The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

A dejecting sensation lingered in Harriet’s heart.

She felt like she had shot herself in the foot and dug her own grave.

Wanting to escape Maurice’s wrath, Harriet smiled faintly and reasoned, “I didn’t know that Eliana and Cheryl weren’t on good terms, Mr. Moran. Eliana’s performance is outstanding, so I assigned that important case to her. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have done it.”

But then, no matter how convincing Harriet’s explanation sounded, it only appeared like a poor excuse to Maurice.

“I’ve looked into this thoroughly, and I knew we could have refused Cheryl’s case. Besides, we’ve already designed a pierce of perfect jewelry for Nicole who is also famous actress, so Moran Group didn’t need Cheryl’s case at all. Miss Stone, do I really need to remind you of these things considering you are the head of the Design Department of Moran Group? Or did you do this on purpose?”

Maurice probed as he gave Harriet a piercing look.

“Of course not! Please, believe me, Mr. Moran. I have high respect for Eliana, and I consider her a friend. I would never do such a thing to her!” Harriet defensively explained before bursting into tears. Her voice trembled as if she had been significantly mistreated.

Maurice’s ears, on the contrary, tingled upon hearing Harriet’s stifled cry. If there was one thing he hated more than anything else, it was watching a woman cry in front of him.

Even though the suspicion in his heart remained the same, he could no longer put up with her exaggerated pretense. All he wanted to do now was stop her from crying.

“Stop crying,” Maurice commented with a frown.

He wasn’t much of a patient person, and God knew how hard-hearted he could be to kick Harriet out if she wouldn’t stop crying.

With that, Harriet fell silent for a second.

Was Maurice caring about me? He still has a soft side to me. She inwardly thought.

Not long after, Harriet calmed down and apologized, saying, “I’m sorry, Mr. Moran. I got carried away by my emotions.”

Then, she forced a smile to stop herself from letting out a long list of profanities.

Erica and Cheryl weren’t really thinking! I didn’t know they were as dumb as this! She inwardly exclaimed, unable to suppress her annoyance with her two allies.

Harriet believed that her plan was flawless. She thought that if only Erica and Cheryl had followed their original plan, they would’ve quickly put Eliana in a hopeless situation.

However, the two went by themselves and made a lot of mistakes. In the end, Harriet’s efforts went in vain.

Erica almost even betrayed her shamelessly.

Fortunately, Erica’s husband, Asher, felt embarrassed by his wife’s actions and claimed she was mentally ill. He even went as far as intending to take her to a psychiatric hospital, after which no one believed her statements.

If it weren’t because of him, Harriett would undoubtedly have been implicated too.

“Since I have reported everything to you, Mr. Moran, could I excuse myself now? If you do not have any other orders, I will go back to the Design Department first,” Harriet politely said.

After that, she left Maurice’s office with a faint smile.

Harriet’s expression instantly changed as soon as she went out. The smile on her lips faded, and the light in her eyes evaporated.

Her assistant, on the other hand, immediately approached her when she returned to the Design Department.

“Miss Stone, I was wondering if Eliana got fired because she hasn’t come to work for a long time. Should we still keep her position?” the assistant asked.

“No need,” Harriet replied.

The assistant’s eyes glimmered in delight upon hearing what her boss said. “Really?! Was Eliana fired for good?”

Hearing that, Harriet sneered and complacently said, “It doesn’t matter whether she has been fired or not. In any case, she won’t come back.”

Harriet didn’t know if Eliana got fired for real. However, she was confident that the latter wouldn’t have the face to show up again after what happened.

“You’re truly something, Miss Stone!” Harriet’s assistant praised. Then, she stood straight and determinedly said, “Well, I will ask someone to clean up her desk right away!”

Unable to wait for help, Harriet’s assistant personally prepared to clean up Eliana’s desk. When the rest of the Design Department’s staff saw what she was trying to do, they immediately concluded that Eliana would no longer come back. Intrigued, some of them even gathered around to watch what was happening.

However, Maurice sent someone over just before the assistant could touch anything on Eliana’s desk.

“Miss Stone,” the manager of the Personnel Department called.

“Yes? What can I do for you?” Harriet asked in a good mood.

Not wanting to beat around the bush, the manager smiled suggestively and said, “Nothing. I just came to inform you that Mr. Moran strictly forbids anyone from touching Eliana’s belongings. He said she wouldn’t be able to report to work in the meantime, but he wants to keep all her things until she comes back.”

Harriet’s smile dissipated into thin air. She almost lost her composure.

Even her assistant froze on her spot for a moment.

What they heard was like a slap in their faces. A slap, which didn’t literally transpire but hurt severely like one.


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