The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 346

Chapter 346

Chapter 346

When Eliana looked in the direction where the voice came from, she found it was Asher.

Why is he here? She thought in confusion.

It had been a long time since they last saw each other. And she could tell that he was not as energetic as before.

At this moment, his clothes were disheveled; his hair was messy, and there were dark circles under his eyes. His whole body reeked of alcohol. There was no trace of an elite businessman in him now. He was more like a terrible gambler or drunkard.

The middle-aged woman looked at Asher with confusion written all over her face.

Something seemed wrong.

How could there be another character in the scene? Wyatt didn’t mention this to her.

She suddenly didn’t know what to do.

The middle-aged woman and the bodyguards exchanged glances and tacitly retreated in silence.

In front of the astonished crowd, Asher staggered to Eliana.

Upon seeing this, Maurice immediately stood in front of Eliana to protect her.

His eyes were fixed on Asher.

However, Asher just turned a blind eye to Maurice.

It seemed that he didn’t see anyone else around him except Eliana. He begged, “Eliana, I know I was wrong. But please, give me another chance. Let’s start over again.”

Eliana sneered, “Another chance? You expect me to give a scumbag who betrayed me another chance? You must be kidding me!”

Asher’s eyes were bloodshot. He looked like a lunatic. “Eliana, don’t worry. I’ve already avenged you. I punished Erica and sent her to a mental hospital.”

Erica was sent to a mental hospital!

Eliana froze for a moment, and her heart skipped a beat. She was once again shocked by the ruthlessness of the man in front of her.

However, Asher didn’t notice the disgust in her eyes at all. He continued, “I didn’t believe a single word that mad woman said before. She said that the father of your children was not the gigolo. But…”

“Shut up!” Eliana interrupted fiercely. At this critical moment, she couldn’t let him continue. “Asher, let go of the past and forget about me. The moment you betrayed me, we were destined never to be together.”

As her secret was about to be exposed just now, Eliana’s eyes widened, and cold sweat trickled down her face.

She thought she was doomed this time. Fortunately, she interrupted Asher in time.

Asher was stunned by Eliana’s roar. Then anger, aggravated by his drunkenness, surged up in his heart. His face became extremely ferocious, and his eyes flashed with madness.

“You know what? I have nothing now, Eliana. The Harrison Group is gone. Maurice destroyed it overnight.”

Eliana was utterly shocked.

Did Maurice really destroy the Harrison Group?

She looked at Maurice in astonishment. She had no idea about what had happened.

Eliana couldn’t help wondering if Maurice did it for her.

Different kinds of emotions welled up in her heart.

“What? Are you going to blame me for a scumbag?”

Maurice looked at Eliana with eyes as deep as an unfathomable pond.

There was a complicated look on Eliana’s face. Although she really hoped that Asher and Erica would get the punishment they deserved, she never thought of destroying their company. Wasn’t it too much?

“That’s not what I mean,” Eliana said, shaking her head. “I just think it’s unnecessary for you to destroy the Harrison Group for me.”

Maurice sneered, “Don’t flatter yourself too much. Do you really think I destroyed the Harrison Group for you? I was not so bored.”

He didn’t bother to explain anything. Instead, he turned around and left.

Feeling that she had said something wrong, Eliana followed him out remorsefully.

“Hey, wait for me!”

“Eliana, where are you going?” Asher called out.

But Eliana just ignored him, so he could do nothing but watch her run away. She didn’t even spare him a glance. Her only concern was to catch up with the gigolo.

He didn’t understand why.

He couldn’t compare with Maurice. And now, he couldn’t even compare with a gigolo either. Eliana even expressed her love to the gigolo in public.

Asher clenched his fists tightly, and blue veins protruded on his forehead. The flame of jealousy flared up in his chest.

The excessive alcohol eroded his sanity, making him rush like a mad man in the direction where Maurice had left.

He wanted to teach that gigolo a lesson.

That gigolo must know that no one else could have Eliana except him.


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