The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

It was late at night and the three children in Eliana’s house were tired after playing for a long while and had fallen asleep. But Eliana was still up.

Nana hadn’t return home yet, which made Eliana so worried that she found it hard to sleep.

Finally, when it was eleven o’clock, there was a slight rattle at the door and someone came in.

Eliana quickly walked over to turn on the living room light and a sneaky figure appeared.

It was Nana who had returned.

“Eliana, you’re still awake?”

Nana, hunched over, had intended to enter quietly but was caught in the act by Eliana.

With a straight face, Eliana was just about to interrogate Nana when she suddenly noticed that Nana’s eyes seemed swollen.

She couldn’t care less about what she was going to ask and cupped Nana’s face, asking urgently, “Nana, why are your eyes swollen? Did you cry? Did someone bully you?”

At that point, Nana knew she couldn’t hide it from Eliana.

She sighed, pondered for a moment, choosing to tell the truth.

“Eliana, I met… Huey today.”

“Huey! That scum of your ex-fiance!” With her mouth agape, Eliana looked Nana up and down. “Nana, are you okay? Was that scum bothering you?”

“It’s alright. Someone has helped me out.”

Instantly, Nana recalled the scene where Corbin shielded her behind him.

Helplessly, her cheeks flushed red.

Eliana looked at Nana’s flushed face, noticing something.

She must have fallen in love with someone else.

Understanding, Eliana didn’t ask any further.

They both washed up and prepared for bed. Suddenly, something occurred to Eliana.

Tomorrow was weekend, which was also the day she agreed to meet up with Ethan.

She went to Nana’s room and told the sleepy Nana, “Nana, I have something to do tomorrow. Can you help me take care of the children for a day with Kimora?”

“What’s wrong? Isn’t tomorrow weekend?” Nana rubbed her eyes, trying to keep her spirits up.

“Have you forgotten? Ethan, Hodge’s son, wants to meet with me tomorrow.” novelbin

It was then that it reoccurred to Nana, but after giving it some thought, she still felt uneasy deep down.

“Eliana, how about you don’t go? I feel it’s dangerous.”

“It’s okay. I’m just going to get the document about the Pierce Group. Nothing will go wrong.”

Eliana seemed so determined that she couldn’t be persuaded. In the end, Nana couldn’t resist the drowsiness and finally gave in to sleep.


Eliana was still talking just to realize that Nana had fallen asleep. With a helpless smile, Eliana tucked her in and walked out quietly.

The next day, Eliana was on time for the appointment. The cafe they were meeting happened to be the place she and Hodge had met the last time.

When she arrived, Ethan was already there, waiting for a long time.

It was obvious that things had been rough for Ethan lately. He was wearing a camel-colored coat and a white shirt inside. The clothes looked untidy with dirt and dust, as if he had been wearing them for a few days. His face looked worn out and there were dark circles under his eyes. His beard hadn’t been shaved for a few days. In a nutshell, he looked completely downcast.

Maybe he had been pressured hard by Hodge’s creditors.

Eliana sat opposite Ethan, looking as usual.

“Here you are, Eliana.” This time, Ethan was very gentle. “I have ordered coffee for you. Let’s talk over a drink. I apologize for what happened the last time. I was just so angry, and I regretted it when I calmed down. I grew up under the watch of your parents. I remember them hugging me as a child. At that time, I attended your first birthday…” Ethan’s voice trailed off as he looked totally remorseful.

When Eliana heard him mention the past, her expression gradually softened, and she was not so resistant to Ethan.

“Now that I’m here, where is the information you said you’d get?”

Not forgetting the main purpose of this meeting, Eliana asked Ethan for the Pierce Group’s information.

“Look at me, I’ve been so caught up in the conversation that I almost forgot.” He took out a paper bag from behind. “Here, this is the information you asked for.”

Eliana was so excited that she took the bag, so eager to open it.

To her surprise, as soon as she opened the bag to take out the document, her finger suddenly hurt as if it had been stabbed by a sharp object.

Eliana took a closer look, just to see a slender long needle in the bag.

What was going on?

Before she could react, her head had begun to spin.

Instantly, the whole world spun before Eliana’s eyes and the second before she passed out, she saw a sinister smile on Ethan’s face.


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