The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 288

Chapter 288

Chapter 288

Eliana got off work early and went to the kindergarten to pick up the children. Aileen, Adrian, and Silas walked out of school hand in hand.


Aileen’s and Adrian’s eyes lit up as they trotted into Eliana’s arms.

“I’m sorry to trouble you, Eliana.”

Silas walked over with a shy look on his face.

Eliana let go of her two children and reached out to touch Silas’ soft hair.

“What are you talking about, Silas? There’s no trouble. I’m happy to welcome you to our home today.”

“Me, too. I like Silas the most.”

Aileen was in a good mood. She held Eliana’s hand with one hand and Silas’ with the other.

However, Adrian, who was ignored, suddenly chimed in, “So does that mean that you like Silas more than you like me, Aileen?”

“Of course not. You’re my brother. You’re always going to be number one in my heart.”

Aileen’s words were as sweet as her appearance.

Eliana, Adrian, and Silas were all amused by Aileen. Their walk home was full of laughter.

But as they walked, Eliana felt that something was off.

She felt like she was being followed and watched again. For a moment, she caught the sound of a camera shutter.

Eliana stopped walking and looked around cautiously.

All of a sudden, she got a glimpse of someone behind them not far away.

She didn’t recognize the man.

Eliana immediately pulled the three children behind her to protect them. She waited for the strange man to show himself again.

Aileen raised her head and asked in confusion, “What’s wrong, Mommy?”

Silas was also keenly aware that something was wrong.

He held Eliana’s hand and said in a low voice, “Don’t worry, Miss Pierce. My bodyguards will take care of it.”

Silas had found himself in a similar situation so many times before that he had gotten used to it. It was one of the reasons he was constantly surrounded by his security detail.

He subtly informed his bodyguards to look for the man that was stalking them.

Hearing what Silas said, Eliana felt a little relieved.

To make sure that the children were safe, she led them to an isolated street corner and waited there for Silas’ bodyguards to come.

Soon, Silas’ three bodyguards came with the stalker who was very well-dressed for his job.

He had on a brown windbreaker, a pair of black sunglasses, and a hat. He had his camera around his neck on a thick nylon strap.

“Sir, this man has been following you and taking photos of you and your friends.”

The bodyguards pushed the man towards Eliana. His eyes were full of panic that he tried to break free from the bodyguards.

“What are you going to do with me? Don’t you know it’s illegal to drag people away against their will?” he hissed in a condescending tone.

“Illegal?” Eliana sneered. “What about stalking people and secretly taking photos of them? Is that legal?”

“I wasn’t stalking you or taking photos of you. Don’t talk nonsense!” The man was still quibbling.

“Why were you following me and the children and taking our photos?” Eliana snapped.

“Are these three all your children?” the man asked in surprise.

Silas’ eyes darkened, and he lowered his head.

The next second, Eliana stood in front of the three children.

“Yes, they are, and I don’t appreciate you following us around and photographing us!”

The bodyguards forcibly took away the man’s camera and mobile phone.

“Call your employer.”


The man looked hesitant at first, but looking at the three hulking bodyguards surrounding him, he gave in and dialed a number.

A woman answered the call.

“Why are you calling me at this time? Have you finished what I paid you to do?”

That voice… Why did it sound so familiar?

“Who are you? Why did you have us followed?” Eliana suddenly asked, startling Harriet, who was on the other end of the line.

Damn it!

Harriet immediately hung up.

Frowning, Eliana tried to remember the woman who owned that voice, but she came up empty. She was convinced that she had heard that voice before.

Did it really belong to someone she’d already met?

In the end, Eliana spoke with Silas and his bodyguards, and they all agreed that one of the bodyguards took the stalker to the police station while the other two escorted Eliana and the children home.

The entire trip to the police station, the stalker kept his head down as if he had already accepted his fate.

But unknown to anyone, he’d secretly stowed away something in his windbreaker before Silas’ bodyguards got a hold of his camera.

The man had been in the game for a very long time and had acquired some unique skills. He might have gotten caught, but he was able to get a film out of his camera, which he would develop into a photo and hand over to his employer.

After the incident with the stalker, Eliana picked up the pace on their way home.

Fortunately, the three children seemed to be unaffected by the commotion. Not long after they arrived home, they all played happily in the living room with the dog.

Eliana was relieved to see so.

Time passed quickly, and soon, it was already late.

Eliana looked up at the clock for the third time. She was beginning to get worried.

Where was Nana? Why hadn’t she come home yet?


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