The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 364

Chapter 364

Chapter 364

Since Eliana was being forced to go on a business trip for a few days, she went back to her room and reluctantly packed up for the trip after having dinner.

While she was packing, Nana walked into the room.

Taking a look at the luggage on the floor, Nana raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Are you going somewhere, Eliana?”

Putting down the clothes in her hands, Eliana let out a sigh. “Unfortunately. I have to go on a business trip with Maurice for a few days.”

Nana’s eyes instantly lit up in excitement.

Why did she sense that something saucy was about to happen on this trip?

“Be honest, Eliana. Are you and Maurice going on a vacation together in the name of work?” Nana teased, playfully nudging Eliana.

“Don’t talk nonsense. Maurice has a new woman now. It’s impossible for us to be together. He’s just keeping me around as his secret lover or something.”

When Eliana spoke, she maintained a calm expression, expertly concealing the trace of loneliness in her eyes.

However, Nana didn’t buy it at all.

Maurice just kept Eliana around as his secret lover?

No way!

Not only was Maurice the CEO of the Moran Group, but he was also extremely good-looking with a distinguished family background to match. He had countless women lining up for a chance to date him. If he didn’t have feelings for Eliana, why would he do so much for her?

It seemed that Eliana was too close to the issue to see it clearly.

“Eliana, don’t be in a hurry to distance yourself from Maurice. To me, he doesn’t come across as a fickle man. Since he spent so much time and effort chasing you, his feelings for you must be sincere,” Nana pointed out.

At these words, Eliana’s heart trembled, and her firm mind wavered a little.

But her happiness was momentary. The very next second, those words she had heard in the meeting room today about how Maurice and Harriet were a perfect match, as well as Leif’s advice, echoed in her ears like a grim warning.

Trying her best to suppress any shred of hope she had left, Eliana smiled bitterly. “Nana, Maurice is not such a good man like you think.”

Nana shook her head. “Eliana, I think that as a third person, I’m able to see what’s going on more clearly than you are. In this life, not everyone is lucky enough to meet their true love. If you have the chance, don’t miss it. Don’t be like me. I have no idea where my true love is. Besides, I’m in a lot of trouble now.”

“Trouble?” Eliana asked in surprise.

Nana pursed her lips in displeasure. “Yes. I have an appointment with Huey and Rosamond tomorrow.”

“Huey and Rosamond want to see you?” Suspicion arose within Eliana’s heart at once. “Are they plotting something? How about I go with you?”

Nana waved away Eliana’s suggestion, and a playful smirk appeared on her face. “You don’t have to accompany me. Instead, let me borrow Aileen and Adrian. I don’t believe that Huey and Rosamond will have the nerve to badger me when they see me with the children.”

Hearing that, Eliana didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. “Fine, but tell me where you’re meeting them.”

Nana frowned as she tried to recall the exact name of the appointed meeting place. “I think it’s called Moon Lake?”

“Moon Lake Manor?” Eliana gasped.

“Yes, Moon Lake Manor. Is there something wrong?”

“That’s where Maurice and I are going. What’s wrong with these people? Don’t they have anything better to do than gather together?”

All of a sudden, Eliana had a bad feeling about the business trip. She knew that it would not be a peaceful one.

Nana, too, scratched her head irritably.

Who knew what would happen when all these troublesome people gathered in one place?

The two women looked at each other, with worry clear in their eyes.

“Ugh, forget it!” Nana said, groaning. “We can’t afford to offend any of these big families. Let’s just play by ear and split up tomorrow.”

Eliana frowned, but she nodded. “That’s all we can do.”

After discussing it for a long time, the two women still couldn’t come up with a solid plan. In the end, it was time for Nana to leave.

But before she left, she secretly slipped something into Eliana’s luggage when Eliana was not looking.

Early the next morning, a car sent by Maurice arrived at the gate of the Pierce family’s house to pick up Eliana.

Dragging her luggage behind her, Eliana reluctantly got into the car.

Then, in a second car, Nana left the house with the twins.

On that bright morning, these two cars drove to the Moon Lake Manor one after the other.


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