The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 308

Chapter 308

Chapter 308

Wyatt called Maurice, but he couldn’t get through. At last, he had to give up for the time being.

Although he didn’t say it, he was still anxious about the fact that Nicole was the Internet’s top search right now because she protected Eliana.

Deep in his heart, he still cared about Nicole and didn’t want anything to happen to her.

As a result, Wyatt was absentminded during the interview.

Rosalie sat beside him, took the interview document, and asked, “What do you think of the chef just now, boss?” She waited for Wyatt to reply. “Boss?”

“What? I’m sorry, Rosalie. I didn’t hear you clearly just now. What did you say?”

Wyatt smiled awkwardly.

Rosalie sighed. She knew what was on Wyatt’s mind.

She pointed out directly, “You don’t have to hold back, you know? I’ve seen the news. If you’re worried about her, Wyatt, just pick up your phone and call her.”

“I’m not worried about Nicole!” Wyatt snapped defensively.

“Nicole? Who said anything about Nicole? I didn’t say anything about her. Why are you in such a hurry to mention her?”

Rosalie grinned.

“You really misunderstand me, Rosalie. I’m just worried about Eliana, okay? I couldn’t get through to Maurice. Such a big thing happened, but I haven’t heard from him. Maybe the news hasn’t reached him.” Wyatt was still quibbling.

“I know, but if you’re worried about Eliana, you can just call Nicole and ask about her.”

This time, Wyatt fell silent.

Rosalie’s suggestion satisfied him. That way, he had an excuse to talk to Nicole while checking on Eliana. It was a genius idea.

After thinking for a while, Wyatt took out his phone and called Nicole. He emphasized, “I’m doing this for my buddy’s woman.”

He didn’t mean any of the words he just uttered. Although he was desperately nervous, he still pretended to be calm.

Rosalie snickered in her heart, wondering when Nicole and Wyatt would get back together.

The line soon connected.

Nicole, who was resting at home, was shocked when she saw Wyatt’s name on her phone screen. She thought that after what happened when they saw each other last time, he wouldn’t want to have anything to do with her ever again.

“Wyatt? Why are you calling?”

A little expectation rose in Nicole’s heart.

Wyatt replied in a low voice, “I saw the news. I don’t have Eliana’s phone number, so I want to ask you how she is now.”

It turned out that he called to check on Eliana.

Nicole suddenly remembered that Eliana had worked in Wyatt’s restaurant before.

Why did Wyatt care so much about Eliana? Was it because he had a thing for her?

Enduring the sudden sadness in her heart, Nicole answered calmly, “Don’t worry. Eliana is also my friend. I will try my best to help her get through this difficulty.”

Did she misunderstand something?

Wyatt frowned. He was about to ask about Nicole, but he swallowed his words.

Neither of the two spoke for a while. After a suffocating silence, Wyatt quickly said goodbye and hung up.

After a long time, Nicole put down her phone. She felt as if she’d just woken up from a heartbreaking dream. She put on a blank expression.

Seeing Nicole brooding again, Esteban couldn’t help worrying.

“Who called you just now?”

“Wyatt,” Nicole whispered as she came back to her senses.

“Really? Wyatt?” Esteban exclaimed.

He hadn’t been Nicole’s agent until she was about to become famous, so he didn’t know much about her early years. novelbin

After he felt that something was wrong between Nicole and Wyatt on the red carpet last time, he had Nicole’s past investigated.

There was no secret in the entertainment circle. Esteban knew everything now.

“Are you okay?”

Nicole didn’t want to hide this matter from Esteban for the rest of her life. She smiled bitterly and said, “I’m fine. It’s just that I just found out that Wyatt already has eyes for someone else. Anyway… I’ll be okay. Just not today. I chose to give up on him, didn’t I? Besides, I knew that he was going to fall for someone else eventually. I just didn’t expect that it’d be this painful.”

Even though he wanted to, Esteban didn’t comfort Nicole. He knew that people like her didn’t appreciate being pitied.

She would rather sit quietly in a corner and lick her wounds until she felt like herself again.

After meeting with Erica, Eliana rushed back home.

However, as soon as she arrived, she found a massive swarm of reporters crowding the entrance to her building.

Damn it! They were all waiting for her to come home.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, Eliana raised her bag to cover her face and blended in with the sea of onlookers who were trying to find out what was going on. It seemed that the neighbors also wanted in on the action.

Eliana’s heart pounded against her chest. What was she to do now?


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