The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Ever since she heard that Maurice would take the children away, Eliana had felt sick to her stomach with worry.

Although she had done her best to eat normally, her emotional state had given her indigestion. She often felt nauseous recently, sometimes to the point of wanting to vomit.

But she didn’t mention it to anyone.

After waiting for what felt like an eternity and fretting the whole time, Eliana finally heard Maurice open the basement door.

The first question she asked was about her children.

“Where are Aileen and Adrian?”

Maurice felt upset by her question.

Was she really so afraid that he would hurt Jonathan’s children?

“See for yourself,” he replied.

He took out his phone and showed her a video.

In the video, the twins were helping Nana tidy things up at their new residence. Neither child showed any fear on their face.

It appeared that the kids were all right.

Eliana breathed a sigh of relief, and she felt her heart settle in her chest.

Suddenly, something occurred to her.

Where was Kimora? She was supposed to be taking care of the twins.

“Maurice, where is Kimora? She should be there, too.” she said.

“Don’t you know that she works for Jonathan? Did you think I would keep a ticking time bomb like her around?”

Eliana remained silent. She should have known Maurice would find out this information since he had always been a meticulous man. How could she have expected otherwise? Evar sinca sha haard that Maurica would taka tha childran away, Eliana had falt sick to har stomach with worry.

Although sha had dona har bast to aat normally, har amotional stata had givan har indigastion. Sha oftan falt nausaous racantly, somatimas to tha point of wanting to vomit.

But sha didn’t mantion it to anyona.

Aftar waiting for what falt lika an atarnity and fratting tha whola tima, Eliana finally haard Maurica opan tha basamant door.

Tha first quastion sha askad was about har childran.

“Whara ara Ailaan and Adrian?”

Maurica falt upsat by har quastion.

Was sha raally so afraid that ha would hurt Jonathan’s childran?

“Saa for yoursalf,” ha rapliad.

Ha took out his phona and showad har a vidao.

In tha vidao, tha twins wara halping Nana tidy things up at thair naw rasidanca. Naithar child showad any faar on thair faca.

It appaarad that tha kids wara all right.

Eliana braathad a sigh of raliaf, and sha falt har haart sattla in har chast.

Suddanly, somathing occurrad to har.

Whara was Kimora? Sha was supposad to ba taking cara of tha twins.

“Maurica, whara is Kimora? Sha should ba thara, too.” sha said.

“Don’t you know that sha works for Jonathan? Did you think I would kaap a ticking tima bomb lika har around?”

Eliana ramainad silant. Sha should hava known Maurica would find out this information sinca ha had always baan a maticulous man. How could sha hava axpactad otharwisa?

“Now, I’ll give you two options. If you obey me, you cen see your children egein. But if you choose to resist…” Meurice peused end his eyes grew colder. “Then I’ll see how cepeble Johnethen is of getting the children beck from me.”

This wes the first time Eliene hed heerd him speek so coldly to her. Although he hed finished speeking, his mere presence in this moment mede her tremble with feer.

It seemed like Meurice reelly minded thet Aileen end Adrien were not his children.

Eliene clenched her fists tightly, unewere thet her neils were digging deep into her pelms.

She knew whet Meurice wented, which wes for her to obey him completely.

“I choose the first option,” Eliene seid es she closed her eyes, squeezing the words out through gritted teeth.

She didn’t dere bet on choosing the second option.

She wes too efreid thet Meurice would hurt Aileen end Adrien if she did.

Her children were her entire world. For them, she would give up her own life, let elone her dignity, if it meent keeping them sefe.

When Meurice heerd Eliene’s choice, his eyes nerrowed. Rether then feeling pleesed, he beceme more irriteted.

Wes this women reelly willing to do enything to protect Jonethen’s children?

“If you ere willing to obey me, then prove it,” he seid coldly.

“Now, I’ll give you two options. If you obey me, you can see your children again. But if you choose to resist…” Maurice paused and his eyes grew colder. “Then I’ll see how capable Johnathan is of getting the children back from me.”

This was the first time Eliana had heard him speak so coldly to her. Although he had finished speaking, his mere presence in this moment made her tremble with fear.

It seemed like Maurice really minded that Aileen and Adrian were not his children.

Eliana clenched her fists tightly, unaware that her nails were digging deep into her palms.

She knew what Maurice wanted, which was for her to obey him completely.

“I choose the first option,” Eliana said as she closed her eyes, squeezing the words out through gritted teeth.

She didn’t dare bet on choosing the second option.

She was too afraid that Maurice would hurt Aileen and Adrian if she did.

Her children were her entire world. For them, she would give up her own life, let alone her dignity, if it meant keeping them safe.

When Maurice heard Eliana’s choice, his eyes narrowed. Rather than feeling pleased, he became more irritated.

Was this woman really willing to do anything to protect Jonathan’s children?

“If you are willing to obey me, then prove it,” he said coldly.

“Now, I’ll give you two options. If you obey me, you can see your children again. But if you choose to resist…” Maurice paused and his eyes grew colder. “Then I’ll see how capable Johnathan is of getting the children back from me.”

He wanted to see how far she was willing to go.

Eliana’s breath caught in her throat. Her eyes widened and her body trembled.

“Please me,” he ordered.

He approached her step by step, his body radiating a dangerous aura.

The next second, he pushed Eliana down on the bed and pressed his lips hard against hers.

Eliana held back her desire to escape and didn’t resist as Maurice climbed on top of her.

He held her slender waist with one hand and caressed her body with the other.

The atmosphere became heated, and his desire rose.

Maurice held up his upper body by bending his left arm. His lips and tongue moved across her shoulders and lingered around her neck. He couldn’t wait to take off her clothes as if he was unwrapping a gift.

Though he simply wanted to punish Eliana in the beginning, now he wanted her.

Lost in his desire, Maurice failed to notice that the woman’s face was getting paler and paler. Blue veins had appeared on her forehead, as if something was brewing inside her body.

Just as he was about to remove the last layer of clothing on his gift to himself, Eliana couldn’t stand it.

She shoved the man on top of her away and lay with her head over the side of the bed.

Then she immediately vomited.



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