The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 408

Chapter 408

Chapter 408

Maurice casually walked outside to welcome Earle in person. His grandfather often demanded his full attention when he was around. Corbin followed closely from behind with an apprehensive look on his face.

When they saw that Harriet got off the car with Earle, they both frowned at the same time. It was the last thing they expected.

“Grandpa, what a surprise. What brings you here?” Maurice asked in a low voice.

Earle snorted with a long face. “You call me grandpa, yet you still ask why I’m here. Silly boy, I came because of you!”

“What do you want to talk about?”

Maurice furrowed his eyebrows and pretended to be confused.

“Oh, you have no idea whatsoever?” Earle hit the ground heavily with his cane. “Let me ask you, as the owner of the Moon Lake Manor, how can you leave such a beautiful and elegant woman like Harriet alone in the manor after the banquet? Your inconsiderate actions don’t speak well about our family!”

“Sir, it’s not fair to reprimand Mr. Moran for leaving me. Perhaps he really did have something urgent to deal with.”

Holding Earle’s arm, Harriet looked very sincere and respectful.

Maurice narrowed his eyes and felt his hatred for her grow even more.

Hearing her words, Earle lost his temper as Maurice expected.

“Don’t try to fool me, boy. You did it for that shameless tramp, didn’t you? I bet you took Eliana to the manor as well. How could you leave a fine woman like Harriet for her? Eliana is here right now, isn’t she? Answer me!”

Maurice stared at his grandfather defiantly and remained silent.

The more Earle thought about it, the more he felt that he was right. Receiving no reply from Maurice, he turned his attention to Corbin and gritted his teeth. “Tell me the truth this instant.”

Corbin gulped anxiously but lowered his head and remained silent, staying loyal to his boss.

“Oh, what do we have here? I enjoy a challenge. Let’s see how tough you really are.” Earle laughed maniacally and shouted, “Tell me the truth now, or I will banish you from the Moran Group!”

Under the mounting pressure, Corbin was sweating profusely, but he still kept his mouth shut.

“You’re just as stubborn as my grandson! If neither of you will answer me, then I will go look for her myself!”

Earle stomped forward and was about to push the door open.

Maurice quickly blocked his path and explained, “Grandpa, you overthink things too much. I simply took Eliana there on a business trip.”

It was all Earle needed to hear. He was now sure that Eliana was indeed here.

Earle was pissed and berated his grandson. “Maurice, you are a Moran, my own flesh and blood. Why do you always protect that outsider? Are you going to turn your back on your family and throw everything away for that woman?”

Harriet hurried beside him to ease the tension. “Mr. Moran, it’s bad for your health when you lose your temper. I’m sure Maurice won’t disrespect you for an outsider.”

Harriet’s kind words made Earle like her more. In his eyes, she was the most suitable woman for his grandson.

An idea suddenly entered his mind. He cleared his throat and called for everyone’s attention. “From this day forth, Miss Stone will be staying here in the residence.”

“Oh, Mr. Moran. That’s so kind of you. But are you sure that will be alright?”

Harriet feigned concern and shyness in her voice, but the excitement in her eyes gave her true feelings away.

“Of course! My dear, you are most welcome here. Besides, you will marry Maurice someday, so it only makes sense that you get used to living here sooner.”

Earle beamed at Harriet with immense satisfaction. In his heart, only a daughter from an eminent family with a good character like Harriet deserved to marry into the Moran family.

Maurice’s face immediately darkened. When he was about to challenge his grandfather’s decision, Harriet quickly agreed, “In that case, it would be my greatest pleasure. Thank you so much, Mr. Moran.”

Harriet was overjoyed. This meant she was one step closer to achieving her goal of marrying into the Moran family. Everything she had done was worth it, and it was only a matter of time until she finally had Maurice to herself.

As long as Earle was in Harriet’s corner, Eliana would soon be out of the picture.

Smiling sweetly, Harriet turned up her charm. She held Earle’s hand and batted her eyelashes. “Mr. Moran, can I have a big bedroom then?”

“Of course. Anything for you.”

Earle patted her hand fondly and walked ahead inside the villa, quite pleased with the situation.

Before Harriet could follow inside, Maurice grabbed her arm and asked in a low voice, “What on earth do you think you’re doing?”

With a triumphant look on her face, Harriet chuckled lightly and said, “Mr. Moran, if Eliana could stay here, then so should I. Besides, do you really want to go against your grandpa?”

She withdrew her arm from Maurice’s grip and caught up with Earle.

“Mr. Moran, wait for me! I’m so excited to tour this place.”

All the while, Eliana had been watching from the bedroom upstairs. She saw them coming in and didn’t know what to do.

The sound of footsteps outside was getting closer by the second, and Eliana was starting to panic.

It was no secret that Earle loathed her so much.

If he found out she was here, then it would be a disaster. Eliana would definitely be humiliated and suffer grave consequences.


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