In the quiet corridor, the only thing he could hear was his breath getting heavier and heavier. He felt like he had

fallen into a sinkhole, grasping at a branch to hold onto.

Panic surged through Maurice like a tide, suffocating him. This was the first time in his life that he had truly felt fear. He was afraid of losing Eliana like this.

Meanwhile, in the stuffy elevator, a petite figure was curled up on the floor.

The elevator had jerked to a sudden stop and been stuck at this place ever since.

In the dark, infinite fear overwhelmed Eliana. All the news headlines about elevator accidents she had seen flooded her mind at once.

‘Am I going to die here?’

At that thought, a terrible chill rose in her heart, and she hugged herself tightly.

In her wild panic, she began to make blind and disorderly conjectures. If she died, what would happen to Aileen and Adrian?

Eliana couldn’t imagine how the children would react when they saw her dead body.

‘No way! I can’t die like this. I should at least… leave something for my loved ones.’

Eliana hadn’t dared to turn on her phone before, because it was dangerously close to running out of battery, but at this moment, she finally took it out. These could be the last moments of her life. She had to hurry up and use them wisely. At the very least, she wanted to record… her last words.

“Aileen and Adrian, when you hear this recording, I might have left you. But don’t be sad for too long. Remember to grow up happily and do everything you like. I won’t ask you to become rich or powerful. All I want for you is to be safe, happy, and healthy. Nana, don’t cry too hard. You are the one I trust

most in this world. I know that you’ll take good care of my two children. I will bless you all the time in heaven. And… Preston, I shouldn’t have been so mean to you. You are a good man.”

At this point, the battery on Eliana’s phone had almost run out. There were only a few important people in Eliana’s life, and she had addressed all of them…except one.


At the thought of him, a bittersweet feeling came over Eliana. Now, under the premise that she would die in this elevator, all the feelings that she had suppressed until now exploded to the surface.

“Maurice, I have something to tell you. I…”

Just as Eliana began speaking, a familiar voice shouted from above.


Hearing that, Eliana frowned. Was she so absorbed in her thoughts of Maurice that she was now even hearing his voice?

“Eliana! I heard your voice. Save your energy. Don’t talk nonsense at this time.” novelbin

This time, Eliana knew that she wasn’t just imagining things. Maurice was here!


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